'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

what if i never see or hear form him again........
or worse
what if I do, and he is totally uninterested.Or with someone. Or gay.

update for those not reading my diary. Hah- a public diary!
the gorgeous photographer is in a long term relationship with boxer boy's sister. My world is too small

Hmmm Bloody men ay!!! Rule him out, cherish the fun and excitement and find another, I suppose like Judith says maybe one day he will be free and come hunting you down :)

Whats happening with Rugby man?

I would love that, would make me feel tiny :) I love feeling tiny as it is sooo not the case. Are you gonna go?

I hope you have a fab night and get lots of cuddles :)

no cuddles, he wasn't there! Did not mind in the slightest as I knew they were to be in the pub all day. Plenty more fish in the sea!

There certainly is hun, and one pretty fine one will swim past at some point :)
Morning Wemitts,

A lovely sunny day and I'm just about to take the doglet out. Had a good couple of days but when I got in from work at 11pm last nite I had the binge urge overwhelm me. No idea why. Managed to hold it to 2 chocolate bars which meant my cals for yesterday came in at about 1700 which isn't terrible. But it was a struggle: all I could think of was toast and more chocolate. But the two bars I ate didn't really taste as nice as I wanted. Which perversely made me want to eat more. And I've been feeling much better about myself and life generally is pretty good so no idea what is going on inside my head. Ah well, today is another day so if I can't learn anything positive from it there's no point in letting it prey on my mind. Onwards and upwards (or preferably downwards in poundage).

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend. xx
Well done on controlling the binge, I think 2 choccy bars is pretty good hun :)

Hope you have a lovely walk, me and the OH are about to go out too with our dog'ems and taking the ball thrower too :) What a gorgeous day out, the sun is shining yet its fresh outside, Love this kind of weather

I know, this weather is so beautiful! Im heading out to watch our team play football this afternoon nursingmy mini cold, lovely indeed. Feeling quite bad after last night, went out for drinks with friends and foolishly had a smaller dinner at like 6pm, so by 2am this morning I was starving and had chips :/ I tried to resist but when all your friendsa are buying em, its hard not to! Im really annoyed with myself now.. ah well.
Its very hard after drinking isnt it! Alcohol = Bad hee hee

Hope you have fun watching the footie :)

back from a nice walk with the dogs, was actually quite warm, there was no shade in the park so it was really nice. Came back and just had some lunch.

Wondering how to reduce my carbs.....Everything I eat is so carbed up its untrue ha!
Wondering how to reduce my carbs.....Everything I eat is so carbed up its untrue ha!

One trick I've used is I always make mash with half potato and half carrot: tastes pretty much the same if not a little sweeter. For the last 10 mins rice is cooking I add frozen sweetcorn and peas, then add small chopped pepper, mushroom and onion to it before serving. This all bulks it up so to my eye I'm still getting a reasonable portion of carbs. I overcook pasta cos it just keeps absorbing water and altho its a bit gloopy you get more quantity for your cals. I have also given in and now buy Nimble bread so I can still have 2 slices which psychologically makes me feel that I'm still having same amount (my brain thinks a sandwich made with one slice = half a sandwich not matter how big/fat it is).

I've noticed that I've not had a baked potato in ages cos the size I'm allowed is just too small: I had a shock when I realized that my normal size is nearly a pound of spud! Same went for when I weighed some oven chips: you get about 10 for 250 cals. Ridiculous!
10 chips for 250 calories SHOCKING!!!

What foods dont actually have carbs in them?
lean meat, eggs, green leafy veg are all low carb. im no expert though maybe i would head over to atkins forum and lurk there for ideas!!

i'm re-joining the gym this week. i have to. i have a month until i go to see a friend and 2 months until my holiday and im still at square one!! i want to be down a good amount by 2011, so cutting out carbs myself and also doing as much exercise as i can squeeze into my schedule. i think if i can get started it'll be easier to keep going x
Good on you Colly, Ill probably be doing the same at some point, You can do it, its just getting into it and then you will be fine :) I think if I can get a few stone off then I would feel more confident going to a gym again or at least going swimming which I love!!

Im thinking of eating lots of veg, chicken, tuna over the next week or so problem is Im so skint now until I get paid, had to go a month on very little money as came off JSA they dont consider helping you into work do they!! But roll on pay day, exante and a new me!!
best of luck on exante hun, i was so in the zone but once i lost my mojo (gran passed away) i couldn't get it back. my advice to you is if you get in the zone DON'T LEAVE IT no matter what. because returning to it is harder than anything. xx
But potatoes are well worth having even if you have to reduce the portion quite a lot. They are rich in fibre and are pretty much a western diet's main source of potassium (as long as you don't boil them and throw away the water). For this reason I even work low-fat chips into my diet occasionally.
best of luck on exante hun, i was so in the zone but once i lost my mojo (gran passed away) i couldn't get it back. my advice to you is if you get in the zone DON'T LEAVE IT no matter what. because returning to it is harder than anything. xx

I will certainly try my best, Im really excited about it :) Just hope I can do it and stick to it aswell xx

How are you getting on hun?

But potatoes are well worth having even if you have to reduce the portion quite a lot. They are rich in fibre and are pretty much a western diet's main source of potassium (as long as you don't boil them and throw away the water). For this reason I even work low-fat chips into my diet occasionally.

Im not sure I can control having only a small portion hee hee :)
Morning all,

Nee, when I tried the Atkins diet it nearly bankrupted me! This is partly cos I actually got bored eating the same stuff all the time so I would buy steak or fish to mix it up. I hadn't realized that I rarely eat just meat but usually have it in a sauce/gravy to create variety. Tuna is cheap and I think you're allowed corned beef too (altho I only eat this in hash). Tescos promise to have two fish on offer all the time if you have a store near you?

Not a great weekend cos I got the chocolate craving so bad and I just caved. I reckon I only ate about 1500 cals worth over the weekend (believe me, it is "only" cos I can eat my own body weight in Cadburys) and other than that I stuck to my 1300 cals per day. So altho the scales are cross with me today I'm hoping that it wasn't serious damage. And I suspect that these wasted cals are still less than (say) going out for an indian meal as I love all the creamy ones and the naans. The problem is I've awakened my choccy-monster so today is going to be a struggle. I have no idea why this craving comes on me unless chocolate manufacturers really do put heroin in the mix. I also have a really mean headace: I wonder if that has anything to do with the choccie? Today I'm making a vat of veggie soup and alternating it with Slimfast drinks to try to gain a bit of ground back.

Have a lovely day all. xx