Chunky Dunking, taking the plunge and losing the flab!

Ladles and Jellyspoons, good morning!

I did not do shred last night *bangs head against wall* I know I know, naughty! But I decided to spend a little extra time getting ready to go to the theatre, thought it was worth it to feel pretty rather than sweaty as wouldn't have had time to shower afterwards! I did get the 30 day challenges out of the way at work - so still did squats, bicep curls, ab crunches, chair dips, planks etc. So not horrendous.

My scales are throwing a wobbly - think the batteries need replacing, but pre-weigh in sneak peak says a loss of 3lbs, so chuffed - but will replace batteries before official WI tomorrow!

Plan for today:
Breakfast: All the fruit I can get my hands on
Lunch: Cheeky bowl of Weetabix, covered in sugar (3) and Milk (both He's)
Dinner: Chunky chicken soup (think the weather has turned me into a bit of a soup addict)

Hope everyone's doing well! :)
Ooh ooh how was the theatre chick? What did you see? X
Saw one of those live broadcast thingys of a play in London - so only half theatre, great little play called "private lives" was really funny, great actors - about a divorced couple who run into each other in adjoining suites on their honeymoon with their new spouses! :)
Theatre trip sounds fab, I would definitely spend the extra time getting ready. I love getting dressed up and looking pretty. Ooo, I'm excited for your WI now. I try not to sneaky peak, but now I've got through my first few weeks I really, really, really want to keep on losing.

Are you only having cereal for lunch? I couldn't live off just cereal, I'd have that as dessert haha. I do love breakfast though. I loved having time to cook egg and tomato this morning.

They've started a 6 week challenge at SW meetings this week to raise money for charity. I'm thinking of taking part just to put a little extra pressure on me being good :)
I quite like a cereal lunch, It fills me up for a few hours and then i normally have a snack when I get home :)

I'd be tempted by the challenge, but don't go to group :(
I quite like a cereal lunch, It fills me up for a few hours and then i normally have a snack when I get home :)

I'd be tempted by the challenge, but don't go to group :(

Why don't you do the challenge here?
Like choose a target and a charity you can donate to online and check in here?
Did that make sense? X
I might set my own one, and do something for 6 weeks, and donate a £ for every lb lost, seems less complicated than something sponsored, though sure I could get boy to donate too and double my total!
I might set my own one, and do something for 6 weeks, and donate a £ for every lb lost, seems less complicated than something sponsored, though sure I could get boy to donate too and double my total!

That'd exactly what I'm going to do. I didn't really want EVERYONE knowing I was doing it.
I'm going to do £1 for every lb I lose and hopefully my fella and parents might give me some towards it too.
Might help keep me motivated to keep going.
I managed to do 30ds tonight, but holy cr** my armsssss, my poor arms, they shall never move again! I think I pretty much just swore at the TV for 25 minutes...
Lol my legs are killing from squats last night. No way am I exercising tonight ...
I managed to push through it, but am absolutely dreading tomorrow!
Ladies, Ladies, Ladies!! *jumps up like an excited puppy!*

I've lost 3 lbs this week, 3 and managed to get from the obese bracket of BMI to overweight, in your face NHS calculators!
Also, I don't ache nearly as much today as I did the morning after last 30ds, good day!

Plan for today;
Breakfast: A banana the size of my arm - seriously OH went out and brought fruit yesterday, it's absolutely huge!
Lunch: Weetabix (HeB) Milk (HeA) sugar (2Syns) an orange, some grapes, and a cuppa soup
Dinner: Mash - potatos, butternut squash and carrot, Sausages (6Syns), peas and gravy

Oh gosh I love after weigh in treats :D
Wow well done on a fantastic loss!! See Gillian is nice to you after all haha I ate two sausages yesterday thinking ah they'll be fine I'm not having any other syns today. Checked after I had eaten them 8.5 syns each. Will be checking before I eat anything unknown in the future. What sausages are you having if you don't mind me being nosey? x
Wow well done on a fantastic loss!! See Gillian is nice to you after all haha I ate two sausages yesterday thinking ah they'll be fine I'm not having any other syns today. Checked after I had eaten them 8.5 syns each. Will be checking before I eat anything unknown in the future. What sausages are you having if you don't mind me being nosey? x

Ah, this is where it's unfortunate, I guesstimated my sausages as they're made by my boss - he's got a second job as a sausage maker and has won awards - after 3 years of nagging, he's finally made low fat ones, so I've had to guess and say 3 each, I've got lean pork with cranberries!

The Asda BGTY ones are nice, and only 3 syns each I believe - maybe less but only 63 calories per sausages :)
That's not bad, I've been having the weight watchers ones because they're 0.5 syns each but couldn't eat them without beans as they're a bit dry. Will have to try the Asda ones x
Sainsburys frozen pork sausages from the healthy range are 1.5 each
Oooh thanks Jennie that's good to know x
:D :party0049::party0038:


well done love!! .x.x.x.