"Biggest Losers" Team 32!

Helloooooooo everyone, how are you all? Bailey hun sorry you didnt lose this week, its gutting but heres to next week!! well done Jacqui on the course going back to work thats going to be scarey who will be looking after Ari? xx i think i am going back end of december/jan 2010. Hope everyones had a nice day xx
Hey mel, thanks hun! Im thinkin my mum and fam will have her in the eve im at college and hopefully when i go back ill be on night shift but thats not 100% if i do then she will sleep at ma mums and i will pick her up in the a.m! If not i know a few childminders and i will get help paying for them! Feels so good knowing that the plans are in motion now because i have been getting so bored at home!
Hows lil ridley!?xx
Brilliant sounds good to me! are you looking forward to going back to work then? I have been wanting to go back for a while, not just cause I am getting bored but I have a great lot of friends there, its a very relaxed and social company I guess and I feel quite cut off being off! Having said that I am starting to really enjoy my time with Ridley now, he is lovely, making so much noise nowadays and so much more content bless him such a cutie ... how arianna?
She is good thanks hun, a real madam though! She is always pointing her finger and having a go at someone lol really makes me chuckle!
Kinda looking forward to going back, but at the same time dont want to leave arianna! See how it goes though!
How you findin it today? You're doing SS+ aren't you?What meals do you have? xx
Awww really, Ridleys a right monkey too, he has started stamping his right foot when he is having a hissy fit lol .... he's only 4months but he is a fiery and very noisy baby, he thinks he's in charge!! .... I am doing good today actually glugging the water down, determined to get a good weightloss next weigh in! i am doing ss+ i usually have like chicken for dinner with steamed broccoli and cauliflower and usually have fat free dressing on it to give it more flavour, although last night I had tuna steak with veggies which was nice makes a change. Are you on ss+ if so what meals do you have? x
Im on SS hun so no food for me..well technically lol but i have been good last couple days, an hope that means im on to a good thing for my next weigh in! Ill be gutted if i haven't lost i wanna get down to the 15's so fingers crossed!
What have you been doing today? x
wi in the morning, i hope ive lost as i had a huge carb intake on sat morning but ive been nearlyy 100% since :) apart from a small chicken salad on wed...
fingers crossed
Awwww Jackie I reckon the losses are bigger on SS .... you'll be speeding past me ... haa xx i like my evening meal with OH to be honest would feel crap if I couldnt eat anything ....good luck for your weigh in Katy!! ... Jackie I haven't done much today lots of housework but happy the place is clean, i have a baby free night tomorrow .... hoorah for lay in, on Sat !! xx hope everyones had a nice day? xx
Hi girls,

Sorry did not post yesterday, my OH went away today so was spending a bit of quality time with him last night.
Good to see that you are all well. Keep going Em, at least you did'nt put on, stay strong!!! Well done Mel on your weight loss you are doing brillantly! Good luck for your weigh in tomorrow Katy, i'm sure you will have lost! I'm still 100% SS and believe me i find some days really hard but my OH had gone away for 3 weeks and i really want him to notice the differents when he returns.
Nearly the weekend, has anyone got anything planned. Cleaning for me i think!!!

Jodie x
whoops, bummed it up tonight!!!! had to have a salad, as had several accidents with my packs, dropped them and knocked them over :( so had salad, then because i had food, i had the muchies and ate 4 little bags of minstrels, all before my wi in the morning, so STS i think, 110% tomorrow!!!!!!!!
Aw katy good luck for your WI today! Don't beat yourelf up about eating remember, just get back on it tomorrow!
Good luck for doing 100% today!
Jodie lets hope u have great losses while ur OH is gone...
Mel...i literally did nothing yesterday lol went to bed at half 9, so going up to my mums hse to walk the dog for my brother as my mum is in scotland and bro and sis are at work...gets me and ari out for some fresh air!

I have a throat infection an i feel like poo, meant to be havin a girls night tonight been planned for ages so im cooking chicken for dinner tonight but back on 100% tomorrow! well better get ready to go buy some chicken lol!
Hope ur all ok! xxx
Are you back from your weigh in Katy? How did it go?

I seem to be well and truly stalled at the moment. I've noted down the last 11 days of weigh ins from my diary:
2nd Sept: 216.6
3rd Sept: 216.6
4th Sept: 215.2 (no idea why)
5th Sept: Didn't weigh
6th Sept: 216.4
7th Sept: Didn't weigh
8th Sept: 216.4
9th Sept: 216.0
10th Sept: 216.0
11th Sept: 215.8
So in 9 days I have lost 0.8lbs :(

I wouldn't mind if I'd been constantly eating and had pizza or burgers or chocolate or something. I'm not going to lie to you and say I've been constantly 100% but some of those days have been 100% and if I have nibbled it's been something like cottage cheese or a small piece of cheddar cheese or similar. It doesn't make sense that it's enough to stop me losing weight. Definitely not over 1000 cals even on my most nibbliest day (and that was the day I did a lot of walking too). It's not like I don't have weight to lose, I'm still obese. So why is it not coming off? Am sticking with it and upping my water but I'm feeling really disheartened.

Em xx
Are you keeping the scales in the same place? Are they on carpet or flooring? You get a more accurate weigh in if its on carpet apparantly hun! Try not to worry to much! You could just be loosing inches instead! xxxx
No, weighing on carpet is much less accurate. Hard floor is what you want. Yes, always at same time of day, same scales, same floor tile. Inches have actually increased too, not decreased :(
Eeeeeek .... I am terrible guys .... i had something too eat and now feel so guilty .... :( i've been so good and doing so well how could i do it....I blame OH because we dropped baby off as we're having a night to ourselves tonight and he took me to get some food but I didnt even put up a fight i just got it and ate it without even thinking about it.... eeeek!
Hi girls,

Don't be too hard on yourself Mel, just make sure you get back on track ASAP!!!
How did your weigh in go Katy?
Try not to be to disheartened Em, you should try not to weigh yourself everyday.
Hope your feeling better Jackie, its awful being on a diet when you don't feel well.
I can't believe that i have been 100% now for 17 days, lets hope it stays like this, roll on Tuesday nights weigh in.
Hope you are all having a good night!

Jodie x
Damn i got it mixed up then! Maybe its just an off week hun! Remember there is always next week try not to worry to much about it!
And Mel...was the food nice???? I hope it was! Cos no point "cheatin" for somethin that werent nice! We arent machines we are meant to eat food, we are going to have slip ups thats normal! But dnt feel guilty bout it just DONT DO IT AGAIN, lol jokes! But remember you have done sooooo well its only 1 day after all!!

Where is Katy????? xxx
Dunno where Katy is but she lost 6.5 lbs this week!!! She sent me a text earlier :)

Just back from the pub where I have drunk gallons of sparkling and soda water. At least my water intake is HIGH! My OH is happy cos he always gets to drink and I'm always designated driver!

Need to go to bed now cos I'm shattered. Speak to you all tomorrow

Em xx
panick over im am here *waves*, i have just had a hectic day and only just got time to come online very quickly, its 03:33 i got home at 3 and i have to be back at work by 10 :(

i got up, went to WI, lost 6.5lb (thanks emma for sharing, id have forgotten otherwise :)) got home, phone rang, fella asking do i want to go shopping in manchester... so i did, then went to work, got asked to stay till 1:0, which turned out to be 2:30, on my way home, got pulled by police (again) for "drink driving" had to be brethalised, to th ashtonishment of the copper, i hadnt been drinking, well water of course. but he said i was driving irratically so therefore i was intoxcated, but i was just tired and had a sneezing episode :(
so i am home, about to go to sleep as i am back at work very sooooooooon.

i will speak tomorrow when i get home from work, but dont panic now, i am here *hugs*

Bye bye for now

K xxx