
then this middle aged lady turned to me and ssaid ‘should you really be eating that at your size?’ everybody heard and i was so mortified i just paid for my petrol, and left.

Hmm, I suspect the key phrase here is 'middle aged'. ;)

Like I said, just someone trying to make herself feel good at the expense of a pretty young girl.

You need to understand that this was nothing at all to do with you Fern, it's down to the insecurity of the person who insulted you. Don't let it throw you off course. All you can do is feel sorry for a woman who's having such difficulty with her own self-esteem that she tries to project it on to others.
Hmm, I suspect the key phrase here is 'middle aged'. ;)

There are a lot of "middle aged "people in the world who would perhaps be upset by that assumption. I know if I was young enough to still be considered middle aged I would be.

This woman's problem has nothing to do with her age. She will have been rude and ignorant all her life, young, middle aged and as she goes through life if she is lucky enough to reach old age without having someone finish her off.

Keep smiling Fern, you are a sweet, pretty, young woman with the guts to have got where you are today............slim and lovely.
You look gorgeous and should be very proud of your success at losing all that weight. Keep strong!
Fern - was she joking? cos i cant understand how anyone could think you were fat....unless you were stood in a blow up sumo suit and had a hoodie over it!!! you are so slim and lovely, i think she must be blind.

Either she said it as a joke, and you have took it the wrong way - or she is an evil rotton apple who should go back to the bottom of her barrel.

Love ya Ferny xxxx
There are a lot of "middle aged "people in the world who would perhaps be upset by that assumption. I know if I was young enough to still be considered middle aged I would be.

I'm speaking as a middle-aged woman myself. I see a great deal of quite unnecessary cattiness from middle-aged women towards younger ones, particularly nice-looking ones with great figures, like Fern. I was on the receiving end of it myself when I was a pretty young woman with a great figure, too. :)

It's one of the reasons I dislike it so much when I see it in women my own age now, and I see no reason to make excuses for it. It's jealousy and resentfulness at getting older, as far as I can see.

fillymum said:
This woman's problem has nothing to do with her age.

Isn't that a bit of an assumption, too?

filly mum said:
She will have been rude and ignorant all her life, young, middle aged and as she goes through life if she is lucky enough to reach old age without having someone finish her off.

That may well be the case, neither of us knows for sure, all we can do is speculate as to the source of such nastiness on the part of a complete stranger.

The main thing is to try to help Fern understand that the problem here lies with the person who insulted her, not with herself, as that's what she seems to be struggling with at the moment. She's shown herself to be a very mature and thoughtful young woman, who's worked very hard to achieve her lovely figure, and it's sad that she's been made to doubt herself and her achievement.

Keep your head up, Fern. :)
Fern - was she joking? cos i cant understand how anyone could think you were fat....unless you were stood in a blow up sumo suit and had a hoodie over it!!! you are so slim and lovely, i think she must be blind.

Very funny lol !!!