Anyone TTC but been told to get bmi down

I've tried before to lose weight and managed to lose some here and there. I've had pcos since I was 18(now 29), my main symptoms have been weight gain , really hairy and major mood swings. I had lost a few pounds a while back and then lucky found myself pregnant after being told the changes were very slim. (6 years ago). Now I've got 6 year old and really wanting another baby put been told need to get bmi down to at least 30 before they help. And because I had my daughter naturally first time and I'm still young (hate that) everything will be fine. So I'm on a mission
Hi Channytella. I am not TTC anymore BUT.. When we was TTC#2 I was diagnosed with PCOS (I was also told at that time that DD#1 by all accounts shouldn't even be here as my PCOS is that bad and that i'd be very lucky to get pregnant again). I was told I had to loose weight before they would even explore any options of helping me TTC. I lost around 35lbs and they put me on Clomid. It didnt get my BMI down into a healthy zone but he could see my weight was going the right way.
I also think the making a PCOS'er loose weight is a bit harsh as easy weight gain is a symptom. I can put like 7lbs on in a week!! I have also found the best 'diet' for me too loose weight on is weight watchers.
Hey hun. I also suffer with PCOS and endometriosis. I don't have periods or ovulate (2 in 2 years) and also put weight on as soon as I look at food. I'm lucky in the respect that I don't struggle so much to get the weight off once I set my mind to it. I ttc with my ex for about 2 years but never had tests and didnt get pregnant. Started ttc with current partner in Aug 2011 and due to heavy bleeding was sent for scans, bloods etc which confirmed my PCOS. My bmi was over 30 then so they told me to concentrate on losing weight and go back in a year. I got down to bmi 30.1 and fertility doc did a lap & dye which again confirmed PCOS and endo. I was on the waiting list for an op to remove my endo prior to starting clomid but got my bfp in May and am now just short of 22 weeks pregnant. Once I'd been trying a year they were happy to run tests and operate but wouldn't give me any actual fertility treatment until my bmi was 30 or below.
Good luck with ttc. Hope you can join us all in the pregnancy section soon :)