
I've actually stuck with Cerazette for now, my hormones have settled and I'm not as cranky as I used to be. The spots have gone but the weight gain is not good though and when I told the nurse on my last visit she raised her eyebrow and told me it wasn't a known side effect. She's told me to come back again in 3 months for a review, I think then I'll ask for mycrogynon again. I didn't want my hormones messing up again so close to last time but 6 months is okay. My blood pressure was fine at the last check so there's no reason to not have it.

I'd stick with Cerazette now if it wasn't for the crazy periods/lack of periods. The whole not knowing when or if I'm going to get a period is annoying. I'm never prepared. I went for 74 days with no period which was great, but now I'm on again and off again for the last week. With all the accompanying stomach cramps too.

I'm just glad my moodiness has gone, because I was truly horrible.
Just an update!! I'm officially done with the demon pill!! Having been on my period for almost all of January I'm throwing in the towel! Yep it's a great contraceptive, couldn't really have sex in this state anyway, so no chance of pregnancy!!! I'm done with it, I've given it 5 months and I think I've been more than reasonable.

I'm going to have a pill free month to let my hormones settle and then I'm going to ask for my microgynon back. Ive been checking my blood pressure and its still perfectly normal. If the nurse won't give it to me I'll make an appointment with the dr. I'm not putting up with this any longer!!!
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Just found this post and had a read through. I was switched from combined pill (cilest) that I had been on for years to cerazette at the end of November due to high blood pressure. I had a 24 hour blood pressure check carried out too and my average reading was only a little high - doctor won't even put me on tablets for it, so can't be that bad! I started cerazette on november 29th and have been bleeding ever since, with only 2 days of slight spotting. The rest of the time it's medium-heavy flow and it had made me really irritable/short-tempered too. I spoke to the doctor last week about it and she said I need to give it 6 months to settle in to my system?! I don't know if I can last til the end of May to be honest.
I was pretty much told to give it 6 months too, but after five I just can't handle it any more. Came off it yesterday and I've got what seems to be a normal period now, rather than the light thing I've been having all month.

I can't believe how much this pill has screwed with my body. I'm an emotional wreck at the moment too, crying at the drop of a hat, no patience, I fly off the handle for no reason. It's not good but I'm hoping its just my hormones sorting themselves out. I'm not normally like this I'm normally positive and up beat but I feel like cr@p and I'm totally drained. I hope to get back to normal ASAP.

My advice is to go back to see what else they can offer you!! 6 months is a long time to have to "put up" with it. I bet they wouldn't put up if it was them.
i've been on cerazette for about 4 years. i have a period once a year, believe it or not. i didnt notice any weight change. are you having the pills in date order? i know some pills are all the same. dont know if this is thou
Yeah I was taking them in date order, I assumed as they were labelled they have to be taken in that order. They just do not agree with me, and there's no chance I'm just going to put up with it when the whole reason I was switched onto them in the first place was because my blood pressure which was wrong anyway.
i actually cant believe it, i thought it was just me! i originally had the implant in my arm but i had constant bleeding on that. then i was given cerazette to stop the bleeding but my skin flared up terribly so i got the implant taken out. im still on cerazette and on skin medication and its still terrible and im still having my period. again not much but enough for a pad every day!

thats it, im done. ill go to my gp in a month and ask to go back on dianette so i can be protected and my skin will clear up.

glad im not the only one! thought i was going mad! x
Hiya, I was on cerazette for a few years with no real problems apart from weight gain. I was on microgynon a few years ago and that turned me into a monster!! I came off that pretty quickly when I realised what it was doing. I had the mirena for a few years as well with no problems, in fact it stopped my periods completly. I think everyones diffrent an should use what suits you, unfortunalty its all trial and error until you find what works best for you. Xx
My final update. I went to see the nurse again today, saw a totally different one, she's put me back on microgynon and I'm so pleased. All the hormones are finally out of my system and I feel so much better and more like the old me. I can't believe how down I became on Cerazette. Not suicidal at all but just generally low all the time. I couldn't be bothered to do anything, or get excited about anything, I was just flat, and quite angry! And I'm not an angry person, quite the opposite. So Cerazette, might work for some people it's absolutely not for me and I'd recommend anyone that's having trouble with it to just go back and ask for an alternative, it's just not worth all the stress and hassle.