Back to discover..going alone


New Member
Hi all Im new here,

I am a bit of a yo yoer and hover between 10 and 11 stones, I would ideally like to get down to about 9.7lbs but would be pleased with 10 to be honest.

Im currently at 11 and have decided to go back to the discover plan. I lost a stone in 2010 with discover then I returned to weight watchers this year and just did not have any success with the pro points regime at all!!

So I managed to get some of the old books off a friend and I have found a great I phone app called Iwatchr that has an old style points calculator, weight loss tracker and log system.

weigh in tomorrow so will see how the first week has gone, but god its so much easier the old way :)

Nikki x
Yay! Discover points people :) I'm on Discover from tomorrow too after dropping out from propoints about 6wks ago. Her goes something good!
Hi all,in reply to hannata, I get by on 18 points and don't find it a hardship either. I have modified loads of recipes and use a very old purple booklet with the points values in it. I want to get to 8st.10lb. At the moment I am 9st, 0lb. In all I have lost 1st. 1lb. That was on pro points. Have stayed the same now for 5 weeks so though I would give the old way a try. Used it many years ago with great results, hoping for the same again! Just need to loose those extra few pounds......:)
Yeah I suppose its just about making good choices with a smaller amount of points :) I'm on 27pts at the mo, not looking forward to going down!! LOL

I'm back on discover as well after trying to work with pp for about 6 months.... just wasnt working for me!! Tried so many diets but discover seems to be the only managable one where I do lose weight! x
I'm on 19 points, and am 11st 2lbs. I like this system as I don't feel like i'm starving on it :)
I've heard that the pro points isn't as good, you can pretty much eat what you want on that. I love the discover plan, it's easy to fit in to your day :) good luck everyone :)
I dont think its "not as good", its just easier to make mistakes on pp, I think weightwatchers have changed it so that the person doing it has more responsibility... rounding is tricky and you have to have a balance with your free stuff on pp. Whereas Discover is strict enough so its nearly impossible to go wrong if you measure and count.
Well, well, well, am i glad to stumble across this! I'm Leanne I also hover between 10 - 11 stone got down to 9.2 on cambridge realistically couldnt keep it off.

So i decided to healthy eat and run which was fine until i (out of curriosity) counted my calories one day - WOAH! was reaching 2000 and i felt like I hadnt eaten much! So i thought well Im gonna eat the same as i did before but just use the points system to guide me. Which is great becasue i dont feel like im dieting - just being healthy! Im not going to weigh every week either just because the diet and weigh mentality doesnt work for me...

Im using the old system because I guess i trust it...I did try the pro points a year ago but gained. I just think aswel that fruit should be counted. I know, I know, its 'healthy' but actually, sugar is one of the biggest killers so although its healthy fructose intakes should still be watched I think because lets face it, most of us binge (thatrs why we're here!) and when dieting were likely to binge on the items we are told is free!

SO yeah here i am running 12 miles a week and WW 19 points a day, at the moment I'm happy! :D whoo go oldies! X
Hi all, im back to discovery too. After loosing a few pounds and regaining them again and loads of staying the same on pp, i'm calling it a day. I lost 3 stones on discovery a few years ago so have decided this is the way for me. I've tried other ways and just don't seem to stick with it. Does anybody know of an app for blackberry that will have the old style calculator? Good luck all xx
Hi I thought I'd introduce myself. I have spent the last 11 months losing and gaining the same few lbs on propoints. I've only lost a measly 4lbs since Jan which is shocking. So I've decided its high time I do something about it. I did consider joining slimming world but I don't think it'll suit me as it's too lax with portion control and I'm not the biggest veg eater.

My mum suggested I go back to basics and what works which is the discover plan. I joined WW initially Sept 2010 and between Sept and Dec I lost 21lbs. So I'm hoping the switch will give me the kick I need to get losing again. I'll probably keep going to the meetings because I need the motivation of the WI and I like my leader. I know it'll be propoints based but they do talk about general weightloss things as well.

Sorry for the long post but looking forward to getting started again :)
Yeah I'm the same, Slimming world just doesnt't work for me - I think its principles are great and It is undeniably healthy but It just doesnt work for me, In fact I feel too restricted. I just panic and think I cant find anything, end up eating beans and pasta LOL!! So yeah not for me...
