Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

Thanks Mrs C. I hope he will be as fortunate as that. He will be leaving us within the next hour and a half or so. Im so incredibly devastated. Thing is...even if we COULD afford to get him on a plane...he almost didnt make it this time. He was so ill from the stress coming over here.....I know he wouldnt make it. *sigh*

And my eldest is asking if she can have a kitten. She was most upset and asked Lyra if he doesnt love her anymore. We explained as best we can to a 5 year old and told her that he will always love her but he wants to stay here. And she said "Ok. So can I choose a kitten?" - I dont even know what to think or do. I was content with her getting a fish. But now....

I just dont know....
How you guys holding up now? did you find the potatoes!

I'm also at the stage where I'm SO SICK of food - just get it out of my life!

And I'll repeat - don't feel you've failed Lyra - you have left him because you love him :) a) he was a nervous wreck in Newcastle b) he loves the states and the sunshine c) the journey almost killed him last time - so you're giving him the best chance of a good life by letting him go so don't feel bad. I do think you should get a kitten when you get back as a fresh start and a happy thing for the girls. But it doesn't mean you didn't love your boy and you'll never forget him. Where is he now, at your friend's sister's friend's?

Its moving day today. We are giving my sister all of our stuff. So shes on her way here now (its 9am) to pick up the fridge and freezer stuff in her car. then shes off to pick up the moving van. then back to mine and we will load up all the furniture. there isnt much. 2 very light leather sofas, a king sized bed and headboard (that will be the hardest to shift) and a telly. then a few bits and bobs (a hoover, dvd player, standing lamp and a few boxes) and our luggage. once everything is loaded up, we will head over to her house (not even 10 mins drive) and unload it. once everything is sorted, shes gonna take us to the hotel later on. and thats us done with the apartment. we are breaking our im hoping no one will come over and neb when we are moving stuff. the on site leasing office is closed as its thats a bonus. but the complex's handyman lives across from us so im hoping he doesnt notice. also, our downstairs neighbour is a horrible nebby cow. she will almost certainly come out and poke around. im just gonna ignore her. lol. she's been nothing but a b!tch about zoe. has a go about her every chance she gets. so...bleh. anyway. yeah

Lyra is at my best friend's sister's house still. I sent her a fb message last night asking how he was and she said her bf is out of town and she has been working quite a lot but he is hiding...and very mellow. She thinks he ate a tiny bit. She seems to think he will be fine. I think shes probably right. I just hope whatever is gonna happen with him, happens soon. My best friend thinks that her sister might actually keep him herself. lol. Who knows right now. Anyway. I still miss him so much. But there has been so much going on that I have been a bit distracted. Still, in the quiet night especially...I think about my boy and miss him tons.
We made it back to the Uk on Thursday and back to our town on Friday. Been staying with friends which is a lucky that shes been so generous and welcoming but its so hard and we cant wait to get into our own place. for now, we just try to stay in the spare room and out of the way as much as possible. we all had assumed that the flat would be ready in the first week of dec....possibly into the 2nd week. This is not the case as there was more that needed to be done than originally thought. so now we are looking at hopefully beiing able to move in on the 13th or 14th of dec. fingers crossed.

jet lag is still awful. and the girls and i have been ill since we got back. and now mal has our cold too. meh. the girls and i are getting better ..slowly. sleeping on the floor is getting really old though. lol. meh. and im desperate to have our own place and get ready for matter the fact that it will be very meager this year. anyway. we are back. but not settled yet. hopefully soon.
Glad you're feeling a bit better I hope your flat is ready soon :) :)

Think how you'll appreciate it when you get it, you'll have a whole new perspective on what's important in life ready for the new year :) :)

Love you lady :) is mal back at work? Xxx
youre not wrong Lou. I cant wait to get into our own place. omggg.

yeah...he started back at work on tuesday. completed his first full week back today. finances are shockingly bad, what with all the stuff we have to buy (even just the basics) and at this time of xmas will be well and truly pathetic, as far as "presents under the tree" goes. But hey-ho. We will make it as festive as we can. flat appears to be ticking along, right on PHEW! we are going to pop over to have a look at the progress tomorrow. fingers crossed and everything will go as planned this week and it will be ready for us to move in on saturday or sunday.

roll on next weekend!
moving into the flat on monday. going to meet up with landlord sunday ( i think) to finalize everything. cant wait. kitchen installation bloke was due in yesterday. we went over on sunday and it was all going along well and on schedule. so kitchen yesterday (started) and then carpet fitter is putting the carpet down on saturday and blinds people are installing blinds on sunday. then it should be ready for us monday. the fruit and veg shop we ALWAYS get our trees from has sold out of the ones in pots :( there are other places we can get them from, im sure. but. *sadface*. im still slightly leaning toward a fake one this year. but..meh. i will miss the smellllllll of the real treee. lol. anyway - tonight and then only 3 more nights until we are in our own plaaaace. we have a sofa my friend very kindly has donated for free to our pathetic cause (lol) being collected from her and delivered to us on monday afternoon. and a bed on order...not sure when that will be delivered. i was hoping by monday. but...not convinced now! and a bit of furniture on order from ikea coming tuesday. and then we have to run out and get ALL THE BASIC THINGS. sheets/duvet cover....plates/utensils......just..everything. obviously it will be on an "over time" basis. so we will get the things we absolutely need first. and slowly get more...but...yeah. and of course we also have to get the tree and lights etc...and pressies and get them wrapped.

roll on sunday!
Ooh exciting new carpet! My carpets are so rank I want to move house lol. And roof is coming off a bit and a bit of wood fell off the gate the other day haha. And porch door broken

We just laugh when something new breaks now we have literally given up!

You should set up like a wedding list type thing on argos I would def buy something for you off it :)
We are in and getting settled. :) Its veryyy nice. :) We have a bed and a sofa...a telly...(our old one back. we gave it to a friend when we left and she sweetly gave it back...NO we didnt ask. haha)...a couple of sets of drawers (from ikea..yay) ....our tree and decorations are up. we are settling in. :D excited for xmas !!!!

Boxing Day today. I hope everyone had a fantastic christmas. We did. :)

In other news...

I AM SOOOOOOOOO RIDICULOUSLY FAT. I have no idea how much Ive gained as I dont have scales (YET!) but I know its a lot. I feel like a heffalump. Huge. Its awful. :( Im definitely going to look into getting some packs and back on plan...hopefully no later than Feb sometime. I have to kinda figure out money first and we're still settling..etc. And the hubs seems to think we wont be able to have a holiday this year *sob* - so Im going to try to work that out. ;) After all the crap we have been through, a nice crappy cheapo holiday to majorca or something would do us a world of good. We usually go on holiday Sept/Oct anyway - so ages to save up/pay it off and I think its probably doable.

Also, we have decided to home school T. So we are looking into that.

Anyway. Fatty McTubbins (me) here is gonna waddle off to find some more chocolate to shove in my snout. I have that "gotta get rid of it" panic going on. lol *cry*

Happy Boxing day all!
Haha fatty mctubbins :) fatty mcbutterpants here reporting in :)

But what a year you've had!! Phew! As stress related eating goes I think you've had more excuses than any of us :)

Ooh home schooling :) I've no doubt you will be fantastic at it, especially with the Internet as a resource/way to contact other home schoolers.

Haha poor old M I can just see you two in a cartoon strip with him being all cautious and you always planning the next adventure. I'm so 'you' though what is life if you're not always planning? and come September he'd be all 'oh I wish we had booked a holiday' and you'd be DURR!

I'd bloody love to take the kids on a cheapy to majorca but OH thinks Europe is 'boring' PAH. I'm taking kids to Sardinia with parents and sister in 2016 but haven't saved a penny towards it yet *gulp* and OH isn't coming but he thinks that I'm tricking him saying he doesn't have to come NO IM REALLY NOT I DONT WANT YOU TO COME lol. He'd hate it. Sitting at nonna's dinner table for 3 hours and everyone shouting Italian around us. He'd really hate it. And that would make me not enjoy it

Anyway. Sorry hijacking your diary with my mindless ramblings.

Happy post boxing day!
omg. SARDINIA. I WANNA GOOOOO!! Europe isnt boring. Package holidays are *kinda* boring. Im more of an "explore the culture around us" kinda girl. And less of a "sit around the pool or on the beach and get drunk". hahah. But Mal is the same. But in times of desperation (aka....when youre totally it is so much better than nothing. lol.

i talked to him about it a bit yesterday and he brought up some valid points. so, a holiday is probably NOT in the cards this year. but we may do a few weekend trips and lots of day trips away to places in this country that ive not been. Hello...lake district...its just over there *points in the general direction* and ive never been. and so many places even just northumberland. that ive never been to. so...we shall see.

anyway. im fatter than i was yesterday. im positive. *shakes head*. and there is still so much rubbish to eat. *sigh* hahaha. waaaah. im gonna go look at exante and sns websites and see what's new...and lament my fatness.
Afternoon B,

I've done package holidays before even though they are REALLY not my thing and I had a great time, also for about 3 years I couldn't afford to go abroad so I went camping around the uk. It was so much fun and a change really is as good as a rest!! Day trips to the lakes are fabulous!!! It's beautiful up there... I bet your girls would love just playing out and seeing all that open space and nature. Plus in spring.. There are so many calves and lambs... Cuteness overload!!!

About the scales thing... Have you thought about going to boots and weighing in there? That way you're not temped to weigh 4 times per day (like I do haha) plus you won't have to fret about what you weigh... Im sure it's not as bad as your fear!

I've not heard much about home schooling in this country although I have distant relations in the states who homeschooled both of their kids. What's made you decide on that? Will you have to follow any kind of DfE guidelines? (I'm sorry for being nosy it's just I'm a teacher and really interested in what it entails)

Kate :)
Ugh. Food needs to go away. The girls have gotten SO MUCH CHOCOLATE. I just want it OUT. lol.

We've done loads of package holidays.....portugal and malta...ibiza...and others. So we know what theyre like. And theyre not really our sorta thing...but made muuuch better if there is (malta was particularly good for this) lots of local history and landmarks to explore. And we are NOT AT ALL the camping types. lol. It doesnt appeal to me or the hubby at all. Love nature walks and that sorta thing...But actual camping out...tents...bleh. hahaha. Anyway...we will have to see how it goes. Im thinking that he is probably right though and we will have to content ourselves with day trips and weekends away.

As for the HE....I really dont want to get into it in too much depth because no matter how I try to explain it, as you are a teacher and have a vested interest (so to speak) there is always the chance you will feel offended. And I would rather not go there. Its not my intention, nor something I would ever want to inadvertently do! :) Suffice to say that we just arent happy with the school system, the curriculum, the way it is delivered/taught and what goes on in schools. It is something we have been talking about off and on since she was 3 and she went, briefly, to nursery (until we removed her).

So, Last year at Christmas...I took T to her first film at the cinema. We saw Frozen. It was an interesting experience for us both. She loved the big screen and the popcorn (lol) but it was a bit overwhelming for her, i think. The bigness of it all. And a bit long. lol. So we havent been back to the cinema since. She's 5 now...and we decided to have another go. So (probably) tomorrow she and I are going to see Paddington. :) In Feb, there is a Peppa Pig movie coming out. We are all going to make our first trip to the cinema together and see that one....WITH Z. lol. Super excited.

Anyway. Flicked the TV on this morning and of course it was...THE BIGGEST LOSER. Pfft. The universe is speaking. haha.

Ive also had a quick peek and Exante seem to have brought in their 4 pack-a-day option. I still cant imagine I would like their savoury I hated alllll the of them the first (and only) time I tried them last year. But the pancake packs are less cals and carbs on the 4 pack plan and that seems perfect....because it will then fit in with SnS savoury packs perfectly. Im not going to bother with bars. And of course...all of this is just planning for when I finally CAN order some stuff and get going again. Clin, youre so right...we are SO AWESOME when we are actually on it. And Im sure once everything settles down and the festivities are done-with..we can reassess and get back to it properly.

I just feel so warn out. Cooking, cleaning/washing up, looking after the kiddos, assembling all of the gifts that require it, laundry (heaps of got so so backed up due to no tumble dryer and limited drying space! lol) and Zoe not sleeping terribly well. I feel like I need to lock myself away for a few weeks and just sleep. LOL.

Im off to put aforementioned laundry in the dryer now, actually....but first....get rid of the siggie. Its ridiculous and depressing! haha *waaaah*
I've been on a couple package holidays but never with the kids, I loved it just chilling out although I do like exploring too. We've been on a few Haven holidays in cornwall/devon/Somerset quite chavvy but then so am I lol and the kids loved it :) I think our fave were butlins at Minehead (for the free stuff to do there) and a haven (I think) in Cornwall because the coast was so breathtakingly beautiful. Tricky without a car though in Cornwall but with butlins you don't have to leave the site plus there is a beach straight across the road. I love UK holidays I want to go on more. It's my dream to hire little cottages and stuff when I have some £ (never then haha) and go pony trekking and other idyllic things like that. Basically I want to do everything and go everywhere.

I'm thinking of seeing if the fam fancy a trip to see Paddington this weekend coming I've heard such good things and if my niece and nephew come then my son will.

I hear you on the exhaustion it must be double for you with all the moving and stress. I just kind of flopped Xmas night and have had zero energy since. *sniff*

Fricking chocolate everywhere I feel your pain!! Total first world problem but a problem nonetheless :) :)
We havent ever done a butlins or haven thing. And as we dont drive...butlins would probably be more suitable for us. Might be something to look into. :D I definitely want to go to the lake district though. seriously. and i would love to make it up to somewhere a bit more rural in scotland. i adore about stunningly beautiful. Its just that the weather is SO ABSOLUTELY VILE. haha. But...Loch Lomond or...dare I dream...the Isle of Skye....ugh. i would love that. and so much for the girls to get out of it too. Havent been to Hexham for a couple of we need to do that this summer. I love hexham. There isnt much there...but it is gorgeous.

Anyway. This chocolate can seriously p1ss off. hahha. Ive been stomping around...stuffing my face...whinging "why is no one else eating this crap?! We NEED to get RID of it" pathetic. lol Im such a fatgirl that I was actually sitting here with a box of maltesers earlier....eating them whilst perusing the exante website. Way to go, McTubbins. FAIL. Reminded me of when I used to sit and watch biggest loser...WITH A SNACK! hahaha. *shame*

ah well. SOOOOON! Soon I will be back to whinging about how much i hate packs and miss food *grump grump* and omg what i am i gonna do when i need to do i do it...*panic panic* and all that. its always something, innit? lol.

Hope everyone is having a nice *final weekend in 2014" weekend!