Breastfeeding and Slimming World

Hi Hun hope you don't think I'm gate crashing but I'm a breast feeding buddy and Just wanted to say well done you!!
Its hard work and your doing a great job, if baby is stugglng to latch on then there Are many things to try to assist.
Do look out for breast feeding groups in your area. Not only are the social there is normally a counsellor there who can suggest different positions to assist.
Keep going x x
Thank you honey. At the moment we're thinking Bella is a bit small which is why she's finding it difficult. Also my nipples don't want to cooperate half the time! I'm going to try expressing later for 10mins just to bring my nipple out and have another go then.
We had our first outing yesterday - a nice walk around the park and a little trip into m&s (bought some fillet steak for my first rare steak since last year!!). I'm super emotional at the moment - the checkout girl said 'what a lovely baby, how old is she' and I practically burst into tears, luckily hubby was there to answer so I didn't freak her out!! Just feel so overwhelmed and in awe of her all the time it's crazy!!
She's got her heel prick test this morning... Not looking forward to that :-(
sarah i sobbed through her heel prick test and she snoozed the entire time, even when they had to use a bigger prick!!!
.... youl be able to control the public crying soon- by about 4 weeks i was able to limit it to a private sob when she slept and i saw how beautiful she was! lol!!

hows the bf going today? xxxxxxx
Turned a corner this morning - she managed 15 mins on the boob!! Yay!!
I'm so proud of her... Celebrating being a week old! She hasn't wanted a feed since so hoping we can manage some more boob time a bit later.

Bit disheartened this morning, I'm still 2 stone 1lb over my pre-pregnancy weight. Still I'm not going to dwell on it and as soon as I get used to my new life and routine, I will be jumping straight back onto the wagon. At the moment it's food that's easy to grab... Unfortunately that's not including much fruit and veg which I'm working on!
well done Sarah :)

My Charles has turned into a right porkie at 7lbs and 6ozs he has a little chubie belly and using infacol to help with windyness and help charles with going for a poo more easier :) i need him to get to 7lbs and 11ozs so that he can go into his baby carrier so I can have more freeness with my hands!!!!
That's a fab weight bunny!

Bella lost 8% taking her down to 5lb 14oz on fri, then had put on nearly an ounce when she was weighed again Friday.

Bella's taking really well to the nipple shield today, been giving her bottles of expressed too while I was napping earlier and when the nipple shield was being sterilised. But she had a good 25min session on the boob earlier - I'm so happy!
It is normal for baby's to lose up to 10% baby weight in the first week, my charles did. But don;t worry about that, they soon but it on and good news is now at three weeks charles sleeps a bit longer during the night, makes a hugh difference to sleep :)

Well done with breast - I could not do it with my co-ordination and problems with charles not latching on so I mainly express with some forumla. It does not matter what you do as long as you and the baby are healthy and happy :) My cpn told me the other day that formula is that good now it is so close to breast milk

P.S. I have attached a piccie of me and Charlie boy getting some snuggles in bed :)
Hi everyone
I've been reading for a few weeks and thought the time was right to join in!
I've just had my 6 week check and an thinking about going to group tonight.
I'm 2 stone over my pre-preg weight and EBF. I'm so hungry all the time, SW seems like the only sensible solution!
I've got 3 children: Mia 11, maddie 6 and LO Felix :) so I've got chaos most of the time (but I love it!)
Does anyone on this thread go to group or are you just using this forum? Which do you think r the best threads for inspiration and motivation when it comes to food choices? My willpower is shocking, esp at the weekend when DH wants takeaway/beer :-/ I think the tiredness makes me want sweet stuff too which doesn't help.
Anyway just thought I'd say Hi xxx

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Hi, I am new to the forum, and since I am exclusively breastfeeding my 6 week old daughter I thought I would come and join over here!

I really need to lose weight and am trying to get my head around slimming world again. I plan to start on Monday.

I think I need to plan ahead so I know what food we are having each day including snacks etc otherwise when I am stuck feeding I will grab for the wrong thing!
Just wondered how many times a day those of you that express manage it? The breastfeeding lady on the ward told me to try and aim for 6-12 times a day and I wasn't really sure whether to laugh or cry at the idea. I am trying to express every 4 hours for Leia but I am struggling with finding the time and energy. She's on 12ml of milk an hour so need 288ml for 24 hours milk, Think I sent hubby up with enough for today and will try and do some more when he gets back. Hugs Crystal xx
aw, I know how you feel it is so tiring - my health visitor told me every time you express drink a drink and also have couble of digestive biscuits to help increase blood sugar levels. I have found this has helped along with an afternoon kip and my oh taking night feeds while I express. I normally do 8-10 during day every 2 hrs and at night every 4 hrs. but I also use forumla to help with the quantaties as well!
Different today as Bella is taking to the boob with a nipple shield, but in the couple of days before that I was probably expressing 5-6 times a day and she was taking just over 300ml a day.

There was a bit of green in Bella's poo tonight, I read that it could be because she's not feeding effectively, which is making me wonder whether using the nipple shield is a good idea and is she better off having expressed by the bottle? Going to mention to the midwife tomorrow and keep an eye on her poos
my charles had green poo because I overdosed on OJ - didn't know at the time you should be careful with acidy drinks and food along with spicy food. Just double check with MW it may be something simple like dietary as whatever you eat the baby will get it through the milk

I weighted myself and have lost 2lbs, so pleased with that as I have been just doing healthy eating but OH insisted on extra cals cause of expressing and it stressed me out at the time but glad I listened to him as I have so much more energy now.
pennys poop vary, but its really early days for Isabella and her poop colour will change every day for the next 2 weeks or so- aslong as shes having dirty and wet nappies thats all you should worry about now. sometimes a greeny nappy can mean shes only drank lots of fore milk and not enough hind, but doctor told me it can be a case of just feeding so much the digestive system doesnt have time to process it properly- dont fret, you can speculate what colour her poo is all day long but the bottom line is aslong as shes happy feeding and gaining weight thats all your aiming for!

your doing really well. go you!!!

crystal, im not sure, i was told to express every 3-4 hours but it can be so hard to find the time. my boobs are too big too express and feed at the same time, i simply dont have enough hands! so i failed at that, i just express as and when i can or need to.. but your circumstances are different so im not sure xx

my supply seems to have doubled for no reason.. i woke up in a puddle last night, soaked through 2 nipple pads- 2layers of clothing and onto the bed!!! penny isnt feeding enough to take it all and if i keep expressing it will keep producing!! ahhhh
hi everyone
just catching up with everyones stories, miss you all on the other thread :cry: lol! Feeling a bit freaked out though now......BF seems so complicated??? How many mls, how many times, expressing, eating, green poo????? Don't worry i'm not put off far from it! I WILL DO IT! Got antinatal class Fri which she said she was going to talk about Bf so going to make sure i get all the info i need and make sure there is plenty of support and where to find it!
If you are exclusively pumping then its different JoJo, I had a period of EP'ing when Alex tongue wasn't snipped and my nips were agony, so switched to expressing for a while til they healed.

I was pumping each breast 8 times a day to maintain milk supply.

However now for 'normal' BF'ing, I only express if my boobs are sore and full or if Alex sleeps though a feed or if I want an early night. Which to be honest can sometimes be twice a day, sometimes twice a week.
Thanks Lexi, at least i will have you guys to ask when the time comes!Been to midwife today and head is just getting ready to engage yay! xx
Also just to note jojo, how many mls you express is no reflection on how much milk you have, some express loads, others not so much.. i can express 2oz for a 10 min express (you shouldnt express more than 15 mins really incase you get sore) usually.. but when my milk sudenly doubled last week i had 4oz in 10 mins aswell as a 20 min feed with penny after :O .. yet yday i expressed for 10 and got 1/2 an oz.
