ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

Thanks so much 'Iamlovely' (my new name for you!). That's so true; if I did eat it would be over very quickly and I'd feel terrible. Also this diet is not forever, it just feels like it! No what I need to do is get other interests, do other things that don't revolve around food, which in all honesty most things do for me. Think I'll put a new thread up about this asking for people to put ideas for activities to make weekend bearable. x
Good Eveing Everyone!! And a special welcome to Wannabeelovely!!!

I am just trying to catch up on posts.......

Broxi - I totally get what you are saying, and feel the same!!! I really want to treat myself after my first WI - but trying not to think about it! I went out last night, and did really well on water and coffee!! Tomorrow will be hard as I am meant to be going shopping with the girls (going over to Birmingham!) and we always have a lazy lunch, with wine!!

I keep thinking to myself 'this is only going to be 4 months of my life, not eating or drinking at a function doesn't make me not take part or enjoying myself - it won't be forever!!'

So I have brought myself some magazines, and I am going to look at all the lovely clothes I can wear when I am thin!

How is everyone else??

Fighting with my boyfriend again, what is going on?

To self analyze, well, for starters I haven't had my evening shake yet. Better get that done soon. But second, I simply have to get my emotions out these days. Before I used to cheer me up with something to eat, and I would feel calm after that. Food was the universal drug for anger, sadness, and you name it. Take food out of it, and I don't know how to tackle the feeling but simply just let them out.

Do you know what I mean?
I don't really know what you mean but my son has been complaining that I'm very short tempered with him just now.
Asa - I am really glad you posted that!!! You are good at working yourself out!

It has reminded me about when I used to be a counsellor, and I used to smoke lots after a hard session as it kinda sucked the feelings down!! I hope that makes sense! And I believe you are right about food - it is the same process!!

I am a believer in living your feelings and we are given the capcity to feel for a reason. I guess it is hard, because you can't swallow them down anymore, you have to live and feel in real time!!

Thanks! Yes, I know what you mean about the smoking. Seems like the same thing, but different "drugs" :).

I know I have to change the way I deal with the feelings though, and how I let them out. Right now it is pretty much just shouting them out when ever they come...

Just got of the phone with an old colleague that I have been going to WW with. She has seen me fail on keeping the weight over and over again. And she didn't have a lot of support to give (more on the contrary, implying that it would be hard to keep off), feel kind of low for that too. Man do I feel crappy a lot of the last couple of evenings! Sorry for blurring it out!
Hey Asa I'm feeling crappy too. I think my emotions are in turmoil since I started this diet - like a roller coaster. People are negative and I worry that the weight will go back on too but in all reality we are not going to allow that to happen. I think when we get to target and we put on half a stone, we should get right back on CD. Or else live our life on something like Weight Watchers or Slimming World. I don't know really, what do you think?
Missing Claira tonight but she is at mother in law's I think
Yes, I will keep weighing myself regularly to see that I don't start to put on weight again.

I just hate the fact that I want to try to convince my friends and family that this time I will succeed for sure. I mean, I spend a lot of effort on the subject when trying to convince myself! Sure, I really believe that I will never put myself through this weight gain situation again, and feeling so miserable as I did when weighing my heaviest. And I don't want to see myself as the constant dieter. I guess it starts there. I am back on "The secret" again :). Maybe we should help each other come up with some appropriate affirmations?

Hopefully I will be a bit more constructive tomorrow, right now maybe a good nights sleep will help.

Good night dear butterflies!
Good night dear Asa, I think the affirmations would be brilliant. We're both on other book club but maybe the Butterflies could all read or watch The Secret and get some ideas. x
Isnt the addiction of emotional eating a crappy one to have? No-one understands unless they suffer from it and they don't know how it feels to be constantly fighting the cravings and the pull of food to use as a crutch when our emotions are in turmoil. We're just called greedy or weak and become the butt of other peoples jokes and snide comments. But I believe that the light at the end of the tunnel that CD offers us is ours for the taking if we forgive OURSELVES for being human and imperfect. Someone once told me that we should treat ourselves as our own best friends and be as patient, understanding and loving towards ourselves as we would to someone else who was in pain or distress. We judge ourselves harshly and thats what makes us fail and go back to what we know. Its all about giving ourselves a break really and understanding that we're perfectly imperfect. I would love to be able to truly say to myself that 'its ok' - that 'I'm ok' and thats what I dearly want to work towards. Bugger what anyone else says or thinks cos they can't understand -they're not where we are. Its what judgement we place on our own heads that really really matters and its that that will make us win out in the end. Sorry for blathering on like an idiot but I just want to cry when I think of the pain that being an over-eater causes people. Be strong girls - its ours for the taking - WE CAN DO It!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Thanks that was great. We can do this!
Ohhh I need to catch up with the book club posts - 'the secret' sounds very interesting!

Night Asa - although I think I have missed you now as I got cut off!! I am sure that you will keep the weight off - this diet is about looking at ourselves and to work out why we eat too much!! For me, if I can control the emotions behind eating - I will crack it!!
Wannabee - yes you are sooo right! No-one can judge me for doing this, as I know it is right. I also need to learn to love everypart of me so that I treat myself with respect and don't put my life at risk, or make myself feel bad by over eating!
I'm going to go off now Butterflies. I've been missing Louie lou, has she been on? Have a good evening and I'll speak again, probably tomorrow. xxx
Thanks LadyB! I don't half get worked up into a lather when I start thinking about it all! Glad it struck a chord though - I'm loving it that we are all so supportive of each other and I'm really glad that I was brave enough to join and start posting cos I'm getting loads out of it! It may well be this forum that keeps me on track for the 4 and a half stone that I have still to lose.
Well you seem to have made a great start!!

I am on my 9th day...... it is hard but this is about a life change for me!!!

I have not long joined this group either - and I love it here. Everyone is great...... they have given me enough support to get through these 9 days lol!!
hello girlies, bless its nice to be missed,
for those of you thinking your going to have a boring weekend, i have a couple of ideas,
maybe go out to tea with your partner, take your soup, they can prepare it, have a wine glass with sparkling water. if thats difficult, go out for the day and have a pamper, nails done or massage, maybe a body wrap,
i dont know about anyone else but this diet makes me really horny ssshhhh dont tell anyone, have a long soak in the bath pluck your eyelashes, shave/wax your legs, put on some sexy knickers and take your partner off to bed lol,
do something to make you feel good. whatever it may be. come back and tell what works for you. you dont need details if its the last one hehehe xxxxx
Hi everyone, sorry I haven't been on this thread in a couple of days. Been very busy during the day and then tired in the evenings. I've caught up again with the posts since I last logged on.

Congratulations on your 3lb Nikki :)

Welcome to Wannabeelovely (I agree with Broxi's new name for you :D)

There's a music festival on in the field over the road from my house, unfortunately country and western does absolutely nothing for me! Hope they stop soon - it's now after midnight. Luckily my dd sleeps through everything.

Might not be on much tomorrow so everyone have a slim Saturday!