Anyone else weigh at home on a thursday- wanna post?

Hey trace nice to see you. Yes dubs has said it all spot On And better than i could. i often throw an easy day in on weigh day , so I can have rice or pasta for lunch at work a nice evening meal with chips and meat and still fit in a heb for breakfast cereal .

Also days like today when I was so busy at work, I missed breakfast , then finished at 1 and skipped off to my lunchtime job til 230. Dashed home and had a Skype interview for a Locum nurse post at 330. In between setting up the webcam and actually having the interview I managed to rustle up lunch - which was spinach, eggs, cheese and ham ( baked) so, nothing much at All . Therefore I figured it had to be an easy day , so I could throw together a sag aloo and chicken curry. Didn't fancy rice though.

Here's the meals -

Lunch - ovenproof dish lined with ham, then chopped spinach , 2 eggs broken on top then grated cheese (hea) and baked in halogen for 10mins.


Dinner - chicken , pepper, onion curry , sag aloo, and a slice of garlic bread (4 syns)


Oh blimey, forgot last nights -

We had Texan cheese fries, a taco shell with a small amount of mince with taco spice , salad .

Blimey pebs you need to slow down!!!!!
fingers crossed for the new job,and that curry looks gooooodddddddddd.........:) xx
Thanks Tracy and that curry was the easiest and tastiest curry to do in a flash when time is short .

2 chicken breasts into bite sized pieces, an onion cut into big chunks , half a red pepper into chunks . I sprayed a pan with fry light , added onions and pepper to it with a chopped garlic Clove. Then when soft I added the chicken , stirred about to brown all sides then added a tbsp of curry paste and 200 ml water. Salt pepper and then left to simmer away until water was reduced . Then added 2 tsp of chicken gravy granules to thicken it and it was yum.

The sag aloo is my old fave from recipe thread .

Happy Wednesday.

Breakfast - I tried out the new chocolate all bran crisp and was suitably impressed (1 heb)

Lunch - Greek salad ,(1/2 hea )crisps (4.5 syns) and a low fat yog

Dinner - potato Philly bake, (1 heb & 1 hea) joes pork and apple bacon, egg cheese burger, salad ( cheese slice 2 syns)

Good morning my gorgeous girls . Drizzly old humid day in Surrey today .
I'm a ' stay the same ' this week due to lack of correct counting of hebs one day lol. No, I didn't expect too much as I had a good loss last week.

So today is my full 9am - 9pm working day and its a killer due to dashing about from one place to another . But one more day and its the weekend . Then it's my last week at work in that particular job ( sighs of major relief)

I've managed to get a 4 day Locum nurse job for the week after that so I'm sure I'll be fine getting work on a temp basis .

I have choc all bran again for breakfast
Egg cheese and ham salad with a yogurt for lunch
And tomato filo tart for tea .

Have a great day ,,,xxxxxx
Up a half for me this week. But that's ok coz yesterday I had about 6 mini double choc muffins. (Oops but they were so fresh n nice. Superquinn ones for those Irish ladies so u kno how yum they are) n I had a Jamie wagon wheel.
Well done on the new job pebs,and dubs just use the pregnancy as the excuse for craving choc muffins lol !!:) x
Hey buddies

Back from work, and have done more gardening. Ive got loads of veg growing now and i love checking on my stuff everyday. Picked some pak choi and some radishes which were ready and have decided to have Chinese beef stir fry with noodles and pak choi tonight .

Breakfast was 2 poached eggs, toast (heb) mushrooms, and a rasher of bacon. Cappuccino earlier too (hea)

Made a raspberry trifle for tea and a mushroom & spinach lasagne for tomorrow . So I'm doing well in my planning. Had a few too many syns yesterday so I'm keeping syns to a minimum today.

Hey ladies.. Just to put you all on warning (I say all but seems to be just you and I Pebs...) Getting our cooker this weekend hopefully.. So be on watch for some chef wonders from me lol

Ere steady on now ol dubs , I fell off me chair! Thank the clouds for that a real cooker for din dins. Woohoo. Can't wait to see what you cook up dub Oliver xx
Ere steady on now ol dubs , I fell off me chair! Thank the clouds for that a real cooker for din dins. Woohoo. Can't wait to see what you cook up dub Oliver xx
Going out this evening to get the cooker.. WOHOOOOOOO.... But then we have to get someone out to fit it so it'll be the weekend at least before I'll have it to cook on.. Am so freakin' excited...
Also got our new windows for the back bedroom n bathroom yesterday so Jonathan has to fit them.. Gona be such a luxury to be able open the bathroom window!!!!! (the one of the current window doesn't close propertly.. So Jonathan had to go outside, up a ladder and bash it in from the outside to close it.. So we can't open it!!) Am so spoilt!!! LOL

Can't wait to get cooking again... I'll be raiding the Pebs Recipe thread and digging out me books again :)
Guess who has a cooker?????

<img src=""/>


Ooh look she's an absolute beauty! Congratulations on your new arrival. Can't wait to see what she produces. For a minute then I thought you said you had no opening bathroom window!!

Up as up 2 lb again !!! :( so cross with myself I'm a bit down in the dumps just too much stress going on and I'm blinking useless these last 2 weeks. But i did have my leaving meal on tuesday night and ate ' normally' as in unrestricted with pudding and cream!!! Need to seriously get into gear and behave just don't know how .

Last day at work today so I guess start afresh tomorrow. Xxxx
Yea that's what I said. We weren't able open the window in the bathroom. But that too has been sorted. Such a happy girl yesterday :)

Sorry to hear ur down in the dumps pebs. U need to turn that around. Ur about to start a new chapter in yer life. A great one. N ya need to start it with a smile :) xxxxxx
Hey there dubby . So yesterday I started back on the holiday countdown with 5 weeks to lose a stone it's getting more real now! I've wasted 2 weeks and blagged my way out of being on track with excuses such as leaving do meals etc.
no more excuses now. So yesterday ,

Brunch - 2 poached eggs on toast (1 heb) bacon, mushrooms.

Dinner - roast chicken, roast potatoes (1 heb) cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, stuffing (3 syns) Yorkshire (3 syns) gravy.
Dessert - rhubarb cinnamon crumble (7 syns)

2 hebs no heas and 13 syns



Breakfast - cappuccino ( hea) grapefruit, 2 black coffees
Lunch. - cheese salad ( 1/2 hea) mayo (0.5) 2 ryvita with 25g Philly (2 syns) and marmite. Tesco toffee yogurt,
Tea break - tea and a ww choc biscuit (4.5 syns)
Dinner. - Mexican beef, tartiflette ( 1 heb, 1/2 hea) carrots

Hey Pebs.. So jealous you're getting away to the sun... But hey ho... I can't have everything... A kitchen or a holiday was the choice this year... A house or a holiday last.. N next year.. well.. No holiday then either!!! But that's OK considering what I'm getting instead :D

Today's started off well for me today.. Have had a grapefruit.. N now tucking into some best of both toast with a hard boiled egg.. :)
Will have to pop home for lunch as I was sooooo tired this morning I didn't get my lazy ass outta bed in time to make anything...
Have a banana, an orange and an apple for snacks thru the day too so no excuses...
Hi there, well just think of the weight you'd be putting on on holiday if you came with me as its all inclusive. AT least if you stay home an put on weight look what you'll have at the end of it, I've no hope , I'll just look pregnant lol xxx

This weeks going well so far.
Today :
breakfast - I had magic porridge (1 heb) black tea first thing, black coffee mid break

Lunch - Joes sausage salad with radishes , tomatoes and cucumber ( from the garden!) lettuce, beetroot, cheese (1 hea) mayo (1 syns ) pear yogurt And a Special K biscuit moments (5 syns ) mid Afternoon with a black coffee

Dinner - herb chicken with sautéed actifry potatoes,(1 heb) broccoli, mushroom and onions. Black tea x2 , jelly whip (0.5 syns)
