Breastfeeding and Slimming World

I am so glad to hear that rountines don't insiantly happen, Charles is still awake *wide* till very late and have to go back and forth from bedroon to settle him at 8.30pm last night, so tiring. I love charles snuggling on me but was scared to do so after reading all negative things about independency etc but it reduces his anxiety and he is such a cuddly baby anyways!!!
God do you know how much of a relief it is to hear it's not just us!!
Thanks for all your tips, I think I'll look to move Bella upstairs in the evenings and try starting a routine between 2-3 months then. Might even do it Xmas time if I feel ready as James will be off for a few days so we can work on it together then.
We've got a monitor already plus James bought a camera to set up which you can connect to a tv channel so we can just flick over to check on her. I think it's night vision too.

Feeling a bit sad as some of Bella's newborn clothes are getting too small now so we're going to have to move to 0-3 months. Just brings it home that she's growing so fast already
Getting a camera is a great idea. We installed a camera monitor and for the first month I was glued to it whenever Rosie was sleeping. It was like big brother! Lol! Its just wonderful watching her sleep, she sleeps in the weirdest positions sometimes lol! And watching her garbling and playing with her blankie is the cutest! But besides that it is really comforting to know I can check on her without disturbing her. Sometimes she cries in her sleep, like a tiny wail :( and if it weren't for the camera I'd just go right in to her room, probably then waking her up. But with the camera I just watch for 2 mins and usually she settles back to sleep, if not then I go in.
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Penny squeals in her sleep, and sometimes she pulls these faces and makes the exact same noise Joe says i make when i have a nightmare, breaks my heart!!! I know what they say about rocking, not letting them sleep on you, co sleeping etc but i say whatever, my baby is happy and healthy and so am i! so how can it be wrong! and you know what if i *do* have some sort of trouble with it in a few years time then im the one to deal with it so why is it anyone else's business if she comes into bed with me after 5? i like it, she likes it. i get more sleep. Happy days!!

Hate people giving you advise.. and then expecting you to take it!
Research has show that in non-western societies babies that co-sleep have reduced anxiety and a calmer temperment :)

Charles was good as gold with his injections - cried a tiny bit but did not need calpol and was fine after milk (can you tell he is male :p ) Although not so good at the mo as crying tons but OH got him now for a break away from the noise!!!

Sarah - mine is starting to grow at of 0-3months, I saw little prem clothes yesterday in Boots. I cannot wait till he starts to play, any old excuse so I can play with all toys I have been eyeing up, lol

P.S. got killer period cramps, started last night, aunt flow is on her way,grrr!!!
yep, my periods are back- think its cos Penny sleeps longer than 6 hours at night. Dont get me wrong, sleep over no periods any day, but i feel like im going to cry because the urge to eat my body weight in cake is killing me. Theres a little voice in my head telling me to give in because im eating so much as it is i wont loose anyways :( and were away tomorrow night, im not sure if i can hack it- if i start i wont be able to stop though :(
I do co-sleeping because I think me getting some sleep is better than me getting NO sleep and becoming unsafe driving etc. It's got to the stage where everyone else is an expert and I'm ignoring as much as I can now, just going with what feels right.
we co sleep too. I did with DS so made the decision to do so with DD from the start. I love it. There is nothing better to being woken up in the morning to madam stroking my face lol.

Is anyone else doing the baby led weaning route? Felicity turned 6 months a few weeks back and I decided I wasnt going down the whole making purees thing this time, as I am sure that is what caused DS's early fussiness as they dont know how to handle textures, although he is much better now. I am shocked at how great madam is doing with it. We had a few gagging episodes at first (all totally normal, as their gagging reflex is in the middle of their tongue and doesnt move to the back like an adult until later on), but she soon got the hang of chewing with her gums and now only two weeks in, she is feeding herself all sorts and loving it. Makes things so much easier, as she just gets pretty much whatever we have. I have just cut out the use of salt in things and have been making my own stocks for things like spag bol (yep she has even had spaghetti haha).

Just incase no one has heard of it, you can read more here
We love co sleeping, as you say Britmum.. nothing better than waking up next to them...

penny11 258.jpg
Havn't really looked into baby led weaning but what little i know im thinking it might be right for us. Will get a book over xmas to have a look at.
We're going for baby led weaning

1. I'm lazy and can't be bothered pureeing
2. Alex is refusing baby rice or anything at the moment, despite everyones assurances that he 'needs to eat' so we're holding off til 6 months if we can

In other news. I got a job! I start week commencing 19th December, so am not sure how breastfeeding's going to and how I have to go about asking for storage etc.

It's nightshift too, so I will need to pump because Alex does wake up at 4am (and this morning 5 and 6 and 7 but only for a comfort boob and snuggle) to feed so my milk supply recognises 4 am as milk time.
I think I'm one of the few who was uncomfortable with co sleeping. I was happy to have Rosie sleep on my chest but when she was fast asleep I'd move her to her cot. Sometimes I slept for a few hours with her on my chest but I never slept well and I can't imagine being able to sleep comfortably knowing I have a teeny baby in bed with me. I dunno... When I was in Hungary we co slept cos my brother didn't have a cot obv, and for a week when I came back I kept waking up with a start trying to "save" DH from falling out of bed!

Britmum I've been doing baby led weaning kind of by accident the last few weeks and we've had some success. Once I got over the horrendous mess, it was quite fun and delightful to watch Rosie feed herself. Its so weird but she seems to enjoy eating more when she feeds herself (probably the excitement of putting food in her mouth lol!). My only issue is what happens if you want to feed your baby something like rice? Rosie loves couscous and I can't even imagine how to go about letting her feed that to herself :eek:
So far her faves are broccoli (don't they all love this?! LOL!), blueberries, pasta spirals, green beans, salmon, mackerel, pear, apples, banana. She's not so keen on potatoes, meat and white fish. And while we're at it, is there a way to keep the mess somewhat... "contained"? :D

Here she doing her thing lol

This was when we first started out with BLW lol, I know it looks like a disaster but most of the food did end up in her mouth LOL!


More success!


Sleepy but still wants to eat!



Too much fooooood lol! Mind you she looks like she's had a few swigs of those drinks! Look at alllll those chins!


Here she is, so excited about her new toy! She's just about walking now at 9 months! She's got one of those baby walker things that she can push along and she loves it! She's so big now. Still no teeth though :eek:


Okay I'll stop now lol!
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Aww fab pics of Rosie. She is loving it.

rice and cous cous is surprisingly easy, as it becomes quite sticky when cooked. Felicity is fascinated by rice and grabs handfuls of it, getting a few grains here and there in her mouth. Or mix some roasted butternut squash with it, which also helps hold it together.
Aww some stunning pics fern n honey. Lexi excellent news on ur job really pleased for u. They will have to do a risk assessment before u start as ur a nursing mother. Believe they have to provide somewhere where u can express in private n store ur milk. Hr should be able to give u some info x
I also used to say i would never co sleep, but i actually sleep better when im cosying up next to her. When Joes in bed, il push the moses basket right up against the bed, anmd put a pillow next to it, so if by some insane freak of nature she did roll, she would have to roll up a pillow and into a moses basket lol. But i sleep with my arm over her legs. xx
The area I live in is poo.

Where can I find good info on co sleeping as with this baby I would like to

Also did anyone use aromatherapy in labour? I woke today and randomly thought about it.

Gorgeous baby pics :) how fast is time goin!!

For baby led weaning try your local childrens centres see if any workshops are running. I kno where I worked there was one. If your weaning from 6 months then baby lead weaning is ideal and u don't need purée! There are only a few rules to it. I'm debating trying it this time round. Although I loved making purée with Jacob. But then again he was a good eater anyway had no trouble with moving up to lumps but I hear they say blw helps as they get used to textures and that so helps them become less fussy than a purée fed baby xx

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current at 33weeks preg: 14s 7lb
yep the main rules with baby led weaning, is to make sure they can sit upright unaided (no slouching backwards), any food must be put in their mouth by them only, you should never place food in their mouth for them and of course whole grapes/nuts etc should be avoided because they can be choking hazards and lastly expect gagging. It will happen because that is how they learn, but gagging is totally different to choking, choking is completely silent.

I am totally impressed with the different food madam has been feeding herself.
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Well I'm back on the SW train now, had a rocky few weeks (I say 'few' more like 14 lol) between feeling quite down and not myself so eating went out the window, wasn't helped by MIL being a pain again and my mum making me v v anxious re Alex, because she lost a baby to SIDS she basically correlated everything Alex did with the lost baby.

Need to get my (lardy) ass into gear, i can't spent life being overweight and waiting to start 'after the weekend'.

I'm feeling a bit better now, so hopefully things will start to get into place.

Making slow cooked fajita chicken for dinner, so a big speed meal there with chicken, passata, peppers, onions and mushrooms with a sachet of fajita mix (3.5 syns) stirred through, so 1 syn for lovely saucey fajita chicken to have with rice.
Wow Fern thats an amazing loss! You can be my inspiration lol! Planning on going back to class the wk following birth(fingers crossed).i've has my fair share of naughty food so shouldn't be tempted.......could be a different story if i have a hard time bf and sleeping etc! lol
Lexi well done getting back on the sw train. Glad you're feeling better and its a good time to start with your new job coming up!
Well still no signs of anything lol, am being patient and taking one day at a time!Me and hubs seem to have got into a pattern of going to sleep really late as in 1/2 am and not getting up till 11! Just can't sleep! x