Chicken Pathia

x Lulu x

Silver Member
Hi everyone,

I'm going for an indians on sunday and really want a chicken pathia but cant find the propoints anywhere.

Can anyone tell me how many propoints this would be?


Well on he menu ots decribed like dopiaza which is 25 so am going with that. I didnt end up going last week so going this weekend instead x
i love curry but rarely have it on WW cause its to high in blummin points :(
Well i've had a bit of an up and down week. I was planning on going for an indians this sunday and using my weeklies but i decided its wi tomorrow and thats a new week so want to stick to plan 100% this week ao i had it tonight and can honestly say i did not enjoy it! Wish i never bothered x
You can have chicken tikka for 14 points add the masala and it goes up to 24pp my fave :( it's the poppadoms at 4pp that shocked me the most