Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

Oh Clin. YOu've done my trick of mentioning something but not including the link or the name of the thing. WHAT IT ISSSS *begs* haha. Im desperate! <3 hahahha

"Compared to what?" - HA! Compared to rich, thin folk with no health problems, money worries or major stresses in their lives! THATS WHAT! haha Im so negative. lol. Anyway. I know what you mean. And yes....compared to what. But really...sometimes it really is just a constant battle.

Asda has brought my shopping...and its all covered in someone else's Lenor which the driver only mentioned, slyly on his way back to the van after I had signed for everything. Hubby had come in from work in the middle of me unloading the crates and as he walked past thats when I first noticed a flowery sorta scent so I had made a mental note to ASK HIM WHY HE SMELLED LIKE LADIES! Good grief, what a fool I am! Im going to ring asda in a bit though and have a proper ***** to them. On top of that, theyve brought me a MOULDY melon. Its actually got mould on it. Last week, I ordered 2 and they were both off too!! Ive nearly had enough of them. Ugh.

Anyway. I unpacked all of the exante packs and put them in the cupboard as I was sick of the box being on the floor where it was taking up valuable space. And I actually found myself longing for the good ol' days when i was properly in the groove, sitting on the sofa with my cup of coffee, not bothered about whether or not i eat anything. Losing weight. Fitting into those BRAND NEW jeans that I have held onto for over 10 years and had never been able to wear until that one beautiful day in march last year. *sigh*

So. need to think of what to do tomorrow. I think we're going to have to stay home and clean as the damp man is going to come round monday to sort these damp patches. *sigh* That's our weekend wasted. meh.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend xx
Fricking asda I've only used them once and all the eggs in the box were broken and they came early when I wasn't in yet and left a card even though i was in at the start of the time slot then they had to come back another day it was a shambles.

Mouldy food and spilt stuff on your stuff FFS it is unacceptable! !!!!!!!!!!

I've also got to think of something (free or cheap) to do tomorrow ... Might go to lambing although doubt son will be interested
Ive called their customer services (which, i forgot, is is SA) and she was super nice but didnt actually do anything. She said she would have to have "a colleague from the local shop" to ring me and talk it through as it was ALL OF MY STUFF. She was trying to ask me what was affected and im like..well...some of the stuff is actually wet and/or slimy with the Lenor and some of it just SMELLs like it. So I cant really tell, tbh. My whole house reeks of it and its pretty much contaminated everything. I would be quite happy with a full refund OR for the to collect their contaminated ***** and bring me a whole new order. But Im not having it the way it is. No way. A few weeks back, I had butter all over a lot of my stuff. It was so gross. And the last shop I did before we left for america...everything was covered in mud!! I really need to use someone else :( Or get my driving licence and a car and just do my own friggin shop. ugh.
Do you have a different supermarket near you that delivers? Such a pain in the a$$

They'd better sort you out or else *polishes knuckles*

Could you try tweeting their customer services put your complaint in the public domain?
Ha ha - I had copied the link and pasted it elsewhere twice before I wrote the post for you - I can't be trusted. Here's the link Agnus Castus Support | The Natural Health Practice available cheaper elsewhere too but good advice on women's health from Marilyn Glenville. She lectured on my nutrition course and she is the expert on nutrition for women in my opinion.
:( hope you feel bit better in morning curse the female affliction! !

Haha we're all dramatic today :) :)

Xxx xxx I'm off to bed in a min as it's my favourite night of the week. .. clean bed night Wa hoo! Although did daughters story in my bed and she was picking her nose!!!

Oh god. how gross are they, right?! Hahah Tabby is a serial nose picker and sadly, Zoe has just discovered that this is a thing. *sigh* I often find myself shouting "use a tissue!!" hahahah. Ugh. Filthy little beasts. Love them so much though. haha Awww, my bubsies.

Had a lovely "pretend" session in bed with T this morning where we were pretending all sorts of things and she was forecasting the weather and said "and its raining and snowing and a tornado and there are snowballs falling from the sky and a rainbow" and off the cuff I said "why snowballs? can't it be...donuts or something?! Then she said "yes, we can collect them in basket and have them for our brekfrust (she pronounces breakfast in the most adorable way, i cant bear to correct her. haha) and it will be YUMMY! hahahaha Aww, now i want a friggin donut for brekfrust. hahaha. *oink!*

Today we have to clean up the house. But I also need to get some stuff to make a cake. My friend J was super sweet and gave..GAVE us her old sofa when we got back to the UK and get into our flat. And the other day I posted a cake on fb. Its a gorgeous rainbow checkerboard cake. Well, J posted something under it saying basically that it sucks she cant bake and her daughters birthday is soon and they'd end up with another store bought. OMG. This made me sad. So I offered to make her a princess cake like the one I made for T's 4th. Im not a professional at all...but it probably looks fine to a kid! hahaha. So Ive got to get the stuff as her bday is thursday. So this is the one I made for T. It will (hopefully) look similar to this. zecake.jpg

Im freezing so going to put the heating up and make some coffee and enjoy my pretend donut for brekfrust. HAHAH :D
I have done absolutely nothing that I needed to do today..and its already 1pm! We've just come back from the pub :/ We had lunch. And it poured on us on the way there, we got soaked. *sigh* We were GOING to have lunch and then either walk (a mile) to Morrisons for cake things OR get on the bus (stop is over the road from pub) and go down to Tesco for cake things. But...omg so wet. So decided that we would just come home after unless it had completely cleared by the time we finished lunch. It hasnt. Got soaked on way home too. Fed up. lol. I want sunshine and proper SPRING!!!

So now, need to clean house, at least. because damp sorting man will be here tomorrow. But seriously cannot be bothered.

I suck. And this weather makes me want to go to bed. FOR DAYS! haha. boooo!
Cake is fantastic. there was one in the window of a bakery near me for ages and it looked nothing like as good as yours. Sure your friend will be really pleased as long as you can build an ark and go and get the flaming ingredients!! The rain is horrible - so glad I got some fresh air yesterday and don't have to go anywhere.

And raining doughnuts. It's the new 'raining men' I can see the video of the three of us now. Sounds like the sort of dream I'd have while entering ketosis.
Haha I have mental images of us in slow motion catching doughnuts from the sky and eating them while looking at the camera in a seductive manner. And what an image that is! !!!!! Wish I had my own TV studio to make it happen ;) ;)

Poo to rain. It's only drizzly here so not too bad and I drive everywhere cos I'm a lazy ho.

My house got cleaned (ish) yestrday and it's a mess already it's so futile!!
ended up going to tesco and found a doll that will be suitable (omg, it was 11 quid! gulp! haha) as its skirt comes off (its the glitter rapunzel) and the rest of the clothes are just molded on/painted..(whatever they do) so i can wrap her in cling film before i shove her in the cake. hahaha. Her hair is gonna be a nightmare though. omg. lol Anyway. so i got everything except for a candle and cling flim and a cake board.

so im pretty much read to go. i will start it on wednesday, get the rainbow cake bit baked and see how i get on. i will crumb it before bed on wednesday and then decorate it nice and fresh thursday morning ready for J to pick up in the afternoon. :)

damp guy comes tomorrow. hubby has cleaned bathroom and is in kitchen now. im sat here like useless hippo. :D

I have to stop eating. OMG. 252 today. HA. *sob* Im going to use this week to wind-down and then possibly try low carb LCD next week. So vlcd but not quite as low cal. and im going to try to do it with food. The 3rd GL book never came. And I looked through the 2nd book i got (the 1st book is crap. the 2nd I quite like) and was reading off some of the recipes and there were very VERY few that we both said sounded nice. Frankly, I cant be bothered to make 4 meals every night. Ive been doing that for the past 3 years..(and before Z was born...I did 3 meals every night!) ..especially when it involved chopping and prep work. Its exhausting. And so time consuming. And all the dishes. I just cant. I had a feeling he was going to be awkward to make it work. He actually said "Its a shame we cant just do packs. it was SO much easier. I loved it". hahahaha. ME TOOOOOOO *sob*. I hate it....but i love the ease. *shrug* And I could just do GL myself and packs for him, but that would get very expensive. So we'll figure something out. I might do 4 packs (of the 3 per day) and a meal and a few boiled eggs....mainly to use them up. And then see where I go from there. I have to stop this NOW though.

Oh! A couple of weeks ago, I finally got my refund cheque from American Airlines. So I asked around for a recommendation for a driving instructor - FEMALE. Ive had 2 lessons in my entire life and both were with men and both were horrible experiences where they made me uncomfortable and talked down to me. I have issues with men anyway (never really had male friends, either) so...yeah. So my friend recommended a lady that her sister is currently I rang her but she has a 4-6 (ish) week waiting list! YIKES! lol. I had her put me on the list but Im kinda like....strike while the iron is hot (meaning, before i bottle it again and while i actually have some money) and get going! so im going to ring another lady i found in the phone book (ok. - thats the phone book these days, isnt it? lol) and im going to ring her in a bit and see what she charges and if she's free etc. Im really scared and nervous but im also so tired of not having the freedom and of having to deal with public transport. its not like london where transport is so much easier. buses here are often late....infrequent....and so limiting. Anyway. Im going to have a go and see if i can manage. I really wanted to just learn on automatic (we will be buying an automatic car anyway...regardless!) but it was either a woman instructor OR an automatic instructor...not both. So I relented on that. Eep. Scared.

Asda STILL havent called me back. Ive actually rang them a few more times since I last mentioned it. And I also rang the local store....and theyre supposed to be ringing me back today. HAHA. See a theme? I do! I have told hubby I will NEVER use asda home delivery again. Ever. Im switching back to tesco or will go to morrisons (our closest) from now on. and then if/when i get my licence...i will just go do my shopping myself. hmphf!

Ok. I had better go pay attention to my kiddos. haha. I have some tie-dye kits and got them some cheap white tshirts at asda ages ago...we might have a go at doing those today. :)
Ive made a pot of lentil and veg soup. Carrots, celery, cauliflower, a small sweet potato, spinach and peas....and of course lentils. It smells lovely. Will have some for lunch in a bit. and the rest for dinner tonight. Have had a headache for a few days now. Im pretty sure that its partly, so with not enough water/drinks. So im working on my water today.
Yay refund cheque Wa hoo! ! Having a car will change your life :) :) I had one horrible male instructor and one lovely male instructor it's a bit of a lottery

Soup sounds delicious ooh yummy

Asda can eff right off I'm now boycotting them until you get a refund ;) *we will not be moved*