Are members in charge of weigh-ins at your group?


Hi all. I've been attending a SW group since the middle of November. I've found it rather odd that other members of the group are in charge of weighing in everyone else. Another group member takes the money and food diaries and another takes payment for books and Hifi Bars. Just wondered if this is the same in other groups? I guess I expected the consultant to do the weigh-ins, not other members. Thanks in advance!
When I used to go to group yes this was what happened, in fact at one point I was one of the one's who helped out. The consultant is usually busy giving the new member talk so they need help with all the other bits. Makes it a difficult job really especially when you're starting out as you need so many members who you can trust to help you out
Yes this is the same at our group also and any others I've attended. Like Donna said, the consultant normally does the new member talk while everyone is getting weighed.