Back again and again and again.


Gold Member
Hi all

Some of you may remember me, but most won't, I'm a serial yo-yo dieter and normally can't stick to something for longer than 5 minutes, but not this time. I've stuck to SW for the last 2 weeks and lost 9lb.

This just shows I can do it. I'm going to be doing green, as I have an allergy to meat proteins (except egg's and fish) and the dairy proteins in rawer dairy products in large amounts (e.g I can have a small bar of chocolate but can't have milk in my tea, I can haver a cheese sauce packet mix made with soya milk but not with cows milk)

It's rather confusing but I'm slowly getting to grips with it. I'm even thinking about when I'm fully comfortable with my new dietary needs then I may go full vegan.

It's not as hard as I thought it would be though and my fiancee has adjusted quite well to most of his meals being ovo- vegetarian?? not sure what to call my self! ( even though he still eats meat and regular dairy)

I'd love to hear from any vegans - ovo-veggies or those with dairy intolerance.

a :bighug: to all that know me and to those that don't.

I'm doing it from home, does anyone know if there have been any changes to plan since I been away?
Hey hun, I remember you :D

Well done on your losses so far, you're doing really well! :D

Good luck xxxx