'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

i liked the taste of it but OMG i was just so ill. and now i associate it with being in hospital so it is the devil to me :D which is a shame cause it is so low in cals x
its often the way colly, I know Im the same over certain things which have made me ill....mainly Vodka ha ha ;)
i have that with southern comfort...i used to buy a big bottle of it and drink it straight at friends houses etc regularly and be fine :D but then i didn't drink for 6 months and thought i'd be able to slip back into old habits, it turns out that your body can't take all that liquor after abstaining for a while, who knew? well, except me now ;) lol. i can't even pick it up in the supermarket now without feeling a bit queasy!! x
Yep Im with you there hun hee hee Vodka....sickening thoughts burrrr
Haha, im totally like that with those reef alcopop drinks..I drank them so much as a teenager that Im totally off them for life now, just make me feel sick.

The man is a new man I met out last night, friend of a friend.. :) Hes was very lovely! Ive been a total wimpy girl (and usually im never like that, men!) all day wondering if he would text and he just did. This year has started out so awesome so far.
ooooh thats fab hanz :D
I had forgotten about reef, I used to drink that alot too, ewwww hee hee

Ahhh thats great about the guy :D have you replied yet?

Yees, lots of texting going on and he even asked me out for next weekend.. :D This is totally sad to admit but this may actually be my first proper 'date'..never really had one in the past with someone I only just met.
Oh Yay Hanz, how exciting, Im really happy for you, yes, any idea where you may be going? xx
Yees, lots of texting going on and he even asked me out for next weekend.. :D This is totally sad to admit but this may actually be my first proper 'date'..never really had one in the past with someone I only just met.

Ahhh so sweet - can't wait to hear how it goes! xx


I'd had a good week and a half and then last night for no reason had a binge on chocolate. Can't believe it - about 800 cals in one go. And can't say I even tasted it. Even as I was doing it I didn't know why. This WW diet is weird cos my head knows that I'm eating a lot more than on any calorie controlled diet I've ever done. And I've only lost 3lbs in 10 days which is pretty slow for the first two weeks.

Yesterday I went to the docs for a referral to this exercise programme where you can have a personal trainer on the cheap but he wouldn't clear me for exercise :confused:.
I've been having some pains in my chest and he wants me to go for some tests before he is happy for me to exert myself. I know I'm unfit but this is a first for me. Won't know the outcome of these for a few weeks so I'll just have to wait and see.

Otherwise all ok here in Judi-land. Hope you all have a lovely day. xx
3lbs is still great Judith, a loss is a loss at the end of the day :D Maybe you can learn from the binge in knowing that 1, you didnt even know why and 2, that you felt you didnt even taste it?

Shame about the referral but maybe one you had all these tests etc and it will all be fine and he will refer you

Judith 3lbs is steady. I know right now I'm doing something very different and get anxious that I'm not doing what's best for me. But then none of the other stuff worked (completely, maybe partially) for me, so why not give my new thing a good go for 20 weeks. Thta's my thinking anyway (though there are times my rebellious inner devil would not agree)

Well it's Thursday. I have along day todya and 36 beautiful teenagers to meet this evening. I'm behind in budgeting and reporting but I'm not going to get too concerned. I'm in work til end of March now, and hopefully here will be some continuation in someway after that. On my last pay day, my tax jumped considerably and fingers crossed they have it sorted for tomorrow. It simply has to be wrong! Today is rest day, bliss! So far this week, i've done a 30 minute spinning class and 10 mins strength training, a 5 mile run and a a 5k run, a 30 min walk and a bums legs and tums class- I feel virtuous! Oh and as part of project motivation and the move to protein we get these protein supplements (damned expensive though) last night I got a peanut and strawberry choc bar and chilli and lime "nuts", both abs delish (esp compared to last week's)- treats!!
Morning all.

Kellie, I think what your doing is great, Everything is worth a go, unless you know straight away it wont work, and so far yours still might, also well done on all your exercise! Whats the 19th Feb then?

Judtih, again well done and how you doing today?

Hanz, any exciting 'man' updates for us?


Did everyone see that programme last night on ch4, 'will my crash diet kill me' I quite enjoyed it even though they compared a VLCD to the diets 'cabbage soup' and 'maple syrup' which in my opinion isnt compariable at all!

Today my car has to go to hospital for some repair, so dropping the car off and then walking back which is around 3 miles, its certainly one way to get my bum moving :D and if I have enough energy after that Im going to do one of my exercise dvd's
Awwh Nee,car hospital :D Made me chuckle.

Judith, congrats on the 3lb! Its a fabulous loss, and the thing about this kind of eating plan is that its not really a diet but a way you can eat for the rest of your life so it wont always have the bigger losses but on the other hand it kind of sets you up for your life.

We have been texting, alot! Most nights he texts me first, he seems keen which is very good.. its definately getting me through the week as works been knackering. I love to death my new job but theres so much that comes with it and depending on how my day goes and the kids behave Im finding my mood really fluctuate alot and then I be silly and eat off plan. So hoping to see him sat night :D
Hanz, seems like its all going well for you, 2011 is so going to be the year for us all, I can feeeeel it

Hello my lovely's :D

Right, im thinking were not all posting as much on this thread as we used to, and Im not happy about it ;)

So, shall we start a new challange thing, set some goals for the month ..... Hmmm yes, me thinks so!!


We have 37 days till the end of feb... by then I want to lose 18lbs

so if your in, put your stats like mine (in the post below) and we can copy and paste it.... here it goes

New Challenge for the 'Big' Challenge :) Ending 28th feb

Nee - 18lbs to lose - 18lbs to go