Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

oh yeah..i told him this morning! lol prefaced it by saying that i had something to tell him and i didnt want any negativity or crap from him about it. i said that he knew what i was like when he married me and if he didnt...he's had 10 years to figure it out - so it shouldnt be a surprise. hahahah. he tried to be as helpful as possible. but i could tell he was petrified. bless him. <3

Didnt weigh. Last night I had actually decided to just weigh anyway but then, this morning I got so busy with dishes and making their breakfast that I'd had a coffee before I remembered...and by then it was too late. lol. So i will weigh tomorrow.

anyway....yesterday was crazy! im so glad I did it though. it was hectic...but not hard. people really stepped up to help..which, sadly, really surprised me! i didnt expect that at all. but they did. i think a stranger offered to carry the buggy off the train both in edinburgh and when we got home. and that was really the trickiest bit. And I had to help T off the train....but sorta from behind her....and someone on the platform was sorta there to help her along a bit both times, too. She did really well though. The Consulate was horrid. its tiny...seriously. The waiting area is smaller than my living room. And my flat isnt huge. lol. there were people standing in the already-too-small waiting space. and it was stuffy. and boring. and it had steps up to the i had to take zoe out of the buggy and carry her and it up the steps. And it was a faff. and the staff in there were so blase and there was no sense of urgency. they just swanned around like there was nothing important going on. so getting a signature and a stamp on a bit of paper too an hour and a half. and my girls were good..considering the situation and their ages. zoe slept for most of it...thankfully. but when she woke up..she hadnt slept enough and started SCREAMING bloody murder (she does that sometimes). luckily it happened 2 seconds before i got called up to swear my oath (how lame is that?!) and sign my bit...and then collect the paper and go. so she only HOWLED the place down for about 3 or 4 mins. it seemed like an eternity, im sure...for those poor people. hahah that'll teach them not to lose their passports EVER AGAIN. (mostly, thats what the people were waiting for). was sooo easy to get to. So although we took a taxi from waverley, i walked back once i figured out that it was a straight walk..and only about 10 mins. we went straight back to waverley because, despite having taken her to the toilet as soon as we got off the train...and her doing a wee....she announced to me about 20 mins into our waiting at the consulate that "momma...i need a poop". They DONT have public toilet facilities. So yeah. lol. But i told her that and she held it. hahaha. So we went straight back and i took her to the toilet again (she still didnt poop...not til we got home lol) and then to BK in the station. And then straight back on a train home. it was all really easy. :)

So overall...I was really pleased with how the day went.

So today...back on plan. I had junk yesterday. It was a case of "just grab whatever". So i wasnt actively bingey ...I just wanted to not make myself feel sick while out and about. So I had snickers and a whopper and whatever. But, line drawn. Home today. Focused on being back on plan.

Food today

3-4 pancakes
1 chili with broccoli.

having a coffee and my 1st pint of water.

Have a nice day all!
So much for a day of NOTHINGNESS at home! I realized we didnt have any cheese slices or mayo for zoe's lunch. And I needed some mroe broccoli and they girls needed we went up to Morrisons for a few bits. I found the douwe egberts chocolate coffee too. Ive just had a cup. Its really nice. Not overly chocolatey...but it IS coffee and not actually chocolate. So...yeah. lol. Would definitely get that one and the hazelnut one again. Not the others though. Anyway. Got that and came home. Made snacks for the girls and my first pancake of the day along with my chocolate coffee. lol. mm.

now..we are going to head in for a nap because of course im exhausted. i seem to be permanently so.

my friend said she will watch the girls for us a week on that we can go out to lunch or dinner. im looking forward to the bit of peace with the hubby. maybe then we can actually talk about this whole move situation. and decide. maybe. lol

other friend asked me if i still wanted to go halfers on a table at the market. we talked about it in april but then nothing happened. and we do have quite a few bits that we could get rid of which would otherwise just get donated or binned if/.when we move. so a bit of extra money would be nice.

and thats about it for today. i just miss feeling refreshed and NOT tired. i cant remember what thats even like anymore *sniff* lol

struggling mentally with my water. i just DONT WANT IT. But I know its i need to get in at least 7 pints today. ive had 1 so far :/ boo. not good enough. gonna have another one before nap. must. !!!

hope everyone is having a great day.
Had my 2nd pancake and about to go make a 3rd for snack(s) later. And boil my broccoli for tonight.

it is exhausting and the girls wear me out - but i love them so so much....and i often wonder what it will be like to try to be a good mother, who keeps up with her kids whilst still having a full time job and working 40+ hours a week.

oh..and after a pint of water and a coffee this morning i did jump on the scales and I was back up to 227 but im not terribly worried about that because unless i get on the scales FIRST thing once ive been to the loo in the weighs me heavy....nevermind adding quite a lot of liquid to that! so at least i know im not HEAVIER than i was when i started on saturday. lol.

right. ive just remembered that i put a load of laundry on to wash this morning and i need to get it in the dryer.
Hi, beelishy - bit of a lurker here. I love your thread - you're so honest! Just wanted to say I'm trying to be a good mother, and a carer to my DH with MS, and work 40+ hours a week and commute over 4 hours a day. It nearly killed me earlier this year and for the first time in my life I was signed off with stress. Best thing I ever did! I'm still learning... but I've got a new job (my old manager was the source of a lot of stress)... and I'm just trying to be kinder to myself all round. I don't always manage it - but I'm getting there.
Hi Arty! Welcome :)

My hubby has polymyositis and, thankfully, he is on medication which keeps him (mostly) ok. He flares from time to time..but its caught early and put right pretty quick. In the early days though...when he first fell ill and was in the hospital...omg. It was so hard on me but i cared for him and worked only part time. I had no kids...and i couldnt manage trying to do it all....its people like you who I deem the true everyday heroes in the world <3

Don't lurk! Jump on in, anytime! xx

So today I was pretty good. I picked at bits i really really shouldnt have. because....ARGH. Not terrible, mostly fruit (with a couple of the girls' chips at dinner time *facepalm* and such. Tomorrow i will be FAR MORE STRICT with myself. because i need to be and i can. so i will. pfft.

had broccoli and chili with a couple of yolky eggs for dinner. I am absolutely stuffed to the gills. seriously. the portion was too big. i think i will have less broccoli ( i had 200g) and only 1 egg. *buurrrp*...charrrrming, arent i? lol.

the honesty know. I have spent (or rather...HAD spent) so much of my life lying. to myself. to my mom (when she would confront me on it) everyone. about my weight. about my sneak eating. about my problems with food. one of the many times i did WW as a young adult, the leader would always say to be honest when you fill in your tracker because if you dont youre only hurting yourself. and then they cant guide you and help you to help yourself. thing is...i didnt. it took me years to just be honest. it took me pretty much til i started VLCD. i decided on day 1 that i was just going to DO THIS and if i was going to spend so much and invest so much of myself and put myself through so much...i was going to do it RIGHT. And that means be completely transparent. About everything. Why not, right?

Anyyywayyy. Yeah. I need to be better tomorrow and every day thereafter until i get to goal (and then be good, but in a maintence kinda way lol). So yes. Im done for today (except for water! i still need to drink 2 more!!). And maybe a coffee. :)

How is everyone else getting on?

So....hubby and I started to talk about our cat, again. Long story short, if we move when we now plan to (if we decide to) we cant afford to take our cat. And no shelter will take him..nor do i want him to rot in a cage for the rest of his days. so we will probably have to put him down. im pretty torn up about it. anyway...of course that lead to a bit of a binge. a quesadilla and a banana. it helps nothing and solves nothing. and although ive definitely pinpointed situations and emotional kinds of crap that 100% trigger my eating....i dont know how to STOP myself doing it. so i know that i do it. and i know why. but i dont know how to catch myself before ive done it. i need to work on that. its almost like im not in my right mind. its weird. anyway.

ive then felt so bad that i counted up my packs and i have 33 days worth. i may have to buy more but now i know exactly what ive got.

Oh honey if only we could all stop doing it once we've recognise it but somehow we still do then beat ourselves up because we should know better. Life is hard!! But to be fair that wasn't much of a binge ;) get right back on that ol' horse!!!

I love the honesty on this site, elsewhere on the internet you just get airbrushed views of people lives but on here we just keep it real!! No illusions about perfect lives here haha

Love you girl xxx
I think it does get better but I am 50 and have by no means cracked this. The questions I used to ask my therapist

'I know I have to sit with these feelings but what does that mean, how do I know what to do, how can I tell before it's too late
'I know I have to do something else instead but nothing feels as good or is as quick, effective and available as food.'

The Compassion therapy helped me be a bit more expressive about what I wanted and I tend to say 'I'm really anxious, can I have a hug' more often
and the hot drinks and a sit down can help me in my post work stress state. I've also learned for the same things to happen to me but to react in a different - calmer - way.

But despite all this I was stomping around John Lewis food hall tonight looking for something to eat because House of Fraser couldn't process my refund because I paid by Paypal. As I stormed around I was thinking how is this even connected or rational. I came away with some strawberries and yoghurt for after dinner and a few cubes of cheese and chorizo in a little pack with no carbs in but it could have been worse. However stupid to our rational mind, I get it.

My body hates me (although theres GOTTA be something else going on besides just glycogen etc....need to check when TOTM is due) - 228 this morning. W T F. But, ok. Fine.

Back on it. Im having a coffee and my 2nd pint of water for the day. I didnt have enough water yesterday and Ive got a bit of a headache.

Food today:

My last A/C porridge pack as pancake
spag bol
chili w broccoli (150g) and 1 yolky egg


carbs a bit higher than id like but it'll be ok for today.
I hear you on the WTF. I stuck to LL 100% and had another STS yesterday!! I was so cross. Spent the whole meeting fantasising about the binge I was going to have because it obviously isn't working and what's the point etc etc. Forced myself to get a drink of water when I got home and go to bed.

I feel like I'm out of ketosis, ie really craving things, but don't know why. Can water flavourings do that? I know I had a problem the other week as I have a tendency to bad constipation even when not on a vlcd (TMI sorry) and ended up resorting to the impaction protocol for Movicol I've had to use before. Didn't quite work and I discovered it has citric acid to boot. Great! Got it out of my system and started being religious about psyllium husks but despite multiple litres of water a day (i've never had a problem with water) I think i've made things worse!!

So now I'm constipated and feel like I'm out of ketosis??! Grrrrrr.
TBH, I havent felt like I was actually in ketosis for most of this year. Its weird. I know Citric Acid definitely seems to affect some people but Im not sure if im one of them or not. I dont think i am.

I dont have the problem of constipation, thankfully. generally if im struggling a bit...after a couple of days I take a maximum strength senakot and that usually does the trick for me.

The thing that gets me is that...regardless of seems to be that even if youre not and youre still sticking to plan 100% - surely solely based on the lack of cals and carbs and...everything one should STILL lose weight. SURELY!? I dunno. I dont get it. I just wish that as long as we are good...and stick to plan....the weight would just come off at a rate which makes such an extreme diet worthwhile. That's not always the case, of course. Which kinda sucks.

at this point im just trying to get back to where I was a couple of days ago - at 220 - by my Wi on sunday. *sigh* two steps forward...and three steps back.
So. Ive had 2 pints of water and working on my 3rd. I think between the talk about my cat, the binge-guilt, the scales being horrible to me -- its triggered some serious PMDD. I feel like going to bed for a week and only waking up to cry. Its really hard to be a functioning adult (let alone a SAHM responsible for 2 kids under 5!) when you feel like absolute crap. Its so strange how a couple of days ago I was totally fine and doing brilliantly back on plan...and 2 days later...ive had 2 days off plan...heavier than when i started and just depressed as anything.

The logical part of my brain fights this....vehemently. But the rest of me just wants to switch off and fall into this..pit.

Anyway. I might get my knitting out but even that...I just feel like I cant be bothered.

Chocolate coffee is MUCH better this morning. I added an extra sweetener. Its delicious.

Im going to change up my menu for today. Im just gonna drop a pancake pack in favour of 2 eggs and a bit of broccoli for breakfast. So it will be 883/70 - this allows saves a pack and if i can manage to only have 3 a gives me loads more days of plan before i have to buy more. And as we are skint..this is a good thing. lol.

So we shall see how it goes today. Food will look like this:

B -2 yolky eggs over 100g broccoli
L - Spag bol
D - Chili pack with 200g broccoli and 1 yolky egg on top.
Also have a pancake pack to fit in as snack, as and when.

I cant help but look at this and feel like Im eating too much and then part of me screams "dont be daft. its fine. just stick to that and dont have anything else.". Is that the voice of reason...or is that my carb monster, slowly..very slowly trying to coax me into letting "other bits" creep in?

paranoia, much? lol
I am absolutely gobsmacked at how GOOD that breakfast was. And how incredibly filling. Seriously. Why have I never thought of it before? I really wanted to have another pint of water (my 4th!) before going in for our naptime (girls are currently having a bit of fruit salad for snack - which i almost always pinch at least ONE bit of. a grape....a quarter of strawberry...SOMETHING. and I didnt today.) after snacktime....but...i am absolutely incredibly stuffed. If this is how it wants to play...I may just have this DAILY. lol
I think veg for breakfast is a way forward. When I did my nutrition course we were often pointed towards leftover dinner (rarely happened for me) for breakfast to try and get away from the traditional carb loading breakfasts or eggs. I could never get tired of eggs but I think something else with it just adds to the filling aspect. It sounds like a yummy combination. I could imagine that with a dash of tabasco on the top. I might have that at the weekend.
I was thinking I may put a little hot sauce on, too! It just felt like eating a plate of natural goodness. all the protein and vits etc in the eggs...and the gorgeous vits and minerals and positive health affects of broccoli, right? Im pretty sure broccoli is a superfood. i think its super anyway :p

And it is...such a task for think of a breakfast which isnt carb heavy. I dont mind eggs but theyre not really my fave. I have to make the effort and the decision to have them. Not so much now..but definitely before VLCD. I would pretty much only have them scrambled and SWIMMING in ketchup. And definitely with potatoes and/or toast (or crumpet or bagel.!!) and sometimes wrapped in a tortilla (or two!). And now..the idea of that...makes me gasp. Thats well over ALL OF MY CARBS FOR THE DAY. And so unhealthy. I just gawp when I think of the horrible crap I put in my body for years and years. Anyway. I really did find the broccoli and eggs delicious. Which is such a revelation for me. I can eat smaller portions, far far less carbs and things that I never would have dreamed of (eggs for breakfast with no refined carbs!!) and actually survive! lol.

Silly, but this is why I am here I suppose.

Anyway. I took the girls out for a half hour walk after breakfast this morning. And when we got back, i made their lunch and my spag bol. it was delicious. and then we went in for a nap. i slept for an hour! it was lovely :) im now up and feel pretty refreshed, so YAY! I made my pancake when I made lunch too, so that it would be ready for when i got up in case i was tempted to graze or pick - so Ive just had half of that with a coffee and more water. Ive had 5 pints so far today. I need to get in another 3.

dinner tonight will be my chili pack, broccoli and an egg. very happy with today so far. And the walk was lovely. I took them both out and put zoe's LittleLife backpack on her and left the buggy behind. she LOVED the freedom and walking with us like a big girl. and it tired her right out so when we got on she barely got through her lunch before she fell asleep....zonked right out. LOLOL.

anyway. i think im going to get the girls down tonight for bed and then im going to get back up and come in to chat with hubby and make a decision, somehow, once and for all. being in limbo is absolutely crushing me.

I dont know what to do, guys. I have no idea where or how to even BEGIN to make a decision.