
Still Climbing That Hill!
HI, could someone tell me if you can go to any CD in any area or has your CDC have to live within a certain radius of you?? Not getting on with my CDC too well and was thinking of changing. Also if i did change what would i tell my new CDC??

Many Thanks
Hi Tracie

You can go to any CDC that you want to, regardless of area. The criteria, however, is that they act within our Code of Conduct and see you and monitor you regularly.

As for your existing CDC, if you are not getting on with her then by all means change and you don't have to say anything to her.

However, as a matter of courtesy I would suggest that you give her a bell and say that you have decided not to continue on the program with her and if she asks and you don't feel comfortable explaining your reasons..then you can just say that it's a personal decision!

Good luck with finding an alternative CDC.
Yep, totally agree with Diva - it's important I think to have a good relationship with your CDC. If you contact Cambridge and ask for a list of the CDC's in your area you can ring around them all and have a chat to each one to see who you like.

All the best