Chocolate & Carbs


Full Member
After finding out the joy that i can have Thornton's diabetic chocolate i went on a spending spee.. lets just say i bought at least one of everything in the range :D but i looked at the back and :eek:

Turkish delight 25g carbs per choc bar! (i near cried) but of which 1g sugar

also milk choc 8.4g carbs per 15g of choc 1.1g of which is sugar

so i dont understand would someone explain it to me please... can i eat it as the sugar of the carbs is low or what?. i is so confused :argh:
It's total carbs minus polyols, so the little turkish bars end up somewhere around 2 per bar I think (not at home or I'd consult my stash). :) They're supposed to have less of an effect on your blood sugar than normal sugars, but some seem to produce a pretty big insulin response (Micahel has a link), so pure Atkinsers don't recommend them. I used to have some as an occasional treat, but now I eat far too much - beware!!!

Also, position yourself very near a bathroom about 4 hours after you eat them. ;)
i dont get the polytrots with em just the polywindiepops! best not eat any tomorrow
thanks for the advice guys ill be sitting near a loo from now on lol have to say they are really good chocs they dont taste any different
Can you have the thorntons bars on induction? I off on a shopping spree to morrow so I can cook mims etc., so I was wondering if I could eat the thorntons bars. I always use them to satisfy my choc craves and the 'cleansing' side effects hehehehehe.... xx
pmsl...happy cleansing hahahahahaha xxxx
I wouldn't have them in the first 2 weeks. I've just cut all 'sugar alchohol' type products out of my diet as I think they have a stalling effect.
does it list the polyols on the packet/s? otherwise how would i know what the carbs are by looking at each different choc/s? any tips?

i'm thinking of getting some of their diabetic choc, if for nothing other than the 'side effects'!! :eek: lol
I think I shall stick to the Atkins bars for a while but if a cleanse is needed......
Sorry to sound like the school marm - but it ain't worth it - and it's painful :(

Eat lots of leafy greens and you will clean yourself out well enough :)
ohh too true ladyfelsham. I have to avoid the sugar free stuff but it was wishful thinking that I could 'stomach' them xx