ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

How are everyone doing today? I have had a semi successful day :D. Broxi, how about that chat? I am here on and off all evening.
Hi Ladies,

I am just about to catch up on posts............

I am around if anyone wants to chat!

Hi LadyB! I am around too! Should we post here or try out the chat room? I never tried it.
Hi Asa - I have never tried the chat room either!!! It could be our adventure - how do I get on there??

Click on the link in the blue field above, "Chat(Back)", write your name and click ok (or enter or what the button was called). See you there!
Miss Lovely (Wannabeelovely) - thanks so much for sharing your story! I hope you are still around to read this!!

CD is hard - and I really understand that you would like to support your daughter!

I would still appreciate your input here - so please don't feel that as you have started a different diet you need to disappear from here.

Thanks so much for your contribution, and I echo your thoughts 'I wouldn't be here without you all'

lots of love, and best wishes
Oh, thank you so much Bess! That is very nice of you to think of me! You have done so well, and I am getting motivated by you because you have been where I am, and got passed it. Hope I do to soon :D

Oh you will do Asa, you will do. It's so easy to lose focus on this diet and then beat ourselves up about it. I just got fed up of mucking around with it and was at the point of giving up - you know 'I've done so well, lost 4 stone, look and feel so much better, this'll do....' and so on. When actually I was miserable and felt a failure for not finishing the job. So I forgave myself all the slips, and tried to stop regretting that I'd taken the scenic route and have decided to charge to goal. Oh, and moved the goal down 7 lbs. When I make it I'll have a bmi of 25, so be just in the healthy range.
I'm not daft enough to know that the 'aww give up gremlins' might not sneak up on me again, but for now I'm keeping them at bay. Just take some time to think about things and you'll be ok. :hug99:
Lynda - you are off too????? Again, you don't have to go - please stay!

I don't think I want to read any more posts.............

booooooo hoooooooooo (I do respect both your choices Lynda and Miss Lovely) I will really miss you both...........

Please keep popping on to say hello!

Contrary - I am loving the new you, and saying no to your ex. I am very impressed!!!

I need to follow your lead and do the same thing, if I bump into and ex - Oppppppssss, I meant anyone who doesn't deserve me!!! ha ha

Go girl!!!

claira, on wk 12- 42lbs gone 57lbs to go x
asa, on week??, 30lbs gone 62lbs to go
contrary on wk 12 - 40 lbs gone 21lbs to go
ladyb, on week 10 - 34lbs loss
Louie lou, on wk 12 - 50lbs gone 103 lbs to go
zoe.d , on 11 weeks lost 56lb
Bess, you have done soo great! What a great advice too. Thanks! I must "forgive" myself for stepping off the plan, and just being happy that I have come a bit of the way already! Nice chatting to you as well!
If anyone else is around - Asa and I are in the chat room - come and join us!!!
Claira - you are usually on late at night xx
Zoe - how is the bike??
Broxi - are you ok???? I do agree with you, having a break and then doing back onto the diet is the hardest thing!
Hi, I picked the bike up today and had great fun on it - felt like a kid again lol. My bum is so sore tonight though, I think I need to invest in one of the comfort saddles lol. xx
claira, on wk 12- 42lbs gone 57lbs to go x
asa, on week??, 30lbs gone 62lbs to go
contrary on wk 12 - 40 lbs gone 21lbs to go
ladyb, on week 10 - 34lbs loss
Louie lou, on wk 12 - 50lbs gone 103 lbs to go
zoe.d , week 12- 60lbs gone
Hi, I am glad you are enjoying the bike Zoe! Maybe you could try one of the saddle covers that have a bit of gel in them, very comfortable!

Thanks for the chat yesterday LadyB! It was great fun! And to report on our challenge today - I am doing great so far!!! It will be all shakes today (that was our mini challenge, to get through one day for me, and only one bar for LadyB, right?). How are you doing LadyB?

Talk to you all later!
Good afternoon!!

Zoe - 60lbs gone - wow! You won't need the new saddle at the rate you are going, as it will soon look massive compared to your tiny slim bottom!! :)

Asa - done well do far - I am not allowed a bar today (as they slow my loss, but I find them so yummy...). I have one soup. How are you getting on?

Ah, sorry LadyB! I couldn't remember if it was just one bar, or no bar at all today :D, I guessed wrong :D!

It is CRAZY hard today :D, but I am doing it. The reason it is so hard is because my boyfriend baked bretzels (German bread), and they turned out perfect aparently...
hi girls, your all getting back to it well, i was out yesterday then at my sisters cleared her attic, for bootsale i have 7 black bags of washing to do for her......
i did ss all day yesterday, was starving, cold and bad head, so out of ketosis i think, and stuck today but starving again. i would really like to get 5-6lb off this week, so want to stick with it, fingers crossed xxx