Can't afford a gym


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Hi guys Starting sw tomorrow I can't afford to join a gym my knees are damaged so running is out of the question. Anyone got some good exercise tips. I have some DVDs that I can do, but I know the novelty will wear off. I could do a class once or twice a week. Was thinking of body pump or Zumba. But not sure impact will have on my knees. Just 1 mile dog walk every day and they burn and hurt. But I have got to do something.
I would say that swimming is your best option. Zumba and Body Pump will surely knacker your knees up even more!
Or take a look at the walks in your area & just go different places, with different terrains, yep & swimming that's brill for the joints.

Do you have a wii? or could you borrow somebodies, I wouldn't recommend buying one unless you know you'll use it, I've got one & you can get loads of different exercise games & they are different levels you can do.
I'd suggest looking into using dyna bands and the like to exercise with.

Also have a look at suspension training. There are many youtube videos on the subject and some even show you how you can have your own set of straps for very little money.
Not sure what kind of exercise would be good/bad for the knees but I recently went YouTube and did a search for fitness videos and have tried a few. I particularly liked a couple of the yoga ones I did. Maybe you'll find something there to suit and there's no cost involved (as long as you already have internet and pc/laptop anyway!) x