can these baby names be shortened?

My sister recently had a baby girl and named her Lydia, her teenage cousins call her Flydia or Chlamydia behind my sisters back, she would be horrified if she knew!!! :(
I know a Lydia and she gets called Lydi or Lyds, and an Erin at school was always Rin-Rin. I'm Claire but get Claire Bear, Claire Loulou, Lubylou and Clairey. The only person I know who doesn't get their name shortened is my husband, he's called Wayne but he does get called Pain a lot.
Erin would be hard to change either way (and it's lovely!)

I know a Lydia who is Lyds or Lulu. Ewan would be Ew and Lawrence can be all sorts of things!!

DH liked Harry, but I wanted it to be Harrison and now he gets all sorts - Harry, Haz, Harrison David, HD and more often just 'H' :)

zac has already been shortened :) Mine are called Luke, Matthew (who gets matt only at school and mates not at home) and Hannah who i am guilty of calling Han some of the time, as long as the name sounds nice with your surname and does not have any rude nicknames you can make with them (kids can be cruel) anything goes
i agree with the others who have said it.....any name can be messed with!!

my parents called me claire specifically because it couldnt be shortened.
now people do just call me claire but growing up i had clara,clareybelle etc and most called me bawny because my surname was bawn! in fact my husband occasionally calls me bawny now!!!

my children are chloe and daisy and me,my parents!!!!!!!!!!,teachers and friends are all guilty of using chlo and daze!
Zac is cool! But has already been shortened as someone pointed out. And I know a Zac that gets called Zacki...

I'm Zoe, but get called Zo a lot - even Zee. Just pick names you like and send them out into the world - they're bound to get nicknames whatever you call them!

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I didn't think Iain would be shortened and it wasn't. All my sons friends called him Caffo!
my son is joshua and ALWAYS gets joshua, i go mad when people call him josh. If i wanted josh I would have named him Josh but i didnt!

My daughter is called Eden so that cant really be shortened (thank god!)

I always call people by their full name unless they say otherwise.

PS LOVE the name Erin. Is was on my short list for a girl but when she arrived (we didnt find out) we decided on Eden Grace.