Coke zero???


determined to be slim
Hi does anyone have coke zero daily?? I'm too scared to drink it in case it stops me losing weight, just curious to know if anyone has done a week with and a week without and has there been any difference in weight loss???
I have a can every day and I lose weight
I may brave it on the weekend a nice ice cold glass would taste amazing as a weekly treat
I have mine as a daily treat :)
Any your still loosing decent amounts of weight each week?? Best get to the shop to stock up
it shouldnt make any difference, it has no calories in or anything to upset ketosis. the only problems are that you might drink less water instead and it still contains chemicals that arent really good for you.
I believe they recommend less than 500mls a day -not to say you should have that every day but if you do its not going to do much harm.
also, losses might differ week to week anyway, most people tend to have a good week followed by a smaller loss week, regardless of what they do, but then some people are consistent each week.
They recommend 500-600ml a day. I've had it since day one. I usually have a bottle of coke zero but have been know to have 2 occasionally.
I never used to drink it but I drink a bottle every day and it has made no difference to my weight losses. I find it makes me feel quite full, which helps as I only drink black coffee usually.
when I first started slim and save I used to just drink it when I wanted and as much as I wanted then I wondered the same as you if it does affect my weight loss so I stopped having it , it didnt affect my weightlosses BUT I did notice I wasnt getting as hungry at night when I wasnt having it ...maybe thats why were advised to limit it not cos it will slow your weight loss down?
Jo x
when I first started slim and save I used to just drink it when I wanted and as much as I wanted then I wondered the same as you if it does affect my weight loss so I stopped having it , it didnt affect my weightlosses BUT I did notice I wasnt getting as hungry at night when I wasnt having it ...maybe thats why were advised to limit it not cos it will slow your weight loss down?
Jo x

I hope this is the case! It helps me a lot, but I stick to recommended amount. I'd definitely have more if it's just because of the hunger. I will ask slim and save.
I asked slim and save, here is what they said...

16:56Steph M: You can have 500ml a day however we dont recomend you drink this on the diet every day you should just have it as a treat
16:56Lisa: Is this because it will cause hunger? Or will it effect weight loss?
16:59Steph M: Affect weight loss. And the caffeine and sugars etc can effect ketosis

What a shame!
Maybe if I kicked my coke zero habit I'd lose more but as its what gets me through the day I doubt I will.
I dont see how it can affect weight loss when its 0 calories. Weight loss is down to calories in and out.

It's confused me too!
It doesn't effect losses, but the damage it does to your insides is incredible- you can dissolve metal in it (leave a penny in it for a week)
It confused me when they said it, but it's what they said. I said exactly the same - its calories in and out, so can't be an issue. I am going to drink it more freely despite their advice, not loads mind, but some days I would like an extra can or 2. If I notice an issue I'll stop.
It doesn't effect losses, but the damage it does to your insides is incredible- you can dissolve metal in it (leave a penny in it for a week)

In America regular coke is used to clean blood off roads.