Calling target at "unhealthy" weight??

by BMI I should be 7st 2lbs. at 8st 4lbs I looked ill, we're talking crack addict ill lol (last time I was that thin I was 17 so that's 12 years ago)
MEEEE!!!!! I've called target with a BMI of 28.4.

My weight loss had started to slow (I mean REALLY slow!!) and so I decided to call target. My consultant knows that I would like to lose more (another 1 1/2 stone would get me JUST into a 'healthy' BMI of 24.9!!!) and having called target it really took the pressure off. I've been saving my £5 per week, so that when I drop out of the bottom of my target range, I've got money saved to pay (until I re-target again!)

This is the lightest I can ever remember being in my adult life, so even if tomorrow someone said 'you can never lose any more weight', I'd still be happy!
The conclusion I came to was that I am still enormous in fellow slimmers eyes and would feel shame in calling target (albeit a temporary one) and be thought of as a failure.

the ladies who called target have lost about 3 stone each and still "have a way to go" (in their words - not mine) but they are so much happier.

speak to your consultant and see what she says - i bet she will be fine with it

Jilly - You march into your group, jump on the scales and say "I'M CALLING TARGET!!" :D :D :D

You are happy to stay at your current weight for the next 6 months (that sounds like TARGET to me!!! :D). If that's true, what are you paying for?!!? Call target, enjoy the Image Therapy and save yourself £5 per week!!!!

I've been at target for the last 6 weeks. I've enjoyed the Image Therapy each week (doesn't hurt that I'm on the social team too!!). I've gained and lost (whilst still staying in the target range) and I've NOT HAD TO PAY!!!

Don't ever feel 'shame' in changing your target. We've had a couple of people change their targets (both up and down!!) and both of them are, what I would call, a perfect weight (even though I have no idea what they weigh!!)
I've just been debating the same-
I started sw at 20st 1lb,I'm now 14st 9lb and lighter than I have been in my adult life :)
My target is set to 11st (bmi 24.7) but I'm gonna change it to 12st 8 (bmi 28 )yes il still be 'overweight' but with a 7 1/2 st weightloss I'l b a lot more healthier than I was last April!
Sooo-2st 1lb to target :) :)
im convinced bmi is a major contributing factor to minor mental health issues these days, its an archaic system set up many many moons ago and in most peoples lives it is simply un obtainable, it is only there it seems to put extra pressure on us all and to be used to beat ourselves up over so called failures when in many cases we struggle continuously to reach so called 'normal' ranges, what we should be doing is celebrating our successes, we are all amazing for achieving any amount of weight loss and we should continue to set our targets at what we consider is OUR normal and happy level as at the end of the day we are all individuals and should not be pigeon holed into certain weight ranges designed decades ago as a standard!
My target weight will still see me at overweight,but like others will have lost 3 to 4 stone,my gp said he is happy with my final target,infact he suggested it!