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Hehe :) so do I, they were 30p each in Morrisons at the weekend :-D Ooo they are yummy, I love them!! They are a bit pricey tho, but I get them when their on offer. They are big and tasty, most flavours are one point but the strawberry is 1.5 :) so not bad

Cinnamon and raisin bagel 4

Jacket potatoe with beans 5
Rasberry activia snackpot 1

Eat smart chilli and wedges 6
ww choc caramel bar 1.5

Drinks and snacks
Milk for drinks 2
Galaxy ripple 4


Not a bad day :) Decided I'm going to have my wi on a Friday and see how it goes. Which means I will only have had 5 days on plan, so not expecting a huge loss but it is the first week and losses are usualky bigger, couple of pounds would be good :) Hope everyone is ok xxxxx
Hey :)

Hope you're all well. Not a bad day again, tho could have come right off track. I've been good at saying no this week lol. WI tomorrow eek

2 white toast with light butter 3

Cinnamon and raisin bagel 4
Activia strawberry yoghurt 1.5
apple 0.5

2 waffle 4
2 fish fingers 2
Beans 2

Drinks and snacks
Milk for hot drinks 2
Choc digestive 1.5
ww choc bar 1.5
Twix duo 3

Good luck for tomorrow Hunni x x
Just a quick post, 3lbs off this week :) well happy!! I've bee feeling a bit crap today, totm has stuck blurghh!! Hope everyone has a lovely weekend xxxxxxx
Congratulations on the loss hun thats fab! Well done you! Xxx
Thanks Maybride :) I'm well happy!

Having a nice restful weekend :) The weekend does go too fast tho.

1 white toast with light spread 1.5
Poached egg 1.5

ww tomatoe and basil soup 1
Chic and sweetcorn filler with 2 crisp bread 3
Peach activia snackpot 1.5
Apple 0.5
Choc animal biscuits 2

1 sausage 2
Mashed potatoe 3.5
Peas 0.5
Gravy 0.5

Drinks and snacks
Milk for hot drinks 2
ww choc caramel bar 1.5

21/25 so far :)

I realised that Morrisons own medium sliced white bread is only 1 point a slice, thought it was 1.5 so that's good :) My shape fitness evolved has arrived for the kinect yesterday yay, so going to have a go on that later woop. Have a lovely day everyone xx
Shape fitness evolved is ace :) Been playing on it for a while and it's good fun. Going to try and get on it whenever I can. I find it hard to stick to points on a sunday, I'm usually at home, cleaning and getting sorted, doing any school work and I just want to pick :-/ much easier when I'm at work!! I might go out for a walk in a bit, it's the Sheffield derby match today and I live 10 minutes from the sheff wednesday ground and there are police and idiots all over Hillsborough!! So may wait till match starts. Come on sheff wednesday!!!
Fab loss well done you! Hope u ares having a lovely weekend :)
Hey gorgeous :) glad to see u bk to it :) sorry for being AWOL :) x
Carrrllyyyy Missed you :) Glad you're ok and nice to see you back too :) Hope you're good.

Been a good week so far. Went to Meadowhall tonight and had my fave starbucks coffee and turned down cake yay!!

2 white toast 3

ww bagel with light philly 3
ww yoghurt 0.5
Snack a jacks 1.5
Apple 0.5

Jacket potatoe with light butter 3
Spaghetti hoops 1.5
1 fish finger 1
ww ice cream 2.5

Drinks and snacks
Milk for hot drinks 2
ww choc bar 1.5
kitkat 2.5
starbucks tall skinny latte 1.5

Also I'm loving my shape fitness evolved!!! You but info in about your weight, why you want to work out etc and it sets up an individual plan for you. It's really good but I'm in pain today, so unfit. Burnt off 85 calories in 20 minutes :) not bad xxx
Ooh Starbucks can't beat a latte well done on resisting a cake I know its a challenge as they are all so yummy :) your new fitness thing sounds great! Go you! :-D xx
Thank you hunny :) Hehe they are soo amazing, so it is very hard lol!!

Struggling a bit today, so hungry I could eat EVERYTHING! We have jacket potatoes at school on a Wednesday, and people tend to bring cakes and biscuits in! So it can be so hard and I sometimes feel bad turning things down!! I am honestly baffled by some of my work mates, they are stick thin but eat sooooo much I just don't know where they put it all lol. Hollow feet? Ah well that's life I suppose, it might catch up with them one day haha.

Branflakes 2.5

Jacket potatoe 3
Beans 2
ww yoghurt 0.5
Apple 0.5

Peppercorn kiev 5
Potatoe waffle 2
Brocolli 0
ww ice cream 2.5

Drinks and snacks
Milk for hot drinks 2
Freddo bar 2.5
2 biscuits 3

Evil people who can eat whatever :( lol! X
I know very evil lol! Drives me crazy.

Well I'm not feeling too good today, been a really long week and really tired :( By dinner time I was absolutely starving!!! And then about 3 when the kids had gone home I was absolutely starving!! I then started seeing stars and felt so dizzy, I ended up having a few rich tea biscuits at school and a big bowl of pasta when I got home. A few points over today but really not bothered.. If I'm that hungry it's making me dizzy then I will eat, whether I'm over my points or not!! Really hope I feel better tomorrow, going to chill now. Fingers crossed for wi tomorrow xxxxxx
Good Luck for WI... defo sensible to eat when dizzy.. we have to respond to our bodies :D x
Yes, Carly is right listen to your body. No point feeling crap because your hungry :)

How did ya get on with WI? Good luck x
Thanks ladies :)

I lost 2lbs this week, well happy :) Feeling soo poorly today tho, going to crawl into bed and try and feel better, so short post xxxxxxx