ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

good night xxx
Hi Asa and Claira, been missing you. I don't honestly know how you can cook. That is honestly some willpower. It's taking me all my time to stick to this. I'm finding it hard because the days are passing so slowly on it and I know it is fast weight loss but it doesn't feel fast. Do you feel like that?
Good night Asa, sleep well, hope we'll talk tomorrow xxx
hiya luv i need it to be week 12 lol, i do find the cooking is helping, im feeding everyone up to make them all fat whilst i get skinney hahaha. had a rough day yesterday, feel really lethargic, but my fibromyalgia has been playing up lately, but i know when im thin it wont hardley affect me xxx
Goodnite all and OMG congrats for cooking that is great not at that stage yet!! take care see ya all tomorrow keep up the good work!!
luv Sharon xxxxx
What is that Claira? and why wont it affect you when you're thin?
Night night Sharon, God bless x
night sharon, its like a form of ME it makes me really tired all the time, and i get lots of muscular pain, and aches, lots of little symptoms, but weight can make it all worse.
the weeks are going sooo slow, first week was worse though xxx
Oh that's rubbish but just another reason to get the weight off. That must be hard when you've got the wee one. I'm finding it quite difficult today- maybe I find it difficult every day! But it just seems like I've been on this for ages and it's just over 2 weeks!
Yes that's it exactly. Uusually my time flies but not on this. That's the hard bit. I want to be thin now and I don't really feel any great difference really. (I know I'm being negative but I jsut need a wee moan to my pal)
i get really stressed out somedays, but my partner is great, cooks cleans and does nappies,aswell as working all hours, so hes pretty good lol xxx
You're lucky to have him then. Mine is good too but it took a very long time to train him!
you moan away love, i was feeling a difference and now all bloated up again:(
BTW I went to get more packs tonight cos I can't stand having exactly what I need- freaks me out. Anyway I tried the Sunshine Orange. It's brilliant Ithink, have you tried it?
You're lucky to have him then. Mine is good too but it took a very long time to train him!

lol i like, i still have some training to do, a few more kisses and compliments wouldnt go amiss lol
i tried it last time, gonna get some to make lollies for summer, xx
You're just feeling same as me. My husband asked me if I'd been cheating cos he thought I'd put the stone on again since I'm so bloated. I just want to be thin now!!!
have you got your totm xx
No just finished it but I think I'm just tired and stressed; had a hard week at work. Claira I absolutely love talking to you and I've missed you but I'm going to have to go to sleep as shattered. Will you be on tomorrow?