April 2019 Challenge


Gold Member
It's that time again....

I need....
  • Weigh in day
  • Target for the month (I can't do '0' - has to be either a negative or positive e.g. -1, 3, 10)
  • Any holiday dates
All I ask is that you post your results weekly even if its a bad result there is no judgement here. It is then fair on everyone if you update us with results.
Please can i join my eigh day is sat, target for month minus 4, hole 23 may one week. Weigh today lost 2 thank you
Up 0.5lb hope it's just due to time of the month.
Going to try up my activity level this week to get moving again
well done


  • aprchal.png
    18.4 KB · Views: 24
well done to everyone who posted. Good luck for this week.

Just an update, this will be the last month I will be running the challenge, due to lack of interest/participation. Well done to everyone who has taken part, and has enjoyed taking part. Wishing you all the best for the rest of the month, and your future losses, Claire


  • aprchal.png
    14.9 KB · Views: 15
well done to everyone who posted. Good luck for this week.

Just an update, this will be the last month I will be running the challenge, due to lack of interest/participation. Well done to everyone who has taken part, and has enjoyed taking part. Wishing you all the best for the rest of the month, and your future losses, Claire
Oh no. Please dont! I find that this helps me so much, keeping me on track x
Sorry to hear that TriStar. I have just come back and was going to join in May.

I understand where you are coming from but thanks for doing what you have done xx
well done to everyone who posted. Good luck for this week.

Just an update, this will be the last month I will be running the challenge, due to lack of interest/participation. Well done to everyone who has taken part, and has enjoyed taking part. Wishing you all the best for the rest of the month, and your future losses, Claire

oh shame :( I've rejoined and was going to ask if I could join in next month's challenge!! typical for me. . . . just a tad too late ;)