
If I was at the beginning of my CD journey, i wouldn't have entertained two bars to be honest. I've had one a day since I was allowed. At this stage I'm pretty cool about having two bars, not worrying too much about the extra carbs, and dealing with the dodgy tummy (if it happens!).

I would have been very upset if I couldn't have one a day... i'm soooo sorry for you!


This is my 4th day on Cambridge SS, a bit concerned since my Counsellor gave me the bars to start with and I have been having one a day - will this hinder weight loss?

HI i'm a newbie to so don't know the answer to that - my CDC def said not allowed til wk 2 though cuz i was quite gutted!

Maybe make this a new thread on the board (wiv mayb diff heading)- more people might be able to answer :)