
Just thought you might like to see my 11 month old kitten (bloody big kitten)!!!

His name is Cheeko and the name suits the little monster!
I cant go to the loo without him following me, he has even joined me in the shower if i leave the door open weird or what? He also plays fetch with his toys i throw them he brings them back!!! he runs to greet me like a long lost friend when i come home from work, seems this breed are more like dogs than cats i know he adores me but i'm also his biting buddy never opens his claws but boy does he like to bite!! he doesnt draw blood or anything but basically attacks you when your least expecting it the little shít! he thinks its great fun .............i dont

My son got me him for Christmas cost him a fortune but he thought i would need some company as he was leaving home ( how sad is that)(i'll be smelling of pee soon and muttering to myself)!! My darling boy Chester died last September and i was never having another cat. My son had asked what i wanted for Christmas and i said an Ipod (no difference there then eh)?

Actually i love him to bits but he can be really hard work too because of the attention he craves. He was hand reared as his Mum was killed 3 days after he was born in a freak accident so i dunno if thats why he's the way he is or if its just linked to the breed the need for human company all the time.
I have thought about getting him a playmate but there's no way i can afford another one oh well i may speak nicely to my son for this Christmas we'll see;)

Just thought you might like to know about Cheeko :)

Maisie x x
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Cheeko is lovely!! What breed of cat is he?
Ooooh he's gorgeous!!
Hi Maise,

I think I would like him, clever boy!!!

We had a Manx cat long time ago when we were children, my sister treated him like a doll and she dressed him and wheeled him around in a pram and he like to sleep in bed on his back with his paws out over the sheets like the way she had trained him.

Honestly he would talk to you and could say the word milk.:)

Love Mini xxx
He is a sweet cat.
Never heard of ragdoll cats untill a few months ago when a customer in the shop wher I work was saying about the cats she breads.They are lovly cats went on her website but no way could I afford one.
Have fun with your cheeko he looks a darling.
Hi Maisie,

I was wondering could your cat be teething and that is why he is biting???
Might not be teething... one of ours bites when he feels affectionate or when he's had enough attention (the purring gives away which is which). (He's 10 so its not teething.) He also joins us in the bathroom or shower and he can open the sliding doors which can be quite embarrassing! He slides his claws in underneath & pulls!

Love xxx