Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

Sounds like a sensible book. And good to have a range of healthy veggie choices. Think GL definitely sounds like a plan for you. I think that's why it's always so difficult to move away from packs when you can't do animal protein. So easy to go off the rails and into cheese on toast territory. You'll have to post pictures and recipes when you try them.
After reading what you've been through last few days I think for your health alone you be better off with the new plan xx Also agree that maybe starting afresh with a new diary will help as it will be a new chapter in your weight loss journey xx looking back over your current diary may distract you from the new plan xx Good luck with your new plan and hope you start feeling better soon xx
Went into Newcastle today. Went for a lovely stroll around Leaze's Park. It was lovely and spring-like today. Then we walked over to TGI Friday's for lunch. I was going to have a veggie quesadilla but I thought to myself that I should at least TRY to get some protein I went for the chicken burger. GAG. I just cannot do meat anymore. Like at all. Its just awful. I see dead animal in my head as Im chewing. And I think of all the horrors the poor bird proabaly went through before it was murdered so that i could have a fkn burger. SERIOUSLY? Nope. I just cant. So I had half before I gave up (because I was actually going to be sick). And Z refused to eat her pasta and basically pinched about 3/4 of my chips. Then we went to Fenwick's and headed up to the toy department. I always leave so much poorer from there. And today was no exception. T got one of the new MLP from Build-a-Bear. And a book. And Z got some books and a Princess Holly (Ben & Holly) doll that talks. She loves it. She already has Gaston the Ladybird and Ben Elf. So after that....we went to M&S and got them each an easter egg. Well..not an egg but a panda. Friggin thing is gorgeous but omg expensive. But...we had asked T to choose one that she would like me to request from the Easter bunny on her behalf. And she chose that one. T and Z and I headed over to the fruit and veg section while M bought the choccy pandas. And I got some spinach and strawberries and we ran into the ONE AND ONLY PERCY PIG. He was hilarious. The adults (me included) were absolutely near weeing themselves. The kids thought he was fab. He was dancing and carrying on. So adorable. Then they opened a bag of percy pigs and each of the kids. Then we met M at the front and headed home.

Im starving now. lol. And Im really gaggin' for a dinner type thing. Mash and loads of different veggies and yorshires and gravy. But its after 7pm and aint happenin! lol.

M is normally off on Mondays but tomorrow he is at work because he has to go to the hospital to see his consultant on Tuesday, so switched days.

So I will get up tomorrow and weigh and get some exercise in. I will log my food plan tomorrow too (and each day).

Now Im off to find something that will suffice that isnt a roast-dinner type thing but will satisfy me well enough. lol. Im so disappointedddd.
Have you seen the percy pig easter eggs where apparently the choc is percy pig flavour? For me is the texture of the jelly sweet I like so not sure if I'd like it in chocolate

I'd love to meet percy pig! !!!!

Sounds like a nice fun day :) what did you have for dinner in the end? X

I love how you all GET the percy pig thing. I was so sad that i didnt get a photo. Seriously. I had a sleeping Zoe in her stroller...and T was bopping all over the place dancing with Percy and a shopping basket full of I couldnt really get to my phone. Plus...i was fixated so I didnt think to PUT THE BASKET DOWN to take photos. lol. It was super cute. Theyve had the percy easter pigs for a few years now (at least), Lou and although I havent had them and although theyre adorable...I KNOW exactly what they taste of. Wilko used to have (or still might...havent looked for ages) these little pink piggie heads in their pick 'n mix. Theyre "chocolate"...kinda like white mice....but theyre sorta slightly strawberry flavoured and theyre a bit chalky. I really cannot stand them. lol. My old boss found them at a fairground or something and brought a bag in and then she was hooked on them and when I told her they had em in Wilko (about 3 mins away from our office) she had them in EVERY DAY for like a month. Until she finally got sick of them. hahah. Bleurgh.

Last night I went for finishing off the small vintage cheese boule that I got at marksies with a bit of mayo, some slices tomato and balsamic drizzled over. A fancy tomato sandwich, basically. It was lovely....really tasty...but not the dinner I really wanted. LOL. Oh well! Sunday (or possibly before sunday!) I will make one withsome lovely fresh stuff.... boiled new potatoes, sprouts, peas, cauliflower, carrots and a yorkshire as a treat with some lovely gravy. :) Looking forward to it now! :D That's almost the perfect plate of food for me. WHY AM I SO FAT?! I LIKE healthy stuff. I should just EAT IT ALL THE TIME (and less of it in one go!). *sulk* I can only imagine how hard it is for people like hubby who actually hate healthy every single veg that isnt a potato, onion or peas. Mostly. It must be a minefield trying to ....well..yes, yes it is. I had forgotten that *I* actually have to navigate that minefield and figure out how to get him healthy with very few options to work with. And he wonders why I get frustrated with him and weepy and shouty and stress when I plan meals. :rolleyes: lol's the day. Ive had half a banana and a ryvita. It was half because I have once again gotten into the habit of getting up and shoving something in my face before my eyes are even fully open. *tsktsk* and half because my rebellious inner child was like "I can if i want"...and partly because my vlcd damaged brain was like "omg, I CAN EAT FOOD!! PRAISE BE!!!" hahaha. Kinda like a "pinch me...i think im dreaming". So before that...I got up..shuffled to the loo (Z had me up before 7 again. No bueno!) and then I weighed myself. I had done some rough calculating last night and figured that since I was 255lbs when I restarted for this first time this year...and taking into consideration that I was already at like 248lbs again (up from 243lbs, my lowest so far this year...shocking!) when I kinda went off vlcd altogether. And ive had no fewed than 3 bags of Peanut M&Ms this week...and a bunch of other rubbish....I was pretty much expecting approx 265lbs...give or take a few either side.


250lbs. I was stunned. Its not good...of course not. But in a way...ITS FANTASTIC. lol. I ws expecting to go up and up and up...but I didnt. So I feel encouraged and ready to get going. Fully.

Hubby is still asleep although he has to work today.

I thinking Im getting T's cold. (very sad about this...was hoping to avoid)

Desperately need to get to the bank today.

And thats me for now. I will update food plan shortly :)
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Wow the sandwich sounds delicious xx
yeeeeeeeeeeees! 250! Take it with both hands! Could have been much worse :) I felt a bit like that with my 13'6.6'' - I was expecting 13'10 at least so although it was terrible I was like 'yes!'

Good luck, looking forward to seeing the yummy food you have :) I also LOVE healthy food so it's inexplicable that I'm a big fatty INEXPLICABLE!!
You are both encouraging me to get on the scales myself but I think I need a couple of good days. Sick of resetting stats. Love banana and ryvita. When I was maintaining really well I used to have 2-4 fruity ryvitas with extra light philly and banana on. Might revivie that as a brekkie choice. On a bad day though I would munch my way through the dry packet in the afternoon :(

Have a good day and hope the cold doesn't take hold.
I ended up going out before having my actual had 4 ryvita with light philly, balsamic ( i love balsamic, as im sure you can tell now) and cucumber and/or sliced tomato on for "breakfast". Im now cooking a pot of soup on the stove because, although I had penciled in to have and "open faced" chickpea salad sandwich on seedy bread, i am not feeling great (sniffles and scratchy throat...hubby is at work but quite unwell himself today. boo for colds) and im freezing. So i decided to make a small pot of soup and threw in whatever I could find so ended up as quorn chkn pieces, a few palmfuls of red lentils, some chopped spinach, a small bit of cauliflower, some peas, onion and a very small chopped sweet potato. Whacked it in with some garlic powder, veggie stock, a few dashes of hot sauce, a squirt of tomato puree and a small glug of soy sauce. It will be fine, im sure. HAHA. It smells nice, anyway. I really do need to replenish my dried herbs. I havent really bought any since being back from the USA. I have some fresh basil...but didnt want to use that for this. Some oregano or thyme would have been nice though. Oh well. I cant wait for the warmth! lol
i had a nap with the girls and woke up with full-blown cold. nose is runing like a tap...ears and throat hurty. waaaaaaah. :(

made a snack of 1 slice burgen toasted with a little pb and thinly sliced apple. and a cup of coffee. was lovely. want this cold to go awayyyy though. :(

oh and heres the soup....20150323_115227.jpg was absolutely delicious. possibly one of the best and yet most simple soups ive ever made. was very hearty..more like a strew. loved it.

might just have the the last little bit of it for dinner with a few plain ryvita.

so today ive had 5 ryvita (1 plain, 4 with light philly and veg on), bowl of soup, half banana, pb toast with apple. and im pretty stuffed.

Will have my soup later. I havent felt ill at all today. (well..ok..i have a horrible cold. but blood-sugar-wise). Ive also had 2 glasses of water.

Omgggg so unwelllll. :( All of us (except T of course. Hers was far milder than the rest of us! of course!) ....Z woke up at 6:30 and was a bit grumpy...she's like me...we get really annoyed when we're unwell. Its awful and yucky yes,....but moreso its SUCH A FKN INCONVENIENCE and waste of time. And zoe is just the same as me. So we were both a bit *hmphf!!!* this morning. Hubby is still bed because he has to work tomorrow....although I really wish he would stay home if it hasnt gone as he is on immuno-supressants and i worry so much that he doesnt look after himself when he is ill. A simple thing like a cold could turn into something...terrible. :( But...meh. He doesnt listen.

So...last night i was feeling absolutely awful and sapped and couldnt be bothered to cook. So of course after my perfect day...we ordered a takeaway. :( I DIDNT go for a pizza though. I stuck to having my soup as it was really THAT good. I did have a few mozzarella sticks with it though. There was less than half a (small) bowl left of just enough to fill me, with the sticks. Not the healthiest or best choice...but a pretty good one in my book. Usually im all over the pizza and chips.

So semi-fail yesterday. But Im up now and have had a coffee and will have either danio with some museli sprinkles on or a slice of toast with pb and apple or banana. im going to be prepared today and gonna put a curry on to cook in a bit as its gotta cook all day and we arent going anywhere today. that way, it will be done tonight and i dont have to do all that much. I actually had 3 glasses of water yesterday too. I know...not amazing...but considering i was drinking VERY LITTLE (of anything at all...and zero water) for dayssss...this is progress. I would like to eventually get up to about 5 glasses a day. I got a new plastic tumbler with a straw and lid yesterday and its quite a I will aim to have 4 of those today...and see how i get on.

***** forgot to save this. lol.

Just finished my first glass. So much easier with the straw. I mindlessly sip....almost constantly. ;)
Well done for not having pizza! !! That is quite an achievement when you're ill and shows you mean business! !!

Aw hope you're feeling better soon you poor thing and hope hubby rests up as much as he can :(

Lots of love and kind vibes to your sick household xxx :(
So far today Ive had a pot of danio with 50g swiss museli on top for breakfast and 2 ryvita with a bit of light philly and tomato for snack. I just looked at the time and it feels like aaaages since we got up....and I guess it kinda is since we were up welllll before 7. The curry base/sauce is bubbling away on the stove. And Im on my 3rd glass of water already. I think we may have an earlyish nap today.

Awww I can hear T reading "Oh No, George" to M and Z in the bedroom. Her reading is amazing....she is really advanced in that respect. Now we just have to work on numbers and maths....she struggles with that.

Kittens are currently playing with Ikea pop-up washing basket. Its empty and (WHY!?) in the middle of living room floor. So theyre jumpin in and out of it...on top...chasing each other around it at lightning speed. Its pretty funny. They so some insanely high (and hilarious) bunny-hop type jumps. omg. lol.
Its weird. Clin's recent sad news made me think.... Ive been thinking so much lately about my Granny and how sometimes I almost...forget...that she's gone. Like I think to myself "I need to call her and tell her...." when the girls do something funny or cute or when I need to ask her something...and comes crashing back that she's gone. And my MIL...the girls dont have her around. Life is so amazing....but fleeting. Anything can happen at any time to anyone. This is something Ive been thinking about lately. And.....really..of course we need to get healthy so that we can help ensure we have as much life as possble....and to be able to really be active and present in our own lives. But should be enjoyed. I guess I just dont feel like torturing myself anymore about my weight and how I look. Of course, I will not allow myself to go up and up and up...and I will work to lose weight and get fitter. But Im going to really try not to beat myself up...and not to obsess over it. Because really...when Im dead....will it really matter?! Nope. But things that I did with my girls...the laughs we have...the fun....the learning and growing...all of that will be what matters TO THEM. And that's the important bit for me. :)

Now...if this weather would just co-operate a bit more and if this cold would p!ss off...hahaha...maybe we could actually go out and do some more fun stuff. LOL. :D