Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

Morning -

Isn't that lovely. I always print an extra money off voucher and bring it with me.

I hope you took a photo of the lamb feeding.
I did indeed :) 20140410_112321.jpg
Hahaha Im like ...noo...more...souppp. Im windy like ya wouldnt believe and feel super bloated. But I have no doubt that its been good for me. Not sure if its the salt in the broth or that i havent had enough water but ive hardly been to the loo today. I feel 20lbs heavier!

My packs came today. Im going to open the box later on and restock my cupboard :) yay!
Its all put away and im so excited. :p

I re-read the booklet that comes with the order and I had forgotten that youre allowed 150mls of skimmed milk and 200g cooked weight of the veg on the list. :D Had totally forgotten that. So we shall possibly do that. Tomorrow Im gonna just try to ease back into it. Sunday (when hubby is off) i will go back to being more strict with it because if i have a carb withdrawl thing...he will be here to take over and i can just go lay down. lol. Same with Monday. So yay. :)

Super excited. :)

222.2 today. And Day 1 of (umpteenth) restart. Final restart.

Im going to clean the flat today and start sorting through stuff in prep for the move. It will be productive and also will distract me. :D

You know how S&S say no caffeine for the first week til you get into ketosis? So would decaf coffee be ok? I presume it is....

Right...lots to do! Have a great weekend.
Been on a bit of a cleaning spree. :) Still tons to do....just taking a break.

I decided to try the choc cherry exante shake i had ordered. Re- Vol - TIIIING. It went down the drain. It was seriously the most chemically tasting pack ive ever tried. Horrid. So then I decided to make the other one....White Choc & Raspberry. LOL. Its not very nice either...and it tastes nothing like either white choc or raspberry. it actually tastes vaguely coconut-y to me. So at least it means i wont suck it all down too quick. hahah. Bleh. Im aiming to have at least half of it and call that my first pack done. Bleh. I also had 2 boiled eggs. Actually not hungry at the moment. So yay.

So far ok. But its only 10:30am hahah. More later.....
I threw that one out too and just made some pancake which i had to share with my girls, of course. lol . Ive got a spag bol pack soaking for a few mins. After lunch Im going to put Zoe down for her nap and try to crack on with some more cleaning as quietly as possible. Not terribly confident that will work out. But I will try! haha.
So in other news...just to get it off my chest and to note it for my future self.

My granny is basically dying. Shes had cancer off and on (lung) for about 7 years now. Fought it a few times. She's 85. She's always been incredibly strong. Shes a do-er. A go-er. But shes now 85 and the cancer has spread and she has tumors pressing on her spinal cord so she cant walk anymore and therefore has a diaper on..and its just NOT her. Anyway. I have already kinda made my peace with the fact that this was happening....a couple of years ago when the cancer came back again, actually. And I really just want her suffering to end. As much as I adore her, and I so so do, I love her enough to know that its time to stop fighting. She's ready. Sadly my dad and aunt and ready to let her go so keep pushing. But what gets me...I wont be able to go to her funeral. *sigh*


Back to normal, not so depressing stuff...

Ive not felt hungry at all today. :) Yay! lol
hahha vile!! i chucked it down the drain. haha Other than about 8 or 9 packs of apple and cinnamon porridge, im pretty much done with exante now :)

im hugely bloated though. my belt...OMG DID I TELL YOU GUYS ABOUT MY BELT?! A week or two ago....I went to next for a belt, at hubbys insistence. he was absolutely sure that i would be able to get one to fit me in there. i was absolutely sure i wouldnt.

i tried the XL - TOO BIG

So I ended up with a L and am (well..WAS) able to get it to the 3rd hole.

So belt....i was juuuust able to get it to the 2nd hole. So i looked at the calendar and TOTM is due in a week. argh. lol. between all the veg i had been having and my suuuuper bloated. And I only got 2L of water today. I usually get at least 3. Must work on that.

So onward. And tomorrow Im gonna have a full on day. Just packs (and 2 eggs). I had quorn with a bit of cabbage tonight (wont help the bloat!). Tomorrow...

Shake and 2 eggs

sts today 222lbs

But its to be expected. My body hasnt a clue whats going on. Hopefully a loss will show tomorrow.

We are off early this morning into town to get some fruit and veg as it is so much cheaper from the greengrocer than it is from asda. and, since i get my shopping deliverd...this makes it so that i can choose my own produce. lol. i prefer that :D

so off we go.
Yeah it was chilly today! brrrrr we went down to the beach almost got blown off my feet! (I may be exaggerating slightly there)

BELT! No XLs for you anymore young lady :D :D blooming TOTM always poking it's nose in and being annoying...

How did the rest of your day go? xx