Crazy Cat Lady's Weight Loss Diary


I'm Michelle, and while I am not really all that crazy, I do have five cats (and I am mostly a lady).

I have followed SW on a couple of occasions in the past, from the magazine, then classes, and one occasion on line. I used to do quite well for a few weeks and then get fed up, so went back to WW. I've had seven or eight attempts at weight loss with WW, most recently dropping from 21 stones to 15 stone 6.2 lbs at my lowest. Unfortunately I lost the plot and was then ill for about six weeks which meant no exercise, and went back up to almost nineteen stones. I joined SW online last week, weighing in at 18 stone 4.6 pounds, and have lost 2.8 lbs so far. My books turned up on Wednesday but I haven't had a chance to read through them fully yet - looks pretty similar to what I am used to, although Extra Easy confused me at first as I am of course used to Red days and Green days.

I wanted to rejoin SW because WW ProPoints plan really doesn't suit me at all. I do better with more restrictions on naughty treat-type foods, so Syns are ideal for me. WW just allows me to eat too much junk, and I was always in a panic about having points left over and eating rubbish just for the sake of it when I wasn't even hungry!

I do need to be mindful of my portion sizes, so I am trying very hard not to go overboard, without weighing things all of the time. I have a fair eye for what is a healthy portion, and I love vegetables so am pretty good at getting more than my five a day in. Not too much fruit, as I find that can slow weight loss down for me.

So far, I am really enjoying it!

I've decided to keep a diary as I am a regular blogger anyway on the WW site, and because I am a bit of a sod for not filling in my food diary!

I'll start as of Friday 1 June (it's 2.30 am right now, I had a really early night and have been wide awake for the past three hours!)

Been mooching around looking at recipes and at some of the success stories - WOW! So inspiring! Looking forward to making new friends and sharing what motivation and support I can.
I hopped on the scales first thing - 6.45 am - which is a fair bit earlier than usual (I follow SW on line) and was very pleased to see the same weight as I did at noon on Wednesday, when I'd slept all morning and hadn't eaten anything! While I am in the early weeks of following SW again, I am weighing myself more frequently than I would normally permit, just so I can make sure that I am not doing something wrong. Last time I did on line under my own steam, I managed to gain five pounds the first week because I ate till I was fit to burst! I like to think I've learned from the mistakes of several years ago, but it is worth keeping a close eye on for now.

The main part of the battle, for me, is that I am really enjoying my food again, and the whole feeling of being at war with the plan and my body and the way that I react to it that I've had with WW for the last eighteen months has gone. Not that I am knocking WW at all - it showed me that I can lose 5 and a half stones. Okay, I'm currently 2 and a half stones heavier, but I know I can shift that and crack on the with the remaining three or so stones to get to my long-term goal.

I've just realised that food diaries are separate, so I shall wander off in the direction of that sub-forum and start one up. For now, I am sitting here post-breakfast with a big mug of coffee and wondering when the optician is going to call so I can go and collect my new glasses!
New glasses duly collected. Oh dear oh dear - I need to do some serious house work! The dust! The state of the carpets! The windows! Argh! Oh dear me, the kitchen cupboard doors are awfully grubby-looking....Shows you how much your eyesight can go downhill in just four years, eh? Dear, dear.
Husband wants takeaway for dinner! I fancy a Chinese, but what to have, what to have? I've been very good at not using all my Syns since Wednesday, so I have more than the usual ten, but even still, I think I may have something I really like rather than something I'm not 100% sure about. Must see if I can find Szechuan style roast duck on the on line Syns counter....
Popeye's for dinner was not my idea!

If only they'd not discontinued the crawfish etouffée....

Add in the early arrival of Auntie Flo, and I am not expecting great things from tomorrow's weigh in. Which is a bit of a sod, as I saw 17 stones 13.6 on the scales on Sunday morning! Waaaaaaaaaah!

Oh well! Next week!
Well, weigh in has rolled around again! I am pleased to report a pound and a half's loss this week. A tiny bit disappointed as I have been peeking at the scales most mornings, and on Sunday was a whole half pound lighter than I am today. Still, never mind, a pound and a half is no mean feat. And, after eating all that greasy chicken and shrimp yesterday I can't expect much else. The arrival of Auntie Flo likely hasn't helped my cause, either!

I'm more delighted to have lost two weeks in a row - nearly four and a half pounds, at that - than I am upset that I haven't lost quite so much as I'd hoped. Serves me right for having a sneaky peek!
Saturday is also weigh in day, as I'd just re-subscribed to Weight Watchers for three months before signing up to SW; not quite sure how that happened! Anyway, I weighed exactly the same as I did on Wednesday, which I actually counted as a bonus after three or four days of Flo!

This morning, being Sunday, I was actually almost 2 pounds lighter than I was yesterday. Fingers crossed, I can keep things there or lower for Wednesday's weigh in on SW and rack up another loss!

Had an NSV this afternoon. Nipped in the shower, and realised (we have a three-part sliding door) that I can sidle through it sideways without tummy or bum brushing against it again. Hasn't been the case this last couple of months since packing half the five and a half stones I'd lost back on again. My clothes are looser, too. This is the first time in months I have managed to stick three weeks of losses together - I've managed three Saturday weigh ins with losses averaging a pound and a half, and that average is nearer 2 lbs for SW Wednesday weigh ins so far (if I stay the same or better today's weight).

These are the first positives in a very, very, very, very long time. At least nine months, perhaps ten.
Hi Jezzi!

Our two Norwegian Forest boys are mental enough (and large enough) to make up at least four red cats between them. And Kit secretly wants to be a red cat, too, at least she's working on matching them for bulk. Bless her, she's a beachball with feet, no matter what I try!

EE seems pretty straightforward to me. I love that I can eat meat AND potatoes at the same meal now, and the idea of having one-third of my plate (at least) full of super free foods is also brilliant. I'm eating much more healthily which again I love...WW just wasn't doing that for me any more. We'll see - early days yet, but I am pretty sure it can't be a coincidence that my weight just keeps going down at the moment. Although this morning at 7 am I was almost 18 stone 2 lbs! *lol*
Week 3, and 2.6 pounds off! Pretty pleased with that. Takes me to seven pounds off since I started SW (unfortunately the SW website has an incorrect start weight as I was heavier the day I started by two and a half pounds than I was the previous day!) so I am still shy of my first half stone award. I know I've done it, though. *g*

Delighted with how it's going, and delighted, too, with how easy it's been!
I sat and watched 'The Men Who Made Us Fat' on BBC2 tonight. Two more parts to come: I really do recommend, if you're in the UK, you watch out for a repeat or catch it on the iPlayer. Really thought-provoking stuff.

I had a very disorganised week of not really trying all that hard. I ate a lot less, I haven't been using all my healthy extras and I've gained almost a pound. 0.8 of a pound, to be precise, and that was at 7 pm tonight after a 45 minute walk at a brisk pace and 45 minutes of gardening - and taking diuretics for two days because I am blown up like a puffer fish thanks to all this blooming humidity! 96% today. Sheesh! Only 22 c, too.

Anyway, onwards and downwards. Back to being sensible and eating what I should be in terms of Healthy Extras, not being quite so lax on the Syns and getting a bit of exercise. I will be back next week to record a nice big loss!