ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

Good Evening EF, Zoe, Asa, Claira, LadyB, Witchy, WannaBe, Contrary, F&C, Beachball (thanks for the summary of all our names :)) and everyone else...

I'm so sorry Butterflies. I've been naughty today again. Just can't get my head in the right place. I had a bit of caesar salad at lunch time, which would've been ok had it not come with dressing, croutons, bacon and chicken :confused: Hubby ordered it for me and I didn't say no... just ate about half of it. Then had my bar and a cup of coffee.

NO MORE!!!!!!

I have turned over a new leaf this evening. My friend and I have made a pact with each other that we are going to encourage each other to get to goal. We are meeting up in Manchester in Nov to go shopping and we both want to be at our goal weight before then. So on the back of that I've got a plan...

1. I'll lose 4lb by Friday 24th. That will bring me down to needing to lose just over another 2 stone or so.
2. Lose whatever I put on in Paris + further 3lb in final week of July.
3. Lose 1 st by end of Aug
4. Lose 2 st by end of Sept - middle of October (will take longer as I'll have to go up the plans)

I will be 9st before I go to Manchester.

No more messing around. Not going over board in Paris either - will be making healthy choices.

Going to add this to my signature to keep me on the straight and narrow.

Shopahoilc, you'll loose the 4lb for sure by the 24th. I think this time of year where there is just so many things going on socially, is hard. I hard blips Friday, Sat and Sunday.. Off out to lunch today as its my mum's birthday, so will have chicken and salad as am on the 810 plan this week.

You'll get back onto it I am sure. Enjoy your day. xxxx
Morning ALL
Its gonna be a long day for me - just leaving for work, wont be home til about 7.30-8.30pm tonight so taking a bar and a mousse in with me - probably have a soup or a shake this evening! Mind you I find that I can do a bar in 2 parts which is handy!
Lots of water today as I wasnt good yesterday at all! Probably JUST about had 2l - naughty naughty!
Nothing else to report other than a size 18 pair of trousers are no longer screeching at the seams! Have a superb CD Day xx xx xx

Clare, you have a good day too and good news on your trousers :). xxx
Good morning ladies

Was hard to get online yesterday, this week is manic with work as I have the activities all through the 6 week's hols and its really full on, and although I've been given someone to help me, she's more a hindrence, so double my work now.

Been good with my CD last 2 days, after my major blips at the weekend, off to gym this eve and will go again tomorrow and Friday too. Can't believe its 13 days now until I go to Barbados.. I SO can't wait now. Wanted to have lost another 7lb by then, but that might be pushing it, due to my blips at the weekend.

How did the Doc's go Claira? I've not had my TOTM since I started taking these pills, they are very good, 2 a day and they keep my Period away for good, as long as I take them..Norethisterone.

Enjoy your day everyone. xxxx
Afternoon girls, hope everyone's well. Thanks Eternal I was pleased again this week. How are you doing?
Hello! How are you all doing tonight? I am home pretty early and will start to get some stuff together for my holiday. Or I might do that tomorrow, I am tired and think I head for bed early :D! Read a book and fall asleep early!

I keep thinking about my new wardrobe I will buy once I am done. But at the same time I am nervous that the day will never come here. I have always lost and gained weight pretty easy, but maintaining is hard. I just want to give my "fat" clothes away and be done with it :D. Anyone else feel like this?
Fantastic loss Zoe - fab!
Asa - I know exactly what you mean... I have limited fat clothes as I have been a hermit since gaining all this weight! BUT I have got some fab pieces I MUST get back into! And cant wait to get rid of the horrid tent like things I do have!
Hope everyone else is having an ok time! Just another CD for me - so all good there!
Heading towards the weekend again which is always a good thing & I am looking forward to taking kids to Harry Plopper Sat...
Nowt else to report - I'm off for a nice long soak in a luxurious bubble bath xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hiya everyone, i stayed at my sisters last night, she found out she,s pregnant with no 5........ doc gave me trisamic acid, not got script yet, had my hair done but cant add a photo, it is really short bob and dark brown with blonde slashes, i love it xx
hope your all well, and great loss again zoe xx
I was about to post that I didn't leave the UK, so technically me :)... but, oops forgot I'm going to Paris... sorry don't mean to rub it in.
hehehe, cant wait for ruda, i love sid and lizzie the entertainment, who needs a foreign country when youve got that lol xxx
I keep thinking about my new wardrobe I will buy once I am done. But at the same time I am nervous that the day will never come here. I have always lost and gained weight pretty easy, but maintaining is hard. I just want to give my "fat" clothes away and be done with it :D. Anyone else feel like this?

Yep EXACTLY like that. I have 2 more stone to go but I'm at that icky patch where I look alrightish now and the motivation is harder. Also scared because I know the hardest bit for me is yet to come. I feel so sure that we can do this though. I have sorted out shedloads of fat clothes for people to pick through before I give them to charity shops/ebay etc and now I want to buy my new kit that I dream about... but more work to put in yet. I can't decide whether I need to distract myself more or go back to that beginning feeong and REALLy focus.
Contrary, I will definitely have to get that initial motivation and feeling back and really focus! I know I will do this, and it is just a matter of when :D.

Well, almost finished my icy choco shake here and I am heading for work. Have a wonderful day dear butterflies!!!
hello, girls, my weight moved 1lb at last today, not moved since saturday, weigh on saturday so dont think im in for a good one, but i dont think this totm helps. i may go to the gym today see if that helps xx
hello, girls, my weight moved 1lb at last today, not moved since saturday, weigh on saturday so dont think im in for a good one, but i dont think this totm helps. i may go to the gym today see if that helps xx

Hi Claira.

I'm having a few problems with CD at the moment, too many things going on, having stomache cramps too, so think I might be approaching my TOTM again, lol.. I so hope not.

i think i need a week of ss again. just to keep my head right, i have 26 weeks of cd and not even on week 10 yet, need to get half way soon as possible i feel its taking forever, hope its not here nikki, although would be nice to get it out the way before holiday xxxx
Hi Butterflies! Glad your weight is on the move again Claira - every single lb counts doesnt it? My TOTM is all over the place at the moment too - I think its just a feature of doing CD but I don't like the idea that this diet messes with your system so much. Keep your chin up - and yes, maybe ss would be a good thing to have another go at cos its so absolute and minimal - you're bound to get a good loss on it and that would make you feel like you're moving forward.
Eternal - sorry to hear that you're having problems with CD at the moment. Are you having trouble sticking to it or is it something else hun?
Asa, what about having a go at writing a letter to yourself telling yourself all about what your doing on CD and why. What do you want to achieve, whats your dream, how being on CD makes you feel, how weight losses and gains make you feel etc. If you don't let ANYONE see it, you'll be amazed at what comes out! It may give you that motivation back. Its a very emotional thing to do and its very effective to see it written down in black and white. Also, when you have a weak moment, you could get the letter out and re-read it to strengthen your resolve. Just an idea - tell me its rubbish if its rubbish!!!!!!!! xxxxxx
Afternoon all, I have my totm at the moment it's my second one since being on cd (both come at the right time too) and both have been very light and it looks like it's not gonna last very long either which I am not complaining about but you all seem to be having the opposite thing happening to you guys?
Hey all, looks like we're all beginning to struggle...and as we're all at more or less the same stage that brings me hope! It must be a common feature!! I'm going to post on the main forum and see what comes out of that... lets put our heads together and come up with some strategies to kick some more flabby butt!!