Anyone with a really good loss a few weeks into plan..


Gold Member
I guess I'm just looking for a bit of advice really.

The past week and a half or so, I've been loaded with cold and don't think I've had one day where I've stuck to plan 100%. I don't want to let myself down and pile all of the weight back on, so starting tomorrow I'm "re-starting".

Weigh in is supposed to be tonight, but unfortunately I cannot make it. I'm going to weigh myself at home and make a mental note of it, because I believe it's important to get weighed every week, even if you know you're expecting a gain.

Basically, I'm looking for some ideas. I'm going to start again tomorrow as if it was my first week on plan, and go right back to basics.

Just wondering if this has happened to anyone else, and if you kept a diary of your "starting again" week.

Thanks in advance xx
I started again a few weeks back, I've been off plan for over 18 months (but I lost 1/2 stone in that time lol!!) I've had a rubbish up & down couple of weeks but I'm being good again, re-starting my re-start :D I've just shuffled my weigh in day to help me psychologically. But by going back to the beginning etc I lost 5.5 lbs in 3 weeks.

My diary is on here if you want a nose - apart from the bad bits ;)


Charli XxX