Couldnt resist!


As a sneaky peak at the scales avd since Sunday I've lost 4lb!!! Mega excited just the kick I needed and I'm spurred on!! X x
I cheat weigh all the time! I'm back on sf this week and I weighed after one day and had already lost 1.5lb! It's a little boost especially if ur feeling a little crap it might stop u from reaching for the biscuit tin! Well done and hopefully a fab number on weigh day!
In my first week I weighed every day, and every day the scales went down by 1 lb. it was a fantastic boost and a huge inspiration to carry on, now I'm in my third week I do try to only weigh once a week but some times I can't resist 1/2 way through the week;0
However remember sometimes weight through the week can fluctuate, don't let this sabotage your weight loss x