Back to exante

tenney 75

Full Member
Hello lovely exante peeps! Just reading your diaries is really inspiring me to return. I
Successfully got to my goal of weighing 10 stone 7lb when I did exante 2 years ago and sad to say since then I have put 3 stone back on. The first year I maintained really well but then personal events in my life unfolded and I returned to my old comfort eating habits. I now wake up feeling fat and trapped in a body that is constantly thinking of food - the unhealthier the better. My clothes feel tight and I've lost that confidence I had when I first lost the weight. I know exante works if you stick to the plan but you've got to be in the right frame of mind. So with that in mind I'm gonna take the plunge on Monday. Any support and help along the way would be greatly appreciated xxx
Welcome back x and good luck with your journey x I'm starting today I've never done the diet before but I do feel ready for it now I'm just gunna keep thinking about wearing a bikini on holiday in October x I'm a size 18/20 at the min and a 16 would be fab!!!!
Hi tenney75, welcome back on plan!

There's nothing worse than putting lost weight back on after working so hard for it (I think I've mastered it over the years :sigh:) It's annoying that what at first comforts you ends up wrecking your whole mindset, and it's a really hard place to get out of. Don't be too hard on yourself - life just sometimes gets in the way.

I am loving exante so far, and only on day 10!!! Just hope the scales reflect how much better I feel already.

Good luck with the restart xxx
Awsome its my day 7 today and im weighing in tomorrow! Lil nervous but so excited i feel like im shrinking which is awsome

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Hi tenney! I did exactly the same as you - put three stone back on, after two years of maintaining. Still not sure how that happened, LOL, but I'm back on track. Good luck and hope the weigh-in goes brilliantly tomorrow. :D
Hiya. Just popped into say me too! I did exante 2 years ago, and since then its crept back on quite alarmingly. Have put on 3st.
However, I'm back on it again now. Started week 4 this morning and have lost (almost - 0.5lb to go) 1st so far. I'm a quarter of my way to my goal.
Good on you linnie, and well done on your losses so far! :)

Tenney how did the weigh-in go?