Anyone else weigh at home on a thursday- wanna post?

Evening ladies! Hope ur all having a fab week, good luck for tomorrow, I'm routing for you all.

Glad to see you all back here, got a bit lonely for a while and our lovely pebbles put the fear of god into me dropping off the face of the earth over the weekend, I tell you pebbs I was nearly in my welsh horse & cart on my way to find you!

X x
Ah see I like to keep you on your toes. I'm never far away. Had a mare tonight. Went out to this contraception meeting where they served a buffet first - oops. They had chicken and leek pie , I took 3 pieces of chicken( bite sized pieces) no pastry , had a Thai fishcake, and steamed veg, diet coke and didn't queue up for the tropical crumble and cream. Phew that was hard. Weigh in tomoro and I think ill be lucky if it's a pound after that blasted fishcake. Did find a beautiful venue for my best pal and me to go for coffee tho. Stunning grounds.

So tomorrow is looming and I'm drinking squash by the gallon. Friday night I'm off to the south coast for the weekend, other halfs valentines present, hotel for Friday night, shopping sat am and cinema, can't wait. Good luck everyone x x
Hi all, have put on one pound this week, but surprised it wasn't more considering the Chinese from Sunday !
Am going to try and b 100 next week.
Good luck everyone x
Have a nice time away pebbles, sounds like heaven :)
hi there guys, well im not surprised - i stayed the same, blooming fishcake last night and the odd snippet of chocolate. and i was doing so well. oh fiddlesticks. not gonna let it beat me. tomorrow is another day and the suns out again. need to do some exercise this week. so tracy my little pal, you and me are in the same boat heading for a 100% week. i think debs said she wasnt thinking she had a good week, and i know clara lou is writing this week off. if kankles hasnt lost she will be slitting her wrists. so i think a good old kick up the bum is needed for us this week and we seriously need to get back into it. im going to do a circuit session at the gym apparently it burns 500 calories a time. so some time over the next 7 days im going. what can you do tracy? any exercise you can add in?
Yes pebbles I have invested in a set of zumba DVDs so hopefully will be able to whack them out at somepoint if I get the chance!
Good luck with the circuits!!!!
Your comment about kankles did make me laugh :)
hi there guys, well im not surprised - i stayed the same, blooming fishcake last night and the odd snippet of chocolate. and i was doing so well. oh fiddlesticks. not gonna let it beat me. tomorrow is another day and the suns out again. need to do some exercise this week. so tracy my little pal, you and me are in the same boat heading for a 100% week. i think debs said she wasnt thinking she had a good week, and i know clara lou is writing this week off. if kankles hasnt lost she will be slitting her wrists. so i think a good old kick up the bum is needed for us this week and we seriously need to get back into it. im going to do a circuit session at the gym apparently it burns 500 calories a time. so some time over the next 7 days im going. what can you do tracy? any exercise you can add in?

Hey Pebbles, well I know how you feel flower but still its not a gain huh. I am preparing myself for the worst as yet again I dont feel like i've lost but we'll see tomorrow. I wont get the razor for my wrists ready just yet!

Had a manic day today, meetings from the minute I walked into work till 4pm so didn't have any lunch. My poor stomach felt like throat had been cut and had the most horrendous headache. Ate my dinner in about 3 minutes I was so hungry!

Fingers crossed for tomorrow, well done for everyone this week so far

Good luck tomorrow kankles and debs x

Thanks Pebbles.....however the news is not good :mad::mad::mad:
I gained a lb so worse than I thought but a consistent loss for the last 4 weeks and experience tells me that if I can get my a*se in gear this week I could have a good loss next week.

I'm at that stage where my clothes are feeling comfortable so I think 'oh I'm ok really' so need a kick up the bum (and I think I know the woman to do it lol):hmm:
Debs154 said:
Thanks Pebbles.....however the news is not good :mad::mad::mad:
I gained a lb so worse than I thought but a consistent loss for the last 4 weeks and experience tells me that if I can get my a*se in gear this week I could have a good loss next week.

I'm at that stage where my clothes are feeling comfortable so I think 'oh I'm ok really' so need a kick up the bum (and I think I know the woman to do it lol):hmm:

Oh well debs it's only a lb.....have a feeling I may be joining you tomorrow x
Right ,chief bum kicker here! Reporting for duty . No straying. No munching, no picking or snacking. We are on sw boot camp as of today Tracy, pebs and debs! Kanks from tomoro and clara lou and Sarah from Sunday. Thus giving everyone their weigh in day for treats if required. Ok these are the boot camp rules should u choose to accept them.
1) you will do 7 mins per day with tin in each hand , march up and down bottom step of stairs- we all have stairs-yes? We all have tins of beans- yes?

2) you will make a list of menus for at least 2 days ahead, if poss whole week.

3)you will drink water or squash 1 glass per hour and write down how many u manage and report back here at end of day.

4) you will have your hexs, at least 5 syns and 5 portions of fruit or veg per day.

5) if poss you will have a portion of bran cereal,bran flakes, all bran , scan bran etc 3 times or more this week coming.

6) we will all make a version of speed soup over the next 5 days to eat when you can.

You must complete at least 4 of these tasks.

If you cannot
Right ,chief bum kicker here! Reporting for duty . No straying. No munching, no picking or snacking. We are on sw boot camp as of today Tracy, pebs and debs! Kanks from tomoro and clara lou and Sarah from Sunday. Thus giving everyone their weigh in day for treats if required. Ok these are the boot camp rules should u choose to accept them.
1) you will do 7 mins per day with tin in each hand , march up and down bottom step of stairs- we all have stairs-yes? We all have tins of beans- yes?

2) you will make a list of menus for at least 2 days ahead, if poss whole week.

3)you will drink water or squash 1 glass per hour and write down how many u manage and report back here at end of day.

4) you will have your hexs, at least 5 syns and 5 portions of fruit or veg per day.

5) if poss you will have a portion of bran cereal,bran flakes, all bran , scan bran etc 3 times or more this week coming.

6) we will all make a version of speed soup over the next 5 days to eat when you can.

You must complete at least 4 of these tasks.

If you cannot

See I knew you'd do it lol! Only trouble is my stairs are outside my flat lol - but 10/10 for inspiration Pebbles! I WILL report back!
Morning everyone. 0.5lb for me this week :-(

oh for gods sake, drop and give me 20 press ups and eat grass!
dont know whats going on here kanky. was it all red this week?
no cheating?

explain one thing to me, every week i weigh in thursday at work. every friday i weigh at work also just as habit - EVERY friday i am at least 1lb lighter, today im 2lb lighter than yesterday!!!!!!!. if i swap my day to friday i bet my weight loss will swap to saturday. what the dickens is that all about. and its every single week without fail and i go home with a spring in my step, behave all week (mostly) and jump back on thursday and its popped up again to a lb loss or sts.
pebbles67 said:
oh for gods sake, drop and give me 20 press ups and eat grass!
dont know whats going on here kanky. was it all red this week?
no cheating?

explain one thing to me, every week i weigh in thursday at work. every friday i weigh at work also just as habit - EVERY friday i am at least 1lb lighter, today im 2lb lighter than yesterday!!!!!!!. if i swap my day to friday i bet my weight loss will swap to saturday. what the dickens is that all about. and its every single week without fail and i go home with a spring in my step, behave all week (mostly) and jump back on thursday and its popped up again to a lb loss or sts.

Had 3 red days, no cheating, missed breakie & lunch yesterday due to meetings but not gone off plan and binged once so no blooming idea?