Coffee and coke

Alottolose hope you don't mind me asking, just notice under your user name it says you've been Dukaning since 2010.

How many times have you done it and why did you come off it?

Zakcat, I began Dukan on 30th June 2010 got to original true weight back in Dec 2010 after 6 months of Dukanning having to do a higher ratio of pv's as I was struggling with stomach problems quite badly, so it took me longer to get there and being more out of than in ketosis made me susceptible to cravings which also delayed me a bit :eek:. I wanted to go lower than original true weight but got offered a new job.

Then when I began the new job it turned out quite badly, ended up working for a female hitler, persevered but was unable to properly consolidate as work days were stressy and breaks were frowned upon.

I spent most evenings giving in to "treats" to try and make myself feel better after being bullied most of the day, despite trying harder and harder to prevent being belittled, the more I tried - the more apparent it became that I was on a losing battle.

Then my Mum died suddenly last year, I couldn't cope (still not sure I can) and I ate until I gained 3 stone extra weight - putting myself in a worse place than pre-dukan, I tried to get back to Dukan a couple of times after the funeral but it was pointless.

I got through Christmas and decided that rather than use January 1st as a time to get started I would wait and start when it felt right - that was January 8th this year and here I am :)

sorry it's a long post, but that's cutting a long story as short as I can :) x
Sorry to hear that alottolose. You know it works for you though, and you can do it again! Can't see your stats on phone, but we started working 2 days of each other!
I have great admiration for you alottolose :) I dont know if it was just the diet thats been the cause of me losing weight or the fact that im much happier with my life in general which is spurring me on. definately the removal of the stress of house buying has stopped me reaching for the cake LOL
Alottolose, thank you so much for sharing, I and I'm sure others really appreciate how much it must have taken to post all that, I feel bad for asking now.

You've had such a tough time and I think its amazing you've come back to trying to lose weight so quickly, you must be so strong. I've had some problems myself in the last year, now on anti depressants and high blood pressure tablets but nothing compared to you. I think if we are in the zone we can feel really empowered by losing weight, its giving me confidence already and its not even been two weeks.

Eating is almost always an emotional thing for those of us susceptible to weight gain its almost inevitable to be the thing we turn to in times of need but you've manage to control that so well and are on the road to recovery.

I'm so sorry to hear about your mum, it must be very hard, I can't even think of my own mum dying one day. Makes me think we probably never get over it, just learn to live with it knowing our mums would want us to be happy.

Hiya Sam,

Please don't feel bad for asking, I must admit I was tempted to edit that part out, as it tends to become a bit like the elephant in the room, folks know it's there/happened but don't know what to say or whether to say anything at all...understand that...been there myself :)

Decided not to edit it as it's not something I kept a secret on here, so those who've been around for a while are aware of it, also it's part of my motivation for losing the weight, without wanting to go into too much detail, I think that by being slimmer I've more chance of being aware of my own body and health and staying around for as long as possible for DD - at least that's the plan :)

Thank you to you all for your words of support - this board has definitely helped me through without a shadow of a doubt the darkest time in my life, I think you're right Sam, it's not something I think I'll ever get over, it's changed me in more ways than I could imagine and at the moment it's just a matter of trying to cope with each day as it comes :)
I'm glad you didn't edit, I tried to thank your post but my Thanks button seems to have disappeared. Everything looks different today, bit ominous given the email about the security breach!
yeah I looked for the thanks button too :).. had to settle for clicking the like button instead.....I'm really annoyed not to be able to see stats helps when giving advice to newbies to be able to see what they're dealing with weightwise - hope they change it back x
Just found an announcement at top of page, they'll be back he is still working on them, shame it coincided with the security breach, made me a bit suspect!
Hey alottolose, thank you for trusting us with your story! My darling mum died nearly 10 years ago and I still miss her so sending you huge hugs xx Emotional eating has been part of my life for so long now, however this dukan diet may have broken the cycle- fingers crossed x take care of you hon xxx
Alottolose totally know how you feel you never get over the death of your mam, you have just got to learn to live with the loss. My mam was my best friend and died of lung cancer at 50 I Miss her every day... and cannot believe I wont see her again....its been 17 years but still feel if she walked in the door now I'd ask if she wanted a cup of tea, and I've never been 'skinny' but I comfort ate and agree most people with weight issues use food as a crutch, alottolose you can do it again your in the ZONE xxx
Come on girl ;-)
Lol tell me about it :)'s probably why I'm stalling, insomnia is my thing though unfortunately :eek::) x

Did you see my post about the wheatgerm? They had it in Waitrose. Go down the cereal aisle fro mthe tills and it on the right hand side right on the end and right at the top. Hope it is the right stuff!!
It's a light brown/beige bag, should be wheat bran....think germ is slightly different :) thanks for checking for me xx
It's a light brown/beige bag, should be wheat bran....think germ is slightly different :) thanks for checking for me xx

Ah yes wheatgerm is brown but writing is green, holland and barrett have it on their website (2 4 £1.33)I'll have a look for you tomorrow when I'm back at work.
Lol tell me about it :)'s probably why I'm stalling, insomnia is my thing though unfortunately :eek::) x

Ha ha, welcome to my world!It's 5am and I have already done my online weekly shop and checked out the sale in a well known department store!! Now I am trying to figure out the new minimims format!! Ironing next I think!!(will be too tired to do it later!!)
Izzymum at this rate you'll be back in bed for lunch x lol