ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

Hi Butterflies and Broxi, Broxi this message is especially for you. You may remember my weight loss sts for last 3 weeks and i was tempted to give up and move to slimming world as so fed up and light headed. My counsellor also thought i'd been cheating (she didn't say) but i could tell she thought that when I hadn't! Anyway, I moved up the plans to 810 and even 1000 last week, fell SO MUCH BETTER, still bit moody and angry, but lost 4lb this week and i know it was because i wasn't giving my body enough food. As you don't have much weight to lose your body may hold onto weight as mine did, but try ss+ just to see and i bet you will be pleasantly suprised. Good luck, just give it a go and please let me know how it goes. :)
well done carolyn, glad you got it working for you, 4lb is great xx
night all off to bed, speak tomorrow xxx
Happy Sunday!

Good Morning Flutterbies!
Its a beautiful morning & I am up early as I have to take my little girl to the stables as she rides every Sunday! I then intend to get the Sunday papers & have a luxurious read in my bed!
Day 7 for me and WI 1st thing so keeping everything X'd.....

I hope no one minds but I would like to share a little something regarding weightloss & STS/ stay the same weeks - u probably ALL already know it but sometimes it helps when peeps share their experiences!

I am a complete STS'er on VLCD, I have attempted LL (cost & group therapy not for moi) I was also on here 18months ago, I have decided to re-create myself so that I can have a complete new beginning - makes life easier if I treat this as the 1st time.... madness but true)

Anyway here goes..... As we all know NONE of our bodies are the same, the water that we glug is actually the key element to this diet as its the water that breaks down the fat and the water that expells the fat from our bodies.... I used to think & wonder ''where the heck is all this blubber dissapearing to each week'' often imagining that above my head there are invisible fat cells floating all over the place!

OK - so thats the chemical side of it, the personal side of it is that some peeps's fat cells are more stubborn than others, which means they take longer to break down & expell - keeping your water intake up to 4-5l a day can only maximise this, drop it down and your losses will slow down quite possibly.

I think when your scales do the whole 'stuck' thingy DESPITE you remaining 100% means that it may take 2-3wks sometimes of small/minimal losses BUT the reality is, persevere & you will BEAT THE SCALES! They cannot win, if you do not allow them to, they are a mechanical device, thats all!

Well thats my 'wisdom of the day' I feel sympathy for those who get dis-heartened but stick with it and you will all be winners xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi, back from a day at my mother in law, and it wasn't too successful CD wise :mad:, but I probably post on the other forum.

Claira, I love your positive thought! I will give it a go tomorrow!

Broxi, I can really feel your pain :cry:! I hope you will loose some weight before Tuesday, so you can go on on CD. As I am sure your body can't hold off loosing weight much longer. If you stick to it you should get a great WI at some point (just hope it is sooner than later!). I know it would be awful to stick it out without checking your scales. But we won't let you leave the group :D, remember, in it to the last person is slim!

Nikki, the shopping will be next weekend, I am leaving on Friday. Good luck on your packing! It is hard work to move! Will you tell your boyfriend before moving in that you are doing CD? Or will he has to discover it himself :D.

Welcome Bess! What a great weight loss you have had.

LadyB, sounds so nice with facial and massage! Great treat for yourself!

Great WI Jacci!

Witchy, I am thinking I will have a hard week after this weekend as well. But it was a decision I made, and now I have to take the consequences as well. I am dreading the scales tomorrow...

Thanks Carolyn for sharing! I really needed to hear that you can loose on 810! I am attempting to do that in the Swedish form. But I find it really hard going up the plans, and not going out of control around the foods...

Have a great Sunday everyone! Here I have laundry on the list, as well some clearing out projects. I also plan to spend some time in the sun with a book :D.
About the water intake, how much are you drinking? Are you really counting it?

I have always drunk lots of plain water, I just love it, so for me that has never been a problem. I start the day with almost a liter, then I have a 0,5 l bottle at work that I fill a couple of times a day, then some more at night. BUT, I never really count it? I should really do that!

What are your CD guidelines say regarding water on SS and on 810? Here it says 3 l on SS, and 2 l on 810.

How much do you drink?
Morning ladies.

Sorry Asa, I thought you was going shopping this weekend, silly me, oh well, still to look forward to though. Don't worry about your Blip Asa, straight back on the plan you will be fine.

I'm off for my WI in 5 mins, up until yest, looked like I had lost a further 2lb, but.. Nooo, they won't give me that! This morning, stepped on scales in hope before my WI, that the 2lb is still gone, and looks like I'm the same now as my last WI.. But if thats the case, then I'll count my lucky stars that I got off that 7lb from the weekend and I've STS.

Will post shortly when I have been,

Nikki xxxxx
Morning ladies.

Sorry Asa, I thought you was going shopping this weekend, silly me, oh well, still to look forward to though. Don't worry about your Blip Asa, straight back on the plan you will be fine.

I'm off for my WI in 5 mins, up until yest, looked like I had lost a further 2lb, but.. Nooo, they won't give me that! This morning, stepped on scales in hope before my WI, that the 2lb is still gone, and looks like I'm the same now as my last WI.. But if thats the case, then I'll count my lucky stars that I got off that 7lb from the weekend and I've STS.

Will post shortly when I have been,

Nikki xxxxx

Good luck Nikki xx xx
Good luck Nikki!

Yes, I will get straigt on the plan!

Let us know how your WI went!
6lb off is still great!!! Well done! Never nice to have a plus in your weekly chart of course. As I will have tomorrow... :sigh:. I am starting to regret the decision I made this weekend, but, it is too late for that now :D. Just learn from my mistakes!
Asa. still gained hunni. I had put on 7lb, after my last WI, which I read on my scales on Monday, so have got 6 of it off, but still +1. No big deal, lol.. We have to look at it like that don't we? I'm sure you'll be fine Asa, just ss it til WI and if you do gain a lb, then it'll be off plus more next week. xxxx
Good morning all my dearest Butterflies,

Well I cheated yesterday evening - low carb cheat but prob high fat - not on CD plan for sure. Anyway, my scales are down by 2lb! I'm down to 11st 8lb on them! Wow! Now I'm not suggesting people cheat but maybe I needed some food as Carolyn said.

I'm still hoping it will stay off for Tues but the fact that it moved is enough for me. I don't really care how long this takes as long as it comes off. Even a lb a week is ok cos it's all going in the right direction- it's sts i hate when I've stuck to it. A CBT book I read once advised to record a daily weight then divide it by 7 to give a real weight loss rather than daily fluctuation (like you had there Nikki cos you still have lost 2lb technically). That way from Sun -Sun this week I still have lost 3/4lb so I AM losing! Hip hip hoorah!

Thanks everyone for all the advice. And Clare I def do not drink enough water- maybe just 2 litres a day. Cos I'm a teacher it is very difficult to drink all that water cos I can't just wander to the loo whenever I feel like it. But it is my summer holidays the end of this week - another hip hip hooray!

I'm also going to go off on holidays next Monday. I was planning on taking CD for breakfast and lunch but lowish carb (not nec. low fat) meal at night. Hope this will be ok. I don't drink so that wont be a problem but I do eat cakes so that might!

Anyway, thank you all so very much for helping me through these rotten days recently. I'msorry that I've been completely self-absorbed which is not like me at all. But I'm back and I don't care if they go back up for weigh in, I have still lost 2 lb! xxx
Well done Broxi, could be now that your body needs food, so ss+ might work for you and you'll be shifting then. Only a week til you go away, so bet you are excited already and getting you list done?

I suppose, as you said, technically I'm still 2lb off from last week, (10 days ago).. But I'll think of it as a gain, as I weighed in exactly 7 days after I got back.. Even though I was 7lb more then, at least it didn't all stay on and only got the 1 to get off next week. Really did think though that I was 2lb less yesterday then I was today! Hey ho, this diet never ceases to amaze me :)

Glad things are better for you Broxi, good to see you are more positive too. xxx
ITs all so bloody frustrating - I thinks thats the problem! I really do see where you are all coming from.... Lets face it, you can put on weight overnight, literally however to lose it - well errrr how long now where's the fairness in that!?!?

I understand about the kick-start of eating which can & does sometimes boost your metabolism, it gets used to things & sometimes needs a change!

I appreciate also about drinking BUT you'd be surprised how well you can train your bladder & how quickly!

I have to travel to work 50 miles car journey - on the M25 if I glug in the car I can only do it if I know the road is free (nearly got caught short yesterday)...

I guess we all, at some point have to accept there just is no 'real' easy way to shift this weight, it takes dedication, determination & total singlemindedness xx xx xx
Great Broxi, I am pleased they moved for you.

What a Saturday night I had. My cat is pregnant and had one of her kittens last night which I had to deliver as she wouldn't break the sack etc. She initially started to clean it but after about 20 mins started to pat it and then started biting it to my hororr-basicly she was rejecting it and was trying to kill him. We phoned the emergency vet who told us to bring the cat and kitten in so at 12 mindninght we had to put the kitten on a hot water bottle and next to my chest wrapped up and take them both in. The vet said the kitten was premature and this was why my cat Jessie was tring to kill him. (it's a boy) He has survived the night with the vet feeding him every 1-2 hours. To my total amazement Jesse is also still preganant with at least another 2 kittens as apparantly they can have more than 1 pregnancy at the same time! they are due in the next 3-4 days. I was so shocked and amazed at nature and I'm hoping the little one pulls through. We will have to hand rear him. We have called him Bruno as he's a litter fighter.

Hope I havn't bored anyone but had to tell as I'm so excited. Zoe xx
Yes it is dedication and even although I was depressed cos the weight wasn't coming off I still find CD really hard on my emotions even when I was losing.

I don't know about you lot but when I eat I find it hard to control how much and that is my problem. That's why I was reluctant to do SS+ or 810. I can control what I eat (usually) but find it difficult to control how much. My husband says I eat Jabba the Hut dinners!

Asa, I've not posted that yet cos busy at work but I will definitely do it this week! x
Wow Zoe that is amazing. We were with my cat when she had kittens and my husband still says it was the most amazing experience of his life. What I found amazing was that she was just a really young cat and knew instinctively how to care for them. Your Jessie doesn't seem to have that instinct! But maybe she knows better than you, so maybe you shouldn't get your hopes up for Bruno, just in case. When we gave our kittens away we all actually experienced grief so you should think about keeping one. I know it was silly but my son, my husband and I coouldn't get over how empty it felt when they were gone. It's years later and we still go on about them. No, I can definitely understand your excitement!