Brum's-diddly-done!! Has anyone seen some lost livers?

Sounds like we are all organised- or at least you lot are!

The new car isn't ready yet so we are in our old one - hope it doesnt get grumpy on the way! I should get to the hotel around 4ish on saturday so i'll text when i arrive. Or will i be able to hear you all getting trannie up?:eek:

Have a wonderful friday night, dont drink too much and see you all soon :)
OMG I am truly living up to my blonde now........................wrong train time for going (got it mixed up with coming home) so I will actually only arrive about 5pm lol - doh stupid mare!!!!! So text me as you each arrive so I know who, what, when and most importantly - where!!!!!
Will do Bren - we'll prolly be arriving around the same time as you. :)
me and you are gonna need Cheryl and bloomin heart monitor before the day is out :D
i know. my tablet calmed me down a bit x
Safe travels everyone. See you tomorrow :D
Beta Blocker Linz xxxx
Kat1e cant wait :D xxx
Ok - ive added all your mobile numbers into my iphone so text updates please :)
weather forecast has changed for the better, mainly sunny and bright with the occasional light shower and quite warm tomorrow afternoon