'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

So we now have 2, come on people, join in YAY xx

Nee - 18lbs to lose - 18lbs to go
Kell- 10lbs to lose- 10 lbs to go
I'm not confident in this WW malarky but what the hey - I'll try for 8lbs in 6 weeks.
Nee - 18lbs to lose - 18lbs to go
Kell- 10lbs to lose- 10 lbs to go
Judith- 8lb to lose, 8lb to go
colly- 14lb to lose- 14lb to go.

i'm going to go for a nice square stone in the next 5/6 weeks...wish me luck,i need it! must get slim...
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Nee - 18lbs to lose - 18lbs to go
Kell- 10lbs to lose- 10 lbs to go
Judith- 8lb to lose, 8lb to go
colly- 14lb to lose- 14lb to go.

Yay, loving it xx
posted about it in my diary but DON'T CARE, repeating!!

met ronsy today :D she is fabulous!
Ahhh, how cool is that :)
it was very very cool! i will inform her she is coming with me to our cocktails and fancy dresses do ;)
o_O challenge,As im slowing down now Im going to say 8lb for end of feb, that way I'll get my 6 stone award.

Had my date last night, so good :D Im one very happy lady today!!
Ooooh gossip please!
Hehe, well hes a rugby player (which means im going to have to learn it sometime soon!) and hes lovely. Though I did get a bit of an ambush from half his rugby team who were out in town.. 7 men all at once was alot to take in for a first date. All of them trying to tell me his embarrasing stories, hillarious. Definately seeing him again :)
That's fab. I'm so happy for you! I wish I could find a nice fit rugby player ;)
Ahhh hanz, so glad it went well and oooh rugby player...bonus :D
Ahh how lovely. We need all the details so we date vicariously with you. xx
Well done Kellie, And sure definately another could drop off by wed xx fingers crossed :)

Judith, I love your thinking :D xx
Haha, Rugby players are definately yum (with nice big arms..), but on the other side very boyish as well (is that the right word?! You know what I mean when lads are all together and mess around). Hes totally sweet and honest thou, which was suprising considering the guys ive usually met so wins lots of point there :)
Kel you are welcome to come and hang out and distract them, that way I wont spend my dates seeing them floating around in the background totally watching us, haha. Am going over to his house on thurs night to watch a film so shall let you know how tht goes, on a schoolnight and everything..tut tut.

Congrats on the 2lb kels :D You totally can get another one in there.
well done kellie! and is there a spare rugby man for me hanz?! i looooove nice arms on a man, might sound weird. i once had..umm..liasons with a man who held a world record for rowing....UGHHHH just thinking about his arms i'm getting all flustered!!
Oh Hanz, a dvd is so perfect- no mates watching you there I bet!
Ok Collie, when we taking these rugby player- I think we can be good distractions? And yes, I'm totally in love with arms too- a guy I lived with had the most perfect arms, mmmmmmmmmmm dreamy stare......

Well I went for a run thi evening, and yes, I definately need more energy in the tank beforehand, but apart from that all's ok. Work a little overwhelming. A friend is coming to spend the night so I have to change sheets and all that!

Have a good evening folks!