'Chasing Butterflies' - Team 7

Hey Shanny -- I went to Lakenheath (big American Air Force base over in Suffolk) to grocery shop (for DD and DH) -- and decide to check out the sales racks in front of the BX. Not even bargain prices to make me stay in place and shop... it was right next to the Cinnabon and did it ever smell fantastic. I had to move away from the area; I went straight to Yankee Candles and inhaled non-food scents.
So -- I get your pain. Ummmm, Cinnabon.

Tired and fed-up! Work is crap and the diet hasn't happened for months! Oh well - at least I've not gained anything despite eating like a horse and drinking far too much - oops!

What's news with you?
Hi Shanny and Wadpol --

I haven't gained, but haven't lost. I joined Alexice on her May challenge and started working out. I will be CDing it starting tomorrow -- not SS but definitely two per day and one low cal meal. I "only" pledged to lose 10 pounds but that is about 1/2 of what I want to lose... okay I really want to lose 50 and eat my way back up 30... but I wouldn't stop a that!
I started back at aquafit on Mondays, and doing a killer "stretching" pilates/yoga class on Fridays. I am going to try Rosemary Conley either tomorrow or Monday. It is looking like Monday because I am so sore from today. I want to do three classes a week minimum -- but try to do some exercise every day. I have Wii Fit, an ellipticl machine and stepper, plus a dog that needs to be walked -- and a house to clean, lawn to mow... etc. I just need to say, "Move it, Move it".
How are you all doing?

Where Did Team 7 Go? Chasing Butterlies are we lost?

Hi Ladies,

I did go to Aquafit Monday -- but did not today. However, I am trying to get some housework done and did take the wee dog for a wee walkies. I recorded a couple of fitness classes on the tele and if I do not get more exercise in today, the I will "do" one of those.

I have not started the Rosemary Conley class -- I was waiting for a friend to get organised enough to go with me, but I think I go on Saturday (me preferred choice, but "friend" did not like it). I need to get a programme going for exercise and fitness, make sure I get the water drunk (not been doing it) -- and stick to the CD plan.

I plan to learn about the RC diet and incorporate what works with I am trying to do re: CD and figure out how to get the weight off and keep it off.

I am afraid I may not make my goal for, yet another, challenge -- but I am not giving up. And, if I do not do it with the "May" challenge, I will endevour to do so with a June one (even if I have to start the thread myself! LOL).

I hope you are still around Butterflies --

Where Did Team 7 Go? Chasing Butterlies let's get back to it?

Hi Shanny,

Do you think any other former team members are interested in reviving/rebuilding our team? I think this would be a good motivator. It looks like there are more teams going, so there would be a bit of competition.


I'm vaguely around. I've been struggling with chronic fatigue since mid-May and so am not allowed to SS. However, I appear to be embarking on the heartbreak diet :cry: where I am trying to drink shakes as otherwise I have no desire to eat at all. I have the most fab red dress (very Joan Harris in Mad Men) that I want to get in by 8 Oct, when I intend to try and win him back. Foolish of me I know and I know that I will probably change my mind in the meantime once the bruised heart mends.... At least it is a bit of a goal to work to and I could do with some support.

All good with you?

Have you a full quota in your team? I know there are new members wanting to join a team.

We are hoping to set up a new team challenge. If you would like to be part of it let me know and then we can decide how to organise it.

Thank you.

Irene xxW
Team 7 can we restart this for 2011 and get a head count?

Hi Team 7 --

Is anyone still working on the weight loss or maintaining it? There a loads of new and returning folks who would like to join a team. I am okay to be the person who adds up the losses and posts it (I'll reread the info on teams). So, can you please let me know if you want to continue -- because I want to contact people who want to join and team and get one going again. If it is okay with the moderators.

Thanks -- MinnieMel
Hi Shanny,

You interested in restarting this team? Are you lurking are relosing? How have things been?

these two ladies that are looking for a team Mel y not snap them up lol ... im ok ive gained a stone and have 12 weeks till my holiday so need to act pretty soon lol x

how's u doing ?
Hi Shanny,

I okay -- have about 2.5 to 3 stone to relose of the original 5 I lost. So, I am planning to do this -- are you good to stay with the team?

It sounds like your projected losses will be very helpful as you are determined to lose it before your holiday.

Where are you going?

you will do it.. im off to the carbbiean a cruise two weeks and im so worried about my weight.!!

God i want to be happy and slim again so need to do cd again suppose lol
Hey Mel & Shanny

Happy New Year!

I'm happy to be a lurking member if that's ok. I could do with support & motivation - still have CFS (despite being good & having had no (social) life for the last 2 weeks) and so am not allowed to SS and have unfortunately put on nearly a stone in the last 7-8 months of being unwell and doing little/no phys.

Hope you've both had a good Christmas break.

Pol x
Happy New Year Ladies.

Sorry you are unwell, Wadpol. I hope that 2011 is a better year for you.

Shanny, I am seriously jealous. I can't wait to hear about your cruise.

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