Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!


"open-faced" (hahaha...that term just cracks me up) chickpea salad sandwich. Its basically just smashed up chickpeas, finely chopped onion, carrots and celery with a bit of mayo and american mustard - all mixed together. Theres some sliced tomato hiding under there and...yep..a tiiiiny drizzle of balsamic (it lowers the GL of the bread!) :D delicious and absolutely gut-stuffing. SO SO full. lol. Ive got another portion for tomorrow's lunch too. woo!
Absolutely. .. noone will remember or care what we looked like and as long as we are not so obese as to not be able to live a normal life then in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter

Carpe diem! !

Here's to living the best life we can and being the best people we can be *clink* (that was my mug of exante soup)
Well done resisting pizza xx You are doing great keep it up xx
Not been sticking to low GL 100% of the time. Had pasta last night (but was didnt finish it) and have had a bit choccy here and there. And a take away once. Its this cold. I just havent had the desire or energy to cook/make anything so have been just grabbing "whatever". I have noticed the difference it makes when i eat low GL though and i am definitely back on it....probably tomorrow. I think Im coming through this heavy cold that we all have. T is fine now and Z is mostly ok, too. Im nearly there....nearly to the point where its just an annoyance and not actually having any bearing on my energy levels etc. Im just so exhausted and my throat is still a bit sore and my sinuses....bleh. but I am getting im hoping to be back to normal tomorrow. My jeans felt a tiny bit looser this morning. Im going to make a fajita salad tonight, i think. Or I might bring forward our dinner, actually. I really fancy lots of veggies and some gravy. And I have beef strips (quorn) or chicken pieces (also quorn) and proper chicken bits for hubby. Hmm, yes. i think I will.

So we'll have

Boiled new potatoes
a yorkshire pudding
a bit of gravy

I might try a bit of sweet potato and cauli mashed together actually. Hmm.
And TOTM is back, 5 days early. :(

Ive got sprouts, sweet potato, a few new potatoes and some cauliflower boiling now. Will throw some peas on in a bit. and then cook M's chicken and bake the (frozen!) Yorkshires last. Then....i will mash up some cauli with the sweet potato and a bit of butter...done.
yummy that sounds delicious :D

glad you're all on the mend now, people at work have all been coming down with something horrific and all sounding really rough. Germs everywhere!

Loose(r) jeans...oh yeah! *boogie* bring on the summer :)

as always TOTM can eff the eff off!! I wish I could swap with you every other month and you have mine, it's literally 2 days of light bleeding and then done I feel really bad hearing all you guys horrific tales!
Sounds delicious x bloody TOTM is a pain. Im lucky/unlucky that mine are irregular but when i do come on its heavy x starting to wonder now though if i might be going through menopause but at 31 seems too young x
Good morning

I feel like having a proper whinge, but what is the actual point?!

So I wont.

Im going nowhere, fast though. This cold (and TOTM) ....really need(s) to go away now. Im probably going to make soup in a bit if i can scrounge together enough stuff to put in it. Or have some exante pancakes. I have loads. Not had a single thing yet this morning....and its 9am. Been awake since 6. Had a shower and did some dishes, fed the kids and M, cleaned out the cat litter box, and had a shower. I really want a cup of coffee. So I shall go make one.

We are very much considering a trip to Disneyland paris with the girlies, probably next year when Z is a bit older and so that we have plenty of time to save up. I would love to go somewhere this year...but we cant afford to do we might have a few coach trips to local(ish) places. Not sure yet.

Right. Coffee.
:( buck up lass we love you xxx

I'd love to do Disney I might be able to save up to take my grandkids ;) even Paris is quite expensive (well when OH only wants to spend money going to penang)

Our big trip this year is a day at Chessington but we actually can't wait as daughter is tall enough for all the rides now and we can all hang out :)

Have your coffee and pancakes and have a good day xxx
I had my coffee and made french toast with pb, banana and a very small drizzle of golden syrup. Completely not on any plan anywhere. But it was good. TOTM is a beast (again). I feel like I havent had a break between this one and the last one. Not only is it early, but i had cramps and all the other symptoms since the last one! Unfair.

I need to bathe the girls and I cant seem to peel myself from the sofa. I also want to pop to the shop to get some milk and see if we can find a replacement for T's MLP figure I got her yesterday that she has LOST. Honestly. Didnt even last 24hrs. And I shouldnt spoil her and replace it...but I feel bad for her. Its a tiny little My Little Pony mini figure that came with the MLP magazine. And she LOVED it. So much so that she decided NOT to take it to bed with her at nap time yesterday because she was worried it would get lost in bed (this has happened once before with her fave mini figure...she took it for nap, and despite me tearing the bed apart and acutally moving it out and looking was GONE. so so weird) she "put it somewhere safe" and cant remember where it is. :/ She's like ME *sob* poor kid. She she wasnt really being reckless. She just "put it in a safe place" because she WAS trying to keep it safe. Aww. Its also possible that Z has come across it since, in which case....definitely gone. lol.

Anyway. its sunny out...and maybe we will have a walk along. I Its not like I can just get dressed and go. I have to dress them...and shoes..and coats...omg. im exhausted just thinking about it. the little bit of fresh air would do us good though. meh. lol.

im gonna go debate with myself further and then either go to the shop or go lay down for an early nap. lol.
Omg...see I think the same thing about being a mother with a full time job. I just dont know how thats even possible?

Being a SAHM is easy-peasy for me...i just feel like complete poo...partly because of TOTM and partly because of this cold. lol. Im exhausted. So staying home and having the demands of looking after my kids, or having to get ready and go to work and be productive...either way...i would suck right now. Im just not 100% LOL

I do, however, need to get my bum in gear and start actively trying to shift some of this weight. Its nearly april....already! APRIL!!
*CRY* our lives are slipping away from us....come back youth! !!!! *cry* *pathetic whisper voice* please? ??!?!?!

I find if I feel ill and I go to work it gets me through the day but if I was within reach of my bed and my kids were stopping me get in it I'd be all resentful. God I sound awful! I love them really!!! :) :)

Hopefully once you feel better again you can get cracking on the diet :) :)
My old' Lighter Life lady, when people said life is hard, used to say, 'compared to what?' And she's right but sometimes it does feel a bit relentless. Hope you managed to get out and about. I'm such a 'cant be bothered' about fresh air but OH forces me sometimes and it does help.

As for the TOTM I take these for my menopausal hormonal nonsense but they are generally meant to regulate your cycle. I've foudn they really help when I remember to take them. I know you've been trying to get help for a long time and your situation is quite complicated but just thought I'd mention.

Have a good day.