Anyone fancy a game?

Milvanwich (now, I KNOW this is spelled wrong, but I have spelled it was my granmothers middle name, and is welsh - maybe someone here know how to spell it. :D)

Sorry, not one I know BL. I can only think of Anharghad and thats cos there one in my town and she's a friend on FB lol.
a couple of other interesting irish spellings is aoife (eefa) and caoimhe (Kueeva)
aren't Dad's great? My sister had a friend Daithi (daahy), irish for david, and my dad always said doghy. Dad was in his 80's, still makes me laugh.
heh. no, actually Top Chef fan. :D

Oh dear...I have no idea who/what Top Chef is :eek:

a couple of other interesting irish spellings is aoife (eefa) and caoimhe (Kueeva)

Love both of them!

aren't Dad's great? My sister had a friend Daithi (daahy), irish for david, and my dad always said doghy. Dad was in his 80's, still makes me laugh.

The best of it is, he goes mad if anyone says Eilidh wrong. The best one was someone calling her Eyelid. Yeah, cos you would, wouldnt you? Doh!
OK, R...well, Ramsay as in Ramsay McDonald. Ranald which is anglised to Ronald and I actually know a Ranald MacDonald lol. But my favourite is Rhuaridh, pronounced Roorie :D
Teàrlach - gaelic for Charlie

BL - I avoid Masterchef/Sat Kitchen etc. I dont feel strong enough yet lol

OMG Deb you really had me chuckling with the Eyelid!
Zania - NN's daughter :)

I know Debs...mind you, when you think about it, there are some crazy names out there!

Shall we do football teams next or is that too obscure?

Haven't been on for ages, and so funny to see this game still going! I started this game 2 years ago, and my dad used to make us play it at the dinner table, to help me and my brother learn the capitals of each country.

Glad to see it's still going strong lol

Suppose got to start with a capital now! AMSTERDAM
Canberra, Australia
Hi BL, You are on D, you already did b and I did canberra...