Step 1 Sole Source Confused about drinks advice?


New Member
Hello :)

I'm new to this site. I've been on the Cambridge Diet for 3wks now and have stuck to water only - drink wise - throughout.

After a little look around this forum, it seems there are mixed views about allowing the odd black tea / coffee or caffiene free coke? Having looked at the Cambridge website FAQs, it states that these are ok if you really can't cut them out altogether....

Im really looking for a little variety as I'm sticking to shakes only. What are your views? Did you drink anything other than water? Did it impact on weight loss?

Any help appreciated. Thank you
Black tea and coffee are fine but yes the coke issue is one I have found, some say its fine some say not too lol, try it and see if it impacts your weight loss? I also have seen people to lose weight whilst snacking on baby bell lights too, I think it depends on how much and how quick you want to lose. Fruit teas are fine too, I do sole source plus generally as I like my milk and small amounts of food. Keep going x
Its not caffeine in coke you need to avoid its citric acid
Thanks all. I guess as it was in their own FAQs, this is what confused me.

Will perhaps try a black tea. I miss tea!
Hi, I've have just done SS since Monday but had milk all day every day in my tea and lost 4 pound still since Monday :) a little milk is fine x
I use green, mint and nettle tea and, of course, plain old water. Sometimes I'll have a bottle of sparkling just to get me really excited!