
d14 said:
Apart from my crisps (which are usually just a snack to fill a craving, rather than hunger) I always feel full, so I don't want to just eat for the sake of it, you know? If there is a time when I want to use my syns on something else, I will..but so far the main things I use them on are my crisps, Quorn sausages and when I have to add sugar or something similar to a dish i'm making!

Yeah obviously it would be silly to eat when not hungry but maybe you could use them in cooking, or plan out your day including syns so they get used?

It's just good to get in the habit of using them as otherwise your body would get used to not having them so if you had a hungry week and used them all you might gain even though you would be following the plan and not going over. also helps to use them all (or most of them) so that much further down the line if the losses slow down you could cut back a few syns to kickstart losses again whereas if you are not using them there is no scope to do that.

You could also save syns then use them for something high in syns like a bottle of wine or cake or whatever you fancy.

Not trying to nag just it's a good thing to sort it early on as it will help your losses and also helps you stick to the plan :) x
Do you do a diary on here so can get an idea of what you are eating generally?

My food diary is here:

I just started it a couple of days ago. I usually have to eat the same meal for dinner 2-3 days in a row so my diary might be kind of boring! I have a tiny freezer (only fits my bread, sausages, mince, etc) and wouldn't have enough space to store food. And unfortunately nobody in my house wants to eat the same food as me!
Yeah obviously it would be silly to eat when not hungry but maybe you could use them in cooking, or plan out your day including syns so they get used?

It's just good to get in the habit of using them as otherwise your body would get used to not having them so if you had a hungry week and used them all you might gain even though you would be following the plan and not going over. also helps to use them all (or most of them) so that much further down the line if the losses slow down you could cut back a few syns to kickstart losses again whereas if you are not using them there is no scope to do that.

You could also save syns then use them for something high in syns like a bottle of wine or cake or whatever you fancy.

Not trying to nag just it's a good thing to sort it early on as it will help your losses and also helps you stick to the plan :) x
Yeah I understand completely. I'm not trying to hold back on using syns, I just use them when I need to. Eg. I craved chocolate on Easter so I had a couple of peanut m&m's and I syn'd them. I plan on making satay sauce tonight that has 4 syns per portion, and i'll probably have my crisps for lunch which means i'll be having at least 8 syns today. It all really depends on the day..some days i'll have 2 and others i'll have 12! I don't feel like i'm depriving myself of anything. I'm not a big chocolate/cake/sweets person, crisps and takeaways were my biggest downfalls. I'm still having my crisps but have stopped with the takeaways, but i'm sure there will be nights when family/friends are having one and I decide to also. If I do then i'll allow myself have a takeaway and syn it, but right now i'm really enjoying what i'm eating and I feel 110% "cleaner" for it. I haven't craved a takeaway at all. Had a spoonful of egg fried rice from my sisters chinese a few nights ago and it didn't taste half as good as it used to! I'm just in a better frame of mind now, I don't need to be throwing 1-2 takeaways into my body every week!
That's good that your tastes are changing just that they recommend you have at least 5 syns a day so best to try and use them. It's funny how quickly tastes change I prefer sw versions to greasy takeaways most of the time now, also you find your body changes too gets used to the healthy eating do having greasy stuff again often makes me feel ill now and puts you off having it! :) doesn't have to be used on junk either can of course have extra cheese or bread or anything else you fancy. Best of luck! X