Can't find fromage frais... ANYWHERE!

Now this one thing that French supermarkets get right IMHO. They put all the 0% stuff together - so 0% natural yoghurt, flavoured yoghurt, fromage frais etc. are all in one place. Then next to that will be the low fat stuff. It means you don't have to even look at the full fat temptations on offer! Same goes for the cheese section - low fat Brie, for example, will be with other low fat cheeses, not with other types of full-fat Brie. I have yet to find Quark, though I have found some cubes of 0% soft cheese, which I suppose is the same sort of thing.
Oh how I wish they would do this is Spain - but as there is very little 0% stuff here other than yoghurts what can I expect!

Can you FedEx me some low fat brie chica? I love the Brie - in fact it is one of the few cheeses I actually eat. And if I get stuck into it I can eat a whole slab of the stuff. Grrrrrrrr

Have you got an Aldi near you in Normandie ma petite grenouille française? Thats the only place where I get my quark in Spain.
Haha, never knew this, I suppose i'll let Asda off in that case ;)

Still, I'd never come accross Quark before SW (and I used to live in Germany!) so I wish C's would give advice on where it is rather than letting us blunder around supermarkets for it!