Step 1 Sole Source Before and after

Hi everyone, sorry for late reply :-/ the steps are a must! I know so many ppl who have lost the weight and just went back to normal eating.. Its No good as your body does store fats when it's been deprived for so long and once you stretch your stomach to a "binge eat" size it will be harder to fill, I swear by the steps re intruding food gradually will maintain your weight and you'll be fuller for longer :) for me the steps was a little frustrating as I did go up and down until it settled (although when I put on I did lose more the next week) iv maintained through being careful and exercise just Zumba once or twice a week I haven't turned into a gym bunny or anything, I still enjoy the odd takeaway just not as often and certainly not as much, keep at it! It really is the best thing I have ever done! xxx
Great advice- thank you! Just wondering at what point you introduced exercise back into your routine? Ps you look fab! Congratulations!
Thats amazing, you look fab ! Did u have any trouble with loose skin? I'm starting Monday and it worrying me lol x

I've been worrying about this too. I saw a thread in the FAQ section where many people suggest using palmers cocoa butter daily and doing toning exercises and yoga to avoid loose skin. And lots of water will apparently help too! X
Wow you look amazing!
Really really amazing- I always feel like keeping the weight off is the most successful part of any weight loss journey. Brilliant!!
Total inspiration!
Cant get over ur before and after pics, totally the motivation i needed!