Beached Whale 2013 to Beach Babe 2014?


Hi to anyone taking the time to read this:)

Iv just joined WW online today, weighing in at a whopping 19st3.5lbs:cry:
Its not the biggest Iv ever been, but this time last year I was 16st-ish so feeling more than a teensy bit disappointed in myself.

Just come back from a fortnights all-inclusive in Menorca and I'm quite litraly busting out of all my clothes and feeling dead uncomfortable so I figured nows the time to tackle the issue head on with a sensible eating plan like WW rather than waiting until a month before the next occasion or holiday and throwing myself into a VLCD in a panic!

I did WW some years back after the birth of my first child ,it was great and I lost all my baby weight so I know it will work for me but Im because I have so much to lose right now its VERY daunting so I'm hoping starting a diary on here will help keep me motivated.

Well onwards and downwards I guess Day one under my ever so tight belt:4633:
Hi, i know how you feel , i am almost the same weight as you and feel it's going to take forever to get anywhere near a "normal" size.
hey thanks for looking in!
Im on 39pts a day which seems a HUGE amount , but I still managed to get thru those and 24pts from my weeklys yesterday lol
I am however quite proud of myself cos I did keep track of everything I had instead of doing the old I will start fresh tomorrow thing and eating even more.
Today Iv done a bit better only gone 3pts into my weeklys but OMG I feel like Iv eaten so well!
Feeling a lot more positive today , just because I actualy stuck too plan 2 days. Shows you how crap my efforts usualy are eh;p
Nikki your doing well hun! You almost have a stone off already , which Im sure if your anything like me would have been a stone on if you weren't trying so hard....a few more pounds and you will be down a dress size and then * normal * might not seem so distant x
Hi BeachBabe.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how your journey progresses.

I'm also on WW propoints and have 26pp a day.
39pp may seem a lot for now, but it'll go down as you lose your weight.

Do you have any goals you'd like to reach?!
As ununpentium knows, I love to have mini goals to reach, because something that's 3 or 4 pounds away seems much more achievable than something that's 20 pounds away.
Ideas can be hitting the next stone bracket, losing your first silver 7, a stone/1.5 stone/2 stone etc, 5% body weight lost, 10% body weight lost.

I just feel like I've done well hitting the next mini goal, and count down to next one.
I'm currently 1.5lbs away from losing 1.5stone, which I'm getting really excited about.

Also, are you doing WW alone at home or are you going to meetings?!
Sounds like you're in the right frame of mind at the moment as you enjoyed today and you used less weeklies.
That's brilliant.

If you've got any questions or need motivating, or support, or a kick up the bum, gimme a shout.
I've been told I'm quite the motivator haha.

P.S. Well done on your loss so far Nikki.

Good luck both of you with your weight loss journeys
hey Elfy!

Im doing WW at home on my own I signed up for 3 months online, I have joined groups before but ended up just weighing and running and the support on here so far is fabulous so Im hoping you lot help me keep on track lol
Your doing amazing BTW any tips you have are most welcome!
I set my first weight target as 5% but really Im just focusing on getting thru a day a time , Iv blown off so many diets before I know Im totally my own worst enemy.

Iv made it thru day 3 today used all my dailys and 7 of my weeklys so still on track YAY and I must say I think Im feeling the benefits of eating that even possible after 3 days???
I just feel really well , I usually eat such crap and they say you are what you eat eh.

For the past year Iv been on this really distructive cycle where Im either on a VLCD or pigging out cos Im back on a VLCD tomorrow ( which we all know never comes )
so even tho its only 3 days I feel dead empowered cos I feel like Im actualy in control of my diet instead of my diet being in control of me :D
Early days yet tho eh lol better not get too smug;p

Hows your day been folks?
hey Elfy!

Im doing WW at home on my own I signed up for 3 months online, I have joined groups before but ended up just weighing and running and the support on here so far is fabulous so Im hoping you lot help me keep on track lol
Your doing amazing BTW any tips you have are most welcome!
I set my first weight target as 5% but really Im just focusing on getting thru a day a time , Iv blown off so many diets before I know Im totally my own worst enemy.

Iv made it thru day 3 today used all my dailys and 7 of my weeklys so still on track YAY and I must say I think Im feeling the benefits of eating that even possible after 3 days???
I just feel really well , I usually eat such crap and they say you are what you eat eh.

For the past year Iv been on this really distructive cycle where Im either on a VLCD or pigging out cos Im back on a VLCD tomorrow ( which we all know never comes )
so even tho its only 3 days I feel dead empowered cos I feel like Im actualy in control of my diet instead of my diet being in control of me :D
Early days yet tho eh lol better not get too smug;p

Hows your day been folks?

I managed to hit my 1.5 stone today, so I'm very happy.

I don't really know what I can suggest as tips. I exercise a lot. I do about 10 hours a week of exercise.
I don't use any weeklies and only use my activity points under extreme circumstances.

Also, I try and split up my points over the day.
Breakfast 3pp, lunch 6-10 pp, dinner 6-10pp and then the remaining points on a nice little treat like cake or ice cream, or a ww dessert in the evening.

Well done on still feeling positive. You're doing well.

Keep up the good work
WTG on hitting your 1.5 stone Elfy, you must feel fabulous!
You do really well to do all that exercise on the points you have , me.... I would be passing out lol
Iv red on other threads about people not using there weeklys , I will have to see how I go after this week and see if I need to do that or not too.
I know from last time on the old WW plan I couldn't eat my exercise points or my losses were crap and it doesn't take much to make me lose motivation.

Followed your advise today and did a half hour swim (baby steps;p) and my friend and I are doing a water aerobics session in the morning. Im that heavy at the moment my ankles and hips are hurting in just day to day activities so Iv set myself the mental target of getting under 17.5 stones before I venture near a gym. When I was this big before I never realised how much my weight hindered me but because Iv banged it on so fast lately Im feeling it big time:-(

Well girl done good again today , used all my dailys and 6 weeklys. I have (almost) 4 days under my not quite so tight belt now \o/
Dreading tomorrow night a bit cos its usualy wine and take-away and my other half will not be passing on them to help me out lol
New BB starts tonight so that's a nice lil distraction anyways.

hope your days been a good one x
WTG on hitting your 1.5 stone Elfy, you must feel fabulous!
You do really well to do all that exercise on the points you have , me.... I would be passing out lol
Iv red on other threads about people not using there weeklys , I will have to see how I go after this week and see if I need to do that or not too.
I know from last time on the old WW plan I couldn't eat my exercise points or my losses were crap and it doesn't take much to make me lose motivation.

Followed your advise today and did a half hour swim (baby steps;p) and my friend and I are doing a water aerobics session in the morning. Im that heavy at the moment my ankles and hips are hurting in just day to day activities so Iv set myself the mental target of getting under 17.5 stones before I venture near a gym. When I was this big before I never realised how much my weight hindered me but because Iv banged it on so fast lately Im feeling it big time:-(

Well girl done good again today , used all my dailys and 6 weeklys. I have (almost) 4 days under my not quite so tight belt now \o/
Dreading tomorrow night a bit cos its usualy wine and take-away and my other half will not be passing on them to help me out lol
New BB starts tonight so that's a nice lil distraction anyways.

hope your days been a good one x

Yeah, I'm feeling really proud of myself.
Just can't believe how quickly it's come off.

I'm very pleased that you went swimming today and are going to water aerobics tomorrow.
That's a brilliant start. Baby steps is how you should do it.
Going too crazy all in one to will cause you to burn out and lose motivation.
Once you see how good you're feeling with these first few steps, you'll be eager to increase them.
And swimming is much lower impact than other exercise, so definitely a good start to help that weight loss.
And I'm proud that you've set yourself a goal in relation to the gym.

You'll be fine tomorrow night. You have quite a high daily allowance.
Maybe you can eat lower point breakfast/lunch and treat yourself to portioned takeaway.
I have a ww eating out guide, so if you would like points on items you usually have, I'd be more than welcome to help you point it. And maybe you could half the portion and therefore half the points?!
Stick the excess on your other half's plate?
just a suggestion.
You don't have to do without just cuz you're on ww.
You just need to make sure you control it.
I had a BBQ, cheese & bacon chicken burger with half a portion of chips and a banoffee pie sundae at the handmade burger co. last weekend, it was 46pp and I still lost 2.5lbs this week.

My day has been good thanks. Hope yours has too and keep up the amazing work.
You're doing brilliantly!! X
oooh I never even considered the possibility that a take-away might be an option Elfy thanks for that ...just out of curiousity how much is the average doner kebab or chicken kebab from the chippie?

We usualy have a Chinese but I know that every shops portions vary so much I don't know if Id dare have one in case I had eaten more points than I thought I had and stitched myself up lol

Just realised as well that sweetcorn and peas are not on the free veg list so I think I may have actualy accidently used up all my weeklies without realising o_O
Kebabs aren't actually in my guide, which is a pain, but I've googled it and it looks as if chicken meat is 12 and lamb is 15 and then about 6pp for the pitta/wrap.
This is for about 280g worth of meat (so a smallish one)

And don't worry about the veg, you've realised now and can work on it from now.
You wanted activity points swimming last night, and you'll earn a few more at water aerobics today.
Maybe go swimming again, earn a few more and hopefully cover the majority of your error.

I've made mistakes myself.
Somehow, right at the beginning, I calculated weetabix oaty bars as 1 point each, and they are in face 2 points each, and I have one almost every day because they were low point snacks.
They still are, but an extra point than I was expecting so have unwillingly gone over my points most days for the last 8 weeks and I've still lost 1.5stone.

So it's possible to lose weight with errors. Just obviously don't go crazy and think you can eat a little bit extra of this ans that, because that's just eating like you normally would and that's what we're trying to stop.

Have a good day =)
thanks for that Elfy your an absolute star!

Think I might save some weeklies next week and have a kebab the following Friday , cos holy jeebus that's a lotta points aint it lol
My word my last post was filled with spelling errors haha.
That'll teach me to post from my phone on such a little screen lol.

I'm glad you're finding my comments helpful, and hopefully you'll soon be at a place where you're confident doing WW and will be able to give advice yourself.
But in the meantime, feel free to answer any questions.
I will try and answer as many as I can, and if I don't know the answer, I'm sure I'll be able to find out.

But yeah, quite a lot of points for just 1 dinner.
But WW is all about planning ahead.

Some people plan their meals for the week, I plan daily.
I have the same breakfast each day, have a similar lunch and then I will plan my snacks depending on dinnertime.
If I've got quite a few points left to use for dinner, I'll have a few pointy snacks.
If I'm low on points, I'll either do without or grab some fruit or something.
But I always make sure I've got enough points to have my dinner and then an after dinner snack.

You really sound like you're in the zone, which is extremely important.
If your head's not in it, you won't lose, and then you'll be disappointed and binge and then start all over again.
But you don't seem to be having a problem.

Hopefully you'll be pleased when you come to weigh in.
What day are you weighing? Tuesdays?
My weigh in is Monday, fingers crossed I don't fall of the wagon before then lol

Well tonight has been tough!

I didn't work the points out to my lunch until after I had it , and it was loads more than I expected.
I had 2 points left for dinner and no weeklys to fall back on ..eeek , I think I was extra starving too cos I did aquafit this morning.
I have managed not to go over my points but gawd its been hard and I feel all mean and mardy lol
Had to move myself upstairs outa the way cos my other half came in from work with beers and hes like " don't be miserable have a drink , have something to eat"

*big sigh*

I have been organised this evening tho and planned out my next 2 days food , organised or fantasising about food ...not sure which actualy;p.... hmmm

Can you eat too much fruit BTW?
I won't let you fall off the wagon.
Simple as haha.

I'm very impressed you've planned your food.
I'm far too fickle to choose what I want to eat too far in advance.
Sometimes it's nice fantasising about food.
Last night I was going to have a ready meal and on the way to my boyfriend's, I really fancied his BBQ chicken, so that's what I had instead.

But well done on moving yourself out of the way of temptation.
Don't give into it.
Especially so early into your journey.
Give it a few weeks, learn what does and doesn't work for you, and then you might be able to factor in a drink with your other half.

As for fruit, like everything, you can eat too much.
Cuz, as people say, they do have calories in them.
But it's not different to how it would be if you were eating regularly - maybe 5 fruit & veg a day?!
You have to look at them as 0pp food, and not free food as free suggests you can eat as much as you like.

But take a Laughing Cow Extra Light Cheese Triangle for example - one of those is 0pp.
However, if you eat 2 of them, it will cost you 1pp (you can actually have up to 3 for the 1pp).

Imagine that to be similar to fruit.
Although you won't up the points by eating 2 instead of 1, eating 10 definitely will.

I usually eat a banana in the morning for breakfast after I've been to the gym.
I very often have a banana for a snack or with my lunch, as well as up to 2 satsumas, and maybe grapes if I've got some lying around.

WW is pretty much about portion control.
Just don't go crazy.

Hope that helps.
You're so close to weigh in.
Keep up the good work, and keep strong over the weekend.
well its sunday evening and my weigh-ins tomorrow , Iv made it thru the week YAY!

I went 6 pts into my exercise points yesterday which Im not gonna beat myself up about , Im sure I will have lost anyway with it being my first week.

Im realy quite proud of myself for not getting drunk and pigging out over the weekend , or the actual week come to think lol

Things Im gonna work on for this week are:

planning/pointing things before I eat
keeping my fruit to 5 a day
do a bit more exercise

I know when Iv done WW in years gone by my 2nd week always seems tougher than the 1st , I think in my head cos Iv had a loss I think Iv got it all figured out and then I start cheating myself.
I remember one time I ended up being like 80pts overdrawn at the end of the week lol...needless to say I don't think there was a week 3 that attempt;p

Well fingers crossed for a good W.I in the morning and good night x
Good luck on your weigh in :p
Thankyou Jenni!

and a big WHEY- HEY... 8lbs off!

over the moon is an understatement, well happy:)

Just need to keep the momentum up now for the next 7 days
Wow that's excellent :eek::D very well done just keep it up, I'm like you the 2 nd week is always tough as I normally eat little things without pointing thinking oh that won't count BUT IT DOES we can do this x
Thankyou! and you know what Jenni , Im really starting to think maybe I can too lol

You here ppl say the time has to be right don't you , I realy hope this is that time lol

What days your W.I ?